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Thread: Giving Missions A purpose.

  1. #1

    Giving Missions A purpose.

    I have been giving missions a bit of thought recently (unavoidable when you are doing them day in day out).

    I have a couple of ideas for make them more interesting/different for a while.

    I would like a new type of mission. One where you select your mssion from a terminal as normal, but if you are clan the mission is in the heart of omni terratory and vice versa if you are omni (havent thought about neutrals but I am sure someone else could work something out). You then trundle of and do this mission. The purpose of which is to speak to an NPC at the end.

    Upon reaching this NPC he then updates your mission. Gives you a new key and tells you to go kill/get/watch whatever. You then trundle off and do that mission. Now the main difference that I would propose for this is that you only get one mission reward/XP/Money on completion of the second mission and that the reward is of a higher than normal QL to allow for the extra work envolved in doing 2 linked missions.

    My other thought is to have another type of mission, still all your usual Find and return / locate / kill / watch etc missions but with a different mission reward. The reward would be a bit like a token but would be then taken to a machine/person in Omni HQ (Yes I am Omni) when it is given/used it is added to all the other tokens given/used by other players. This could be compared to a similar system used by Clanners. Now I am not actually suggesting any gains be made from this but it would be very nice as a Weather Vain to show the current trends. (It would be nice to check this figure with a command perhaps /advantage or something)


    Clan have 901 tokens
    Omni have 724 tokens
    Neutral have 305 tokens

    This would indicate to Funcom that Clan members are carrying out more assinations murders and poisonings and acts of vandalism/sabotage to further their cause and that perhaps the story line should reflect that.

    What are your thoughts?
    Active Characters consist of.

    Wingto proud to be a member of The Dojo
    Doktaw stunned to be a member of Friends of The Dojo

    Inactive Chars consist of

    Severena happy to be a member of Friends of The Dojo
    Shackira a proud member of The Sentinals =TDF=
    All on Rimor

  2. #2
    everyone does missions, dont improve missions ... make hunting more viable again.

    I am sick of missions, missions are the best way to get exp loot AND tokens. Do not get more for missions, get more for hunting.

    sorry bro, you have some good ideas but I dont see people not doing missions, I see people not hunting.

    I miss hunting.
    I am Dnastyone Official Broom pusher for The Professionals
    Painmage my newest funnest guy

    I would have to say that this is an typicall example of how an flame should not look like. You need to think things through and calm down before you try to write an flame... Im sorry but I would rate this flame with an 1. Aggression is to high, grammar and cursing isnt to well planned... Maybe he has an point somewhere in there but I dont even want to find it. - Centurion3


  3. #3
    Here here! I fully agree Yazule, more hunting!!

  4. #4

    Neutral missions

    You mentioned not knowing where neutral missions are. I only know about low end missions, but most of them end up in Clan territory. From levels 7 to 14 (so far) I have never received a mission in Omni territory.

    On the subject of improving missions, how about needing skills other than killing and picking locks? Some kind of 'perform action' mission. Find the lab and use your chemisty skill to sabotage the process. Or nano programming. Computer Literacy. Team missions actually requiring several non-combat skills. Add to this multi-step missions where a series of intermediate goals must be achieved. Free the captured agent, who tells you about the traitor you must track down, then find out he sabotaged the defense grid and you need to fix it.

    You could even have some outdoor hunting as an intermediate goal. Have animal mobs drop something other than 'monster parts'. "Bring me the floatation gland from a QL 87-90 nanoduck."
    Last edited by DocSmock; Oct 8th, 2002 at 00:43:31.

  5. #5
    And also... nuets don't get tokens

    And as DocSmock mentioned, nuetrals get missions in cities they can get killed in (sided mobs are fun! /sarcasm) till lvl 75ish depending on where they go. Heck, even at lvl 125+ if they aren't careful about going to Omni HQ

    Something you might try out if you're bored though is some of the new quests. That seems to be more along the lines of what you're after


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