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Thread: New Ideas : The Engineer

  1. #1

    Smile New Ideas : The Engineer

    All classes complain about there shortcomings, but when you analyse it, its not that big a problem. So instead concentrate on adding some variety to the classes. Here a suggestion for the engineer that could be usefull with the coming camps.

    An Engineer made cannon
    You see them at the outposts already, but who built them? An Engineer of course.

    I suggest that an engineer would be able to build stationary cannons that could do area damage (like NT spell).

    This would be usefull in teams, as it would probably have to be instead of a pet to keep the balance.

    Again the Arts is in there, now make it usefull!

  2. #2

    Done and Done

    I believe the booster pack mighn add this love for engies
    PLEASE, give use a simple YES or no answer as to whether or not the CoH chests can be opened

  3. #3
    Every prof can get 'personals towers' (read gun turret) in the booster pack.

    aint no Engy love there :-(
    Dont you think I look like Geordie from Star Trek?
    Actually I look more of a cross between him and Picard don't I?

  4. #4

    Boost this

    yeah but thats the booster pack and no real asset for the engineer if everybody can do it.

    (wonder if Funcom will pay me booster pack money for this original idea?)

  5. #5
    Yeah the booster pack looks like one giant engie nerf more then anything else. Giving everyone a slayerdroid if they want it. Horray.

    Technically slayer can move but pathing is so horrible a stationairy outpost probably would be better.,

  6. #6
    I forgot, I was already told by funcom that they would use this idea (I suggested it to them long ago), sorry
    First player with all characters 100+ and still a newbie....

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