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Thread: Yalmless zones!

  1. #21
    everquest had an incredibly good simulation of being a passenger on a sea voyage. it didn't take long for me to quit because of it.

  2. #22
    Im not suggesting to revoke flying.

    Im saying, one zone; Deep Artery Walley (or something like that). Have a poor percentage of notum/plauged by storms. You might expirience some troubles flying here.

    Then, add some of them camped ql150+ mobs in there, would make things more interesting. I know tara is a similar thing, with its' 25%. But afterall, that is all highlevels do nowadays, fight it out in campalot, over some pesky loot.

    You can fly all you want everywhere, I just want to add some nonflying fun to the zones where noone ventures anyway, and add a reason for us to venture there

    No reason to get angry Thyrra, nothing I ever suggest on the forums hit the live servers anyway. :/
    Apprentice Frakk // MA - Rk1 - Stuff - Quote
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    Adventures of Frakkman
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  3. #23
    Originally posted by Frakk2000
    Im not suggesting to revoke flying.

    Im saying, one zone; Deep Artery Walley (or something like that). Have a poor percentage of notum/plauged by storms. You might expirience some troubles flying here.

    Then, add some of them camped ql150+ mobs in there, would make things more interesting. I know tara is a similar thing, with its' 25%. But afterall, that is all highlevels do nowadays, fight it out in campalot, over some pesky loot.

    You can fly all you want everywhere, I just want to add some nonflying fun to the zones where noone ventures anyway, and add a reason for us to venture there

    No reason to get angry Thyrra, nothing I ever suggest on the forums hit the live servers anyway. :/
    Revoking flying? Yeah that'd be a bit extreme. But as a OmniTek employee, one of the things that constantly puzzles me...

    Where are the huge anti-aircraft guns for the approach to Omni Entertainment?

    Seriously though. How about:
    1. Take the Parspalum mob type (those immobilized plant mobs with a long range)
    2. Slap a gun mesh on it.
    3. Change it's AI so it can't aggro anything below 42m or above 300m.
    4. Sit back and laugh at all the people trying to maintain 41m altittude (right above a guard's range and right below the gun's)

    If the devs wanna be really evil, make said gun with an AoE attack + root side effect
    History admires the wise, but it elevates the brave. - Edmund Morris

    The first faults are theirs that commit them, the second theirs that permit them. - Unknown

    Did you ever get the feeling that the world had an abundance of idiots? And that God had arranged for you to meet every single one of them before you died? - Kuroshio

  4. #24
    I go to deep artery valley more than a little. I like it there.

    Of course, I have never seen another player unless they came with me. Once, I saw someone on /list.
    Taren "Jynne" Suitt, Level 216/16 Eternalist
    Knight of Unity of the Rose - Check out our AO Tools!
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    Iron Law of Exploits: If it can be exploited, it will be exploited. However a rule is exploitable, the exploits become the rule.

  5. #25
    Who is this new sassy Thyrra, must have some sort of high post count psychosis

    But, she is right. I used to drive from Bliss to somewhere way out in Varmint Woods, before there were any of these new whompas, and it would take 25 minutes of travel time. Never again.

    If you want some excitement back in reaching your mission site, select Deep Artery Valley missions and deplane at the border, the area isn't big and there are always a few helpful locals around to greet you.

    There is nothing broken to fix, in this regard.

    But, I like your point about having places that are dangerous. A new isolated zone could contain a notum flux due to local magnetic influences that scrambles plane radar. No planes allowed.

    No map is available, yet, as it is uncharted. As you venture deeper into this area you discover higher and higher level monsters and more valuble items (not monster loot) scattered about the terrain randomly. Lost goodies from your not-so-lucky predecessors.

    This would be exciting and have no effect on mission runners who wished to avoid the area.

    I think most of the fun would be after you found something useful, will you get out alive or will you get lost and run in circles, forever.

    As a roleplaying bonus, and suggested before, maybe someone could undertake the mapping of this area by exploring it heavily( and running very quickly). He could then sell these maps at auction.
    "So shines a good deed in a weary world."

  6. #26
    sorry folks. ut i worked hard for my Yalm, played constantly scriming and aving fot three weeks and to not be able to use it would suck.
    Who wants to run everywhere when you can use a Yalm. In cities in aint such a big deal but why would anyone want to run??? Having to cross bridges, run round buildings etc.
    No, i ain't havin it.

