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Thread: New agent nano line suggestion: Disguise

  1. #1

    New agent nano line suggestion: Disguise

    Hopefully, this line will give the real meaning of the word agent. I really chose this prof having a James Bond character in line, rather than a sniper or sth.

    The Disguise line will be nanos (at various qls) that 'hack' the nanobots of your armor, changing it to the official uniforms of various hierarchy levels of your opposite side. Thus, the agent disguises to a guard of the opposite side without losing his armor benefits.

    The advantage to this line is that NPC guards now consider him as an actual guard, depending on his disguise he will have access to certain restricted areas. Due to the concentration required by the formula, the disguise is gone if you enter combat mode or another nano is executed.

    Players will be able to target a disguised agent only as a friendly unit (Ctrl-Tab, not Tab), but can still attack him if they realise his real side and intentions.


  2. #2
    I like that or how about false side so it show you as omni or clan.
    It would be a lot of fun.

  3. #3
    I like the idea. I just wish Cosmik was here so I could suggest it to him...
    Kind Regards
    Prince "Morphex" Olveda

    Agent Professional
    Proud Member of Legion
    [pic] [stat] [eqp]

    Unknown: "I am a nobody, and nobody is perfect; therefore, I am perfect"

  4. #4
    I think it would be really fun to have around. In all honesty just using the undercover kits is out of the question higher levels because of the fact you end up getting stuck that way for a week. An hour or 2 is fine.. but cut the time back on the kits please! (stuck that way for 100 hrs, more if you need to reinstall the game)

    Oops, got off topic. It'd be fun though, like our own polymorphing line of nanos. The advents got theirs, and we'd be able to change shape into a guard. Lots of rp potential there. Good idea!
    Rocco "Naels" Capone
    Atrox Martial Artist, Atlantean

    Enforcer Is The Nerfest Prof <-- The dumbest thread in the entire forums!

  5. #5
    I'd rather see False Side too. Which would NOT be hostile nano...

  6. #6
    Originally posted by Voislav
    I think it would be really fun to have around. In all honesty just using the undercover kits is out of the question higher levels because of the fact you end up getting stuck that way for a week. An hour or 2 is fine.. but cut the time back on the kits please! (stuck that way for 100 hrs, more if you need to reinstall the game)

    Oops, got off topic. It'd be fun though, like our own polymorphing line of nanos. The advents got theirs, and we'd be able to change shape into a guard. Lots of rp potential there. Good idea!
    not to mention that you will get kicked from your guild and if you are guild president.. your guild will be disbanded

  7. #7
    Originally posted by Isis
    I'd rather see False Side too. Which would NOT be hostile nano...
    Well imo, the reason they don't let it be a non-hostile nano is because if it wasn't people could gank limitless amounts of people. They see a low level person on their side wandering around in a pvp zone, they false side and gank em. Thats the best idea I can come up with why it was done. I am glad they are attempting to do it, however the idea of having a false side non-hostile nano is out of the question.

    If it lasted an hour or 2 thats fine, but like I said earlier... the amount of time you are like that needs to be reduced drastically. And also as Thoughtless mentioned, you shouldn't be kicked from your organization. There is no point in doing that. Just have it hide your organizational info on the info window.
    Rocco "Naels" Capone
    Atrox Martial Artist, Atlantean

    Enforcer Is The Nerfest Prof <-- The dumbest thread in the entire forums!

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