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Thread: Give Us a Leet Camp

  1. #1

    Give Us a Leet Camp


    Probably a little late to get this into 14.5, But can we pretty pretty please have a giant Leet camp? Maybe even with a giant Boss Leet that spawns every so often. I wanna see a giant Leet.

  2. #2
    There is a leet camp, Just NW of ICC, there is a boss leet there but hes not huge!

    The camp is filled with Supa Leets, dont be distracted by their appearence tho, these are really vicious!

    So beware!
    Tikon - Forever an MP. Rest in peace my dear old friend.

    Remember, Life is a Journey, Not a Destination, So enjoy the ride..

  3. #3

    Oh.. My mistake

    Well in that case just jack up the scale on the boss leet...

    Hehe... I can picture it now, A leet that makes an atrox look like a.... Well.... a leet

  4. #4
    hmm a giant glowing leet..

    /me faints of cuteness overexposure
    Lvl 215 Rubika 1 Omni Bureaucrat

    Lvl 176 Rubika 1 Omni Soldier
    Lvl 100ish Rubika 1 Omni Doctor
    Anarchist of TEEN GIRL SQUAD!

    <BombScare> i beat the internet
    <BombScare> the end guy is hard

  5. #5
    oh yes round of cluster bullets and there are vicious corpses all over..those are dangerous I can trip you know.
    General Hershel "Kasimir" Jurik

    President of Division 9 R.S.G.E


    Braumiester of the Pagan Bartenders, wielder of dual SSo8s

    Stealer of hearts, creds, and anything not nailed down!

  6. #6

    Thumbs up

    Ent, Trade...and Rompa, Reets, Babboons

    They all need a leetarium or something for advents. Theres like 1 or 2 leets that spawn in NE ent garden, thats it.
    mercatura -ae f. [trade, traffic; merchandise]

    Moved off-world and found real tradeskills...along with many other things

  7. #7
    there also hasta be a lvl 300 leet camp, that spawns a ginormous boss leet, and then THOUSANDS of lvl 1 leets!!!!
    The bird of paradise alights only upon the hand that does not grasp

    The original Goddess of Stabbitty Death

  8. #8
    Thousands of lvl1 leets? The lagg will be, well... it will be laggy
    Cool idea though... but I guess we will see 1 NT, and then thousands of dead leets...

    The Save the leets-foundation will go ballistic if that is implemented...
    Master 10th Dan

  9. #9
    I was in a mission when a Dev on TEST, RANDY, came in to look at a Graphical Glitch.

    Before he left he sat down at a Table with a computer and looked to be using it. Next thing I see is like 75 or more Leets everywhere. It is an Awesome Sight to behold a Flock of Leets.

  10. #10
    Originally posted by Alysanda
    "I love folks who try to sell nodrops on the shopping channel, reaffirms my belief that humans are a dieing breed.." - Blitzdakka

    Wow i'm famous!

    Oh, and the leet boss in andromid is pretty big, not huge persay, but a whole heck of a lot bigger then a normal leet, at least waste high if not a bit more.

    Steppenrazor omni Nt 109
    Blitzdakka agent 65
    Thudgun omni soldier 7 (my newest toy, a nanomage soldier, hey 2 negitives can make a positive

    "of all the thinks i've lost, I truly believe i miss my car keys the most, i'm late for work"

  11. #11


    The Save the leets-foundation will go ballistic if that is implemented...
    Not if they put a reflect and dmg shield on them

    {insert lag}
    Leet000 was attacked by nanobots...
    You were hit for 49 points by Leet000's reflect shield
    You were hit for 91 points by Leet000's damage shield
    Leet001 was attacked by nanobots...
    You were hit for 49 points by Leet001's reflect shield
    You were hit for 91 points by Leet001's damage shield
    Leet998 was attacked by nanobots...
    You were hit for 49 points by Leet998's reflect shield
    You were hit for 91 points by Leet998's damage shield
    Leet999 was attacked by nanobots...
    You were hit for 49 points by Leet999's reflect shield
    You were hit for 91 points by Leet999's damage shield
    {crash to desktop, hard lockup}
    BTW, "a Flock of Leets"
    Do we know what the 'correct' term for a collection of leets is?
    It could be a gaggle or herd or anything
    Last edited by Mercatura; Sep 9th, 2002 at 20:46:05.
    mercatura -ae f. [trade, traffic; merchandise]

    Moved off-world and found real tradeskills...along with many other things

  12. #12
    Originally posted by Mercatura

    BTW, "a Flock of Leets"
    Do we know what the 'correct' term for a collection of leets is?
    It could be a gaggle or herd or anything
    An uber of leets?
    Lvl 215 Rubika 1 Omni Bureaucrat

    Lvl 176 Rubika 1 Omni Soldier
    Lvl 100ish Rubika 1 Omni Doctor
    Anarchist of TEEN GIRL SQUAD!

    <BombScare> i beat the internet
    <BombScare> the end guy is hard

  13. #13
    How about a new mission where the boss is a Giant Leet as big as tara and his name is larry the leet. hehe Perhaps you get a coat or something for killing him...Larry's Coat of the Leet. Make it an uber mob too, harder to kill than tara in a 25% zone with dozens of low level aggressive leets spawning.

    Oh what about a rollerrat camp, or a Giant RollerRat even.
    God I love those little xp balls.
    Rk1- Sol Epsilon3

    -Gameover Man
    -Summoned, I come. I take the place which has been Prepared for me. I am grey, I stand between the candle and the star. We are grey, we stand between the darknes, and the light.

  14. #14
    roler-rat camp is a must, i think i heard some ppl talking bout one on the test server, i am SO there!!!
    The bird of paradise alights only upon the hand that does not grasp

    The original Goddess of Stabbitty Death

  15. #15
    Originally posted by Alysanda

    An uber of leets?
    I know the term LOL is used spectacularly loosely, but when I read that, I very much did, LOL.
    Vanguard Mharc. Self-equipper extraordinaire no longer. I'm back!

  16. #16
    An Uber of Leets fits the name perfectly
    "There is a storm coming! Our storm! - Paul Mua'dib"
    Randomize argument in scripts!

    The magical pony, scene1-5,6

    Im glad there are trolls and whiners, gives people something to compare with. Makes the rest of us look better.

    "Spam is not just something you do, its a way of life."


  17. #17
    Originally posted by Mercatura
    Ent, Trade...and Rompa, Reets, Babboons

    They all need a leetarium or something for advents. Theres like 1 or 2 leets that spawn in NE ent garden, thats it.
    "leetarium" - hahahaha

  18. #18
    What is with the desire for another "camp"? Are you all EQ refugees in search of a more futuristic place to "camp"?

    I say take Clon**** or Lush Fields and make a ****load (and I mean in excess of a tens of thousands) of Leets in random sizes and levels spawn randomly all over the place at random times.

    Hell, you could even make it an event whenever one of the suns set where all the different Leets gather to watch it in a different place each day or something.

    Oh wait...I forgot how much lag that would incur....
    .: Naraya :.

  19. #19
    "whoa an uber of leets.."
    - i dig it.
    Lvl 215 Rubika 1 Omni Bureaucrat

    Lvl 176 Rubika 1 Omni Soldier
    Lvl 100ish Rubika 1 Omni Doctor
    Anarchist of TEEN GIRL SQUAD!

    <BombScare> i beat the internet
    <BombScare> the end guy is hard

  20. #20
    Actually besides that leet camp, this is a little smaller, but when i was omni,

    i leveld at the LEET PIT

    its in the omni forest, across from teh barracks

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