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Thread: Calm..

  1. #21
    I think x-3 is a better option.. Novas are just to expensive ip wise.. I also used nova but switched to shotgun couse i couldnt keep my nanoskills maxed with nova.. depends on ql of gun of course but think x-3 is a good option.. You know we got a conceal buff too

    And btw the area calm is a ql 126 nano... But single ones work great to, I can calm max level mission without area calm...

    Good luck!!

  2. #22
    X-3 or v3, both are good and both get about same AR. Matter of style, all are running with x-3 nowadays tho... boring

  3. #23

  4. #24
    Originally posted by Emiko
    one word..

    O M G ! You crack me up! What a good answer! Now go play your PvP and Nullity and leave us with the current topic...


  5. #25
    As a crat, just wanted to weigh in that until the highest levels, NTs are generally better in team missions than crats. Why?:

    When you are doing team missions 80 levels above yours as a crat, your charms don't work, your bot is total fodder, and your nuke nanos are way too spread out, i.e. adequate when you first can use a nano, but stretched very thin by the time you get your next one. An NT, with a more evenly laid out nuke line, will have a decent nuke through a higher %of their career.

    Crats have good exp, crit and att/def buffs. NTs get the HE, great warping spells, and some meaningful self buffs. NTs mezz is not noticeably worse than crats mezz.

    That said, crats are the absolute dominator of solo play.


  6. #26
    Originally posted by MeDaZZa

    O M G ! You crack me up! What a good answer! Now go play your PvP and Nullity and leave us with the current topic...


    Aye ,.. nullity .. has WHAT to do with calms?? and it drops once every second eon if the sun is blue. Im NOT gonna go for another class with "impossible-to-get" nanos.
    - ][GoT NuKE?][ -

    Systembug 184 Trox NT
    Sadakoi 180 Doc
    Lightshade 148 Fixer
    Thunderbug 93 MA
    Deathclown 66 Enf
    Deathjester 64 Agent
    Cubix 46 Soldier
    Pwndbug 45 Adv

  7. #27
    Originally posted by Chanliang
    X-3 or v3, both are good and both get about same AR. Matter of style, all are running with x-3 nowadays tho... boring

    v-3?? never heard of

    More info plz
    - ][GoT NuKE?][ -

    Systembug 184 Trox NT
    Sadakoi 180 Doc
    Lightshade 148 Fixer
    Thunderbug 93 MA
    Deathclown 66 Enf
    Deathjester 64 Agent
    Cubix 46 Soldier
    Pwndbug 45 Adv

  8. #28


    Originally posted by LiGHtSHaDE
    v-3?? never heard of

    More info plz
    Probably referring to the The Original Electronicum v3. "Pure" pistol, and only comes in QL200.


  9. #29
    of course there are lower ql of Original Electronicum... it's just not called "v3", but v2s...

  10. #30
    Aaaah .. thooose i have a VERY low QL of thoose .. QL 7 .. called the original electronicum or something like that. The thing is .. i WANT a bursting weapon .. pref with a fling too .. i want specials .. X-3 have that "sneak for half an hour before you can shoot" Aimed shot .. im gonna go Nova at the start .. a lot of blue skill but hey .. i HAVE to try it

    Nothing evil about v-3 or x-3 .. i just have to try this
    - ][GoT NuKE?][ -

    Systembug 184 Trox NT
    Sadakoi 180 Doc
    Lightshade 148 Fixer
    Thunderbug 93 MA
    Deathclown 66 Enf
    Deathjester 64 Agent
    Cubix 46 Soldier
    Pwndbug 45 Adv

  11. #31
    crats do get a crit buff....
    why not try an ithaca? You'll have fling to go along with your AS. Also you'll only have to raise 3 dark blue skills.

  12. #32
    Not ANOTHER char with a ithacha .. have a doc and trader with that gun already

    novas is 4 blue skills??

    Then there is thoose heavy supressors .. 5 blue skills
    Last edited by Systembug; Oct 4th, 2002 at 07:45:23.
    - ][GoT NuKE?][ -

    Systembug 184 Trox NT
    Sadakoi 180 Doc
    Lightshade 148 Fixer
    Thunderbug 93 MA
    Deathclown 66 Enf
    Deathjester 64 Agent
    Cubix 46 Soldier
    Pwndbug 45 Adv

  13. #33


    Always team a crat

    -Xp when its 8 digits to the next level, you love it.
    -Crit replacement. Not as good as mop (short range) but same %
    -100 attack 300 evades. My personal fav. I'm a trader, so if they got the HM nano they'll be using it.
    -Aoe calm. Seems to stick a lot more often than singles with reflect/dmg shields.
    -Good damage. Only a crappy crat has problems doing worthwhile damage at my level. Even if you just use a plain old v3.

    Crat + Fixer in team...perfect base. 132 (me) means they can whip out their charms in the boss room, and less recasting of calms etc. 132+100 attack from HM is great. Just add more damage. Like 2 MA and sold. MAs will have crazy attack, make sure one of them has ffok uploaded. Don't need any more healing than that, everything will drop so fast anyways.

    Bossmob: "Ah, fresh victims!"
    Big Alpha
    Bossmob misses
    Bossmob misses
    Normal - non ma of course
    Bossmob misses
    Another Alpha
    Bossmob misses
    Bossmob: "WTF?!"

    Granted this is your typical 190-195 mission. Go over 200 or outdoors and you can forget all that.

    BTW, too bad IMI Tellus is soldier only. Interesting alternative to nova, would be better attack rating for crat/nt.
    mercatura -ae f. [trade, traffic; merchandise]

    Moved off-world and found real tradeskills...along with many other things

  14. #34
    Aye i will try novas .. if it dont work out any good ill just switch

    Thnx yet again for all the info
    - ][GoT NuKE?][ -

    Systembug 184 Trox NT
    Sadakoi 180 Doc
    Lightshade 148 Fixer
    Thunderbug 93 MA
    Deathclown 66 Enf
    Deathjester 64 Agent
    Cubix 46 Soldier
    Pwndbug 45 Adv

  15. #35
    Motivational Speech: Lead From The Front <<-- are thoose buyable in shops or missionloot only?
    - ][GoT NuKE?][ -

    Systembug 184 Trox NT
    Sadakoi 180 Doc
    Lightshade 148 Fixer
    Thunderbug 93 MA
    Deathclown 66 Enf
    Deathjester 64 Agent
    Cubix 46 Soldier
    Pwndbug 45 Adv

  16. #36
    LS! for shame!! lol they're drop/box/loot only, no shop. go blitz! *giggles*

  17. #37
    Key bla bla bla : ) never played a crat so i have NO clue, hence all the noob questions
    - ][GoT NuKE?][ -

    Systembug 184 Trox NT
    Sadakoi 180 Doc
    Lightshade 148 Fixer
    Thunderbug 93 MA
    Deathclown 66 Enf
    Deathjester 64 Agent
    Cubix 46 Soldier
    Pwndbug 45 Adv

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