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Thread: what keeps you playing? an AO memory thead

  1. #21

    Ah the pumpkins

    Yes, yes the pumpkins

    Defending the barracks with 50 or more people, that was just awsome ( died about a 100 times that night, but most fun i ever had in ao )

  2. #22


    here's mine:

    - the first time I saw a sunset in the newbie yard
    - the first time I saw Omni-Trade
    - hunting minibulls, reets, and snakes in Galway County when it was full of mobs (that was the shyt back then)... and seeing who could make the longest minibull train =)
    - running over the hills in Galway Shire with a team and the whole team stops to enjoy the music
    - the first time I saw a Hammer Broodling
    - that one patch where they made food appear in your hands... that was cool
    - looting a yalm from a chest, going on the guild chat to show it off and getting everybody jealous >=)
    - my MA doc getting attacked by some clannie MA in Meetmedere that conned orange (I surprised myself by whooping his ass)
    - santa leets at christmas time
    - going into Baboons and role-playing with the regulars there
    - charming npc's with my crat and renaming them to whatever I wanted... lol... back then Omnis were going into clan stores and changing the names of the shopkeepers to "Omni-Tek is your Friend"

  3. #23

    Smile aaaah the memories

    My two pence worth

    - After having thought TIR was huge in itself - stepping outside the Gates for the first time and thinking OMG !
    I just sat on a hill there watching the sun rise with the city of TIR in the background
    [url =]First screenshots[/url]

    - Going hunting for the first time -NL Desert Oasis and seeing all those huge Brontos there !

    - Grouping at the NW Tir Op and avoiding the 'orrible spiders at the Temple

    - Entering Steps of Madness for the first time and hearing that eerie music

    - Travelling along the road in Varmint Woods - coming across Leg Chopper by accident - WTF was that ?!? Then subsequent times entering the dangerous wolf infested woods trying to skirt around Chopper without him catching you ! keyboard trembling stuff !

    - Finding my Yalm and REALLY finding out how big the world was !

    - Climbing through the waterfall approach to find Dogda

    - My first entry in Omni land to go hunt mutants and running for my life when the Bleeders showed up

    - The first time I mezzed a mission - nail biting stuff - deep inside a dungeon surounded by reds just baying for blood.

    oh and so many more.....
    Lvl 107 NT - Rubi-Ka 1 - Clan

  4. #24
    Okay here's mine:

    -going to neleb's with RL buddy and meeting my future guidmates. We ended up teaming with them and just having a lot of fun there. Our doc Jacrot would get in sneak mode way before you could disapear and go behind a clanner and say "Boo" was funny because he was really fat and seing him sneak...made the wait for neleb well worth while.

    -going on a mission with guildmate Bugoluv and he springs a trap and here comes the xp ball (roller Rat) so he calms it and drops a apple in front of Needles to say he did'nt take the bait.

    -teaming with Jaryk and learning the ropes to being a good engi and power leveling to 100+, that was awesome. Though these were the days when I would spend hordes of money on wrangles and mochams. Had slayer at lvl 106.

    Ladybot 153 Engi
    Rasputis 140 Mp
    Kumiyo 106 MA
    Thalaw 80 Crat
    Medcorps 66 Doc
    Ultimatespy 63 Agent
    Sinnerman 30 Enf

  5. #25
    - when every1 used to gather outside newland city by the lake for teams ( sigh . .. )
    - hunting rhinos in newland desert (THAT WAS THE BESt BACK THEN) ( the scenery was wonderful)
    - hunting in vermit woods
    - first time exploring omni lands >
    - first time with yalma
    - when i used to think my lv36 nt was a "high lvl"
    - playing this game for 24 hrs straight once . . . .

  6. #26
    all the memory you can get from this game are great,

    First time I saw a Hammer broodling and get smashed by him (now each Time I saw one, they are as good as dead)

    -"discovering" NW mines and this incredible hunting ground.

    - Getting Quantum wings and discovering the game in another view, the flyers view, I remember logging each time up of the ent platform's tower.

    -walking while very low lvl on the longest road, sweating as ever to not get aggroed by some ugly stuff...

    - first clanner I killed, because he was saying something bad about Mr Ross. (blasphemy :-) ))))

    I just love getting around in this game, always something new to see outside...
    "make Whisky bottle a real weapon!"

    Omni Tek Armed Forces

  7. #27
    Funny how the outdoors are where everyone's best memories come from, but no one goes there anymore :/

    ~exploring the road outside Omni Ent as a noob and walking into PM and finding the knight outpost

    ~being slaughtered by two knight guards and wondering why

    ~gridding to tir, only to not know where the grid was to get back

    ~trying to run back to omni from the tir grid only to end up lunch for some hungry lizard

    ~the days I used to tank bleeders in NW mines and die just to save the doc, but feeling good that the doc lived despite losing all my xp

    ~900 x990 Greater Omni Forest and all the deaths it brought me

    ~Using my solar gun to lvl 10 because I didn't know how to put ammo in other weapons

    ~THE BARRACKS in OF and the camps we used to run too from there

  8. #28
    Ahh, the good old feeling of the level 10 newbie thinkign she can go by foot from Rome to Omni-1, because "it doesn't look so far on the map"...
    Jen Markarian - Put the weirdness back in Omni-Mining
    Updating my stories -- 19/03/08. Going slowly, but certainly
    Anarchy Reloaded - AO webcomics for the sake of being silly

    I never want to lose what I have finally found
    There's a requiem
    A new congregation
    And it's telling me: go forward and walk
    Under a brighter sky
    -- Delerium, Euphoria --

  9. #29

    Things I like to look back upon:

    -The time I tried to walk from 4holes ro trade (not using wompah) at around lvl 40-ish (?) trying to stear clear of the red, aggro mobs.