  7. #27
    hobbes got the point

    This yalmless idea, is not intended to screw over mission runners/low levels. Only add it to some zone where highlevels can have fun

    It's just a suggestion.
    Apprentice Frakk // MA - Rk1 - Stuff - Quote
    Sunye // Doc - Rk1 - Quote
    Rookie Frakk2000 // MA - Rk2
    Freshman Frakked // Soldier - Rk2
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    Frakk2000's guide to twinking -> link <-
    Adventures of Frakkman
    Overpowered since 15.0 - MA forever!

  8. #28
    nerf yalms! u can expect to see that right after the "team window fix"!
    -Rhalla OMNI Fixer RK2

  9. #29
    i kinda like this idea... As you said.. special Unique Envirements with No Yalm zone's =p Some zones are nearly empty anyway hehehe
    RK1 - Hajk - Solitus - Lvl 217/DR 16 - Nanotech - Apocalypse
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  10. #30

  11. #31
    Originally posted by hobbes
    Who is this new sassy Thyrra, must have some sort of high post count psychosis

    But, she is right. I used to drive from Bliss to somewhere way out in Varmint Woods, before there were any of these new whompas, and it would take 25 minutes of travel time. Never again.

    If you want some excitement back in reaching your mission site, select Deep Artery Valley missions and deplane at the border, the area isn't big and there are always a few helpful locals around to greet you.

    There is nothing broken to fix, in this regard.

    But, I like your point about having places that are dangerous. A new isolated zone could contain a notum flux due to local magnetic influences that scrambles plane radar. No planes allowed.

    No map is available, yet, as it is uncharted. As you venture deeper into this area you discover higher and higher level monsters and more valuble items (not monster loot) scattered about the terrain randomly. Lost goodies from your not-so-lucky predecessors.

    This would be exciting and have no effect on mission runners who wished to avoid the area.

    I think most of the fun would be after you found something useful, will you get out alive or will you get lost and run in circles, forever.

    As a roleplaying bonus, and suggested before, maybe someone could undertake the mapping of this area by exploring it heavily( and running very quickly). He could then sell these maps at auction.


    I mean, somewhere HARD to go, with good loot and mobs.
    and a place thats not easy to reach..
    I can see why pepole whine about the idea, cause then they might have to work to get they'r uber stuff!! (Shrug WORK???)
    and, since this is a place that I doubt will be camped, the "casual gamer" Might have also get a chance on getting some of the stuff..
    this should NOT be a place for pepole under level 100, or even 150... but somewhere that you could get your behind whopped HARD if you wasnt carefull...

    a place to explore, with NO maps....
    a place where mobs might ambush you, and send you back to reclaim before you could blink, but with stuff that really made the risk worth it.. (like ql 300 ncu's or something)
    agents could use conceal, advs could use some nifty outdoor skills
    crats would have a real use for aoe mezz, and so on..
    need an evac? have a fixer in team

    ah... too bad its only a dream that never will come true in AO....
    RETIRED:Cassondra "Hotsy" Magistrale, Proud General of OPEC
    And a gazillion other chars

    Member of the Grumpy Old Crat Bunch
    Bureaucrats, Broken as intended
    Chilled:The crat community.. bitter but entirely supportive, kind of like coffee.
    P.S. i didn't proof read this, or check for spelling, I wouldn't want to Nerf my post by actually Fixing the problems.

    This post is fucntioning "As Intended" that means i don't have to fix any problems with it. (Snipped from pooncrat).

  12. #32
    i'm not flaming as such; really . i'm trying to get across the idea that making a whole zone no-yalm is far fetched and rude. running from camelot to a mission at the bottom of the zone and then running out again is no joy after the 500th time.

    i like hobbe's proposal of an area where we don't know anything until we get in there.

    i'd add the suggestion that it have a changing landscape, or at least roaming-happy mobs. if the landscape is static it won't be long before somebody makes a map and posts it online.

  13. #33
    I like the Idea of a No-Fly Zone. Perhaps only 1 or 2 tough, and not in currently existing playfields. There are several playfields which are not available to us at the moment. When funcom decides to open them up, perhaps we'll get something like that. The idea about forcing ppl to use swimming skill in that area is fantastic, or maybe vehicle water even. When was the last time you saw someone using a hydro?

    As far as the boosterpack idea, dont make areas with towers no-fly zones. Just give the towers anti-aircraft guns with ranges such that you couldnt see ppl on the ground and be out of anit-air rainge.
    ....just a thought.
    Rk1- Sol Epsilon3

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