    -Tanking at the shades-camp in 20k with my first char (which happens to still be my main), having 1 doc, 2 healpets, 1 HE on me, chain-mongo'ing, having from 7-8 mobs on me constant for 2 hours, hoarding in XP (the others took short breaks to recharge nano when they needed. Not often, due to the HE though )

    -My first trip into the grid, never even heard about it before, my team of six went to MMD to see if we could find some clanners to kill. I was so nervous I was jumping in my chair, my heart beat 2x normal speed!

    -The first time I saw a clanner. He was deep red to me, and I ran as fast as I could the oposite direction of him, but he tried to follow me. Managed to get away somehow. That was before I understood about gas-lvls and such Scary. Real scary.

    -The times I got late for work because I wanted to play 'just five more minutes', and those five minutes suddenly became 5 hours (gonna happen today if I keep going. know what I mean)

    -beeing in Steps of Madness the first time (after killing pumpkins)

    - finally beeing able to team with my guildmates that had powerlvld since they had been in since beta, and allready knew how things worked.

    -getting attacked by the "daft clan something" in the omni training grounds. I actually thought it was another player at once, and found it unfair that he attacked me all the time.

    -when I decided to run missions until I could afford a yalm. At lvl 67, I had about 1.2mill credits to my name, and had finished a mission. On my way out, I thought to myself "awww... I'll just look through the nearby rooms, and see if there's some unguarded chests I can loot with little risk" (before I knew the real value of tokens) anyway, the first chest I looted after thinking that thought made me literally jump up and scream of joy! A YALM! My first yalm! I had saved up 1 4th of the price, and then I FOUND it! I screamed and sendt tells to everyone I knew. One of the happiest moment of my life on RK. After levling and spending IP, I did nothing but fly around the next hours. (oh, and trying out how far up I could get, and how much pain I would get from falling so far)
    THAT was excellent!

    I bet there's more moments worth remembering, but that's it for now. My bed is calling my name.

  10. #30
    Haha- these are all great.

    My own...

    1. Getting out of the newby yard and walking through Tir for the first time with my first character, getting totally lost... and just sitting in awe of an online city that actually *felt* like a city.

    2. Doing the exact same thing in Entertainment 3 days later.

    3. And then again in Rome.


    4. Buying a Kodiak at level 30 with my totally gimped Adventurer (though I thought I was pretty uber), and taking a 2 day sight-seeing trip through the Omni territories.

    5. Stumbling upon the Notum Cannons in Clon**** for the first time, and realizing that the boom wasn't just part of the music track.

    6. Too many sunrises and sunsets to recall... especially in Omni Forest.

    And of course, casting Quantum Wings for the first time.

  11. #31
    Do the Notum Cannons always have this effect on people stumbling upon them for the first time? It happened to me as well. At first I thought it was some kind of storm... was really wondering what was happening until I saw the rays of light shot in the sky, and folloed them to the other end of the cannons.

    And when I had tried the game the first tme, and was a complete noob... I thought those guys in the training ground WERE part of a clan. As if they was some "Daft Can" somewhere, until I understood that it was just an English words I had misunderstood.

    Hmm... newbiness is a good thing, in a way
    Jen Markarian - Put the weirdness back in Omni-Mining
    Updating my stories -- 19/03/08. Going slowly, but certainly
    Anarchy Reloaded - AO webcomics for the sake of being silly

    I never want to lose what I have finally found
    There's a requiem
    A new congregation
    And it's telling me: go forward and walk
    Under a brighter sky
    -- Delerium, Euphoria --

  12. #32
    Well, I really can't say much being how I just started playing AO but I read what all you have written and I am just amazed at it all. I mean....I run around the back yards just leveling up and helping up the new players with what little I know. I just get all giddy when someone invites me to team up with them for a hunt or some small mission nearby. My only grips come in the form of credits (or lack thereof). It seems I spend all my time trying to earn enough money for the smallest accessory. tell the truth I wasn't really impressed at all with AO until I played it, and now I am so hooked it is not even funny. I skipped both classes today just to play all day long. Once I get a few levels up I plan on venturing out into the world and hopefully trying to join a guild or something so I can actually socialize with people I know rather than just random persons. All in all....this game is too awesome. (The sad part: It's apparent I have missed so much from waiting so long to take part in the AO world)

  13. #33
    Katelin "Missmaul" Locknane -Sloooowly climbing her way out of the dank pits of gimpness. But stil crazy. Ya know...just in case you cared.

  14. #34
    Lingerie. And hot pixelated female characters.

    OH a memory.. lets see..

    When someoen I knew was near the Outpost in Lush fields.. and invited me out to group there. I had never been.. so he told me to grid to the resort and run up the road.

    Yes you guessed it.. I ran the wrong way. As I was getting close.. to the wrong outpost.. I saw a huge spire.. and thought "Cool almost there".

    Then all of the sudden out of nowhere this HUGE white monsterous machine (Yes it was a juggernaut) Starts walking towards me. Scared to all hell.. being as I was level 25 at the time.. I dart off the road trying to get away.

    Yes guessed it again. A bloodcreeper decided to eat me for lunch. I didnt go back to lush fields until lvel 60 after that. I told my friend he was nuts for being out there.
    Shattered Dreams

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