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Thread: Postponed. what was the change anyways?

  1. #1

    Postponed. what was the change anyways?

    I have been waiting all month for this patch, because i was sick of missions, since i have hit lv90's i am doin missions(being playing since first day of game realise) , my point is what u guys offer in AO is not satisfying most of your customers, yea when u first start AO is wonderful everything is new great graphics from most of the online games around but when u lay it for 3 months it get boring because u do all same stuff find a group(30min) get the missions (5min) get to the mission (5min) buff up (2=5min depends if u have pet class caracters and buff askin maniacs) than complete mission (20-45min) share boss loot(5min) grid , goto another mission ,recruit if ppl left or split and start all over again this is what u do all times in AO if u wanna lv and nothing else caan be compared to this because nothing offers that ql exp in the game. Than what do you do after u hit lv 170's 30 mil per lv starts about 2 days per lv time and u have to be well equiped too keep up with teams and u start camping , #1 camp smuglers Den : i dont think anyone hasnt been there yet, #2 Goddamm Tarasque uber loot if u can ever see them or can ever know what he dropped. This 2 are best caming spots that this game offers rather than profession or breed specified unique items. After u do these things lving and camping what isleft to do PvP haha all u ll see is will be either being ganged or gang someone there is no fair PvP in this game, Arena well noone gets there without buffed like crazy and there is no guarrantee u are not gonna gget gnged there neither.
    Also this new patch is not offering any balance between caracters neither ma's and fixer's rulz, enf, soldier, trader and adv cool, rest forget em all peet clases are doomed because they cant even finish a mission without their pets lost , nt's say poor nt's u need to be sooooooo rich if u wanna be an nt=p
    Another thing, if u are thinkin that this new camps will be a solution i dont think so that noone will use those camps if there is not uber loots on those bosses because all high lv camps are way far away fom scanners and aggro gets out of control so easy , in addition why the hell am i gonna leave missions which is so far easier than the mobs in those 150+ camps and good exp boost for mission reward if i wanna power lv.
    If u havent fall asleep and still reading this boring thread, my conclusion is this is what this game offers to you and i was hoping that this new patch might change something but this patch even cant be completed by FC yet so we ll see.
    PS:If are askin why am i still laying this game i really dont know=P
    Addiction might be an answer=)
    Last edited by Cacrot; Sep 11th, 2002 at 12:17:31.

  2. #2


    The thing is, it IS actually possible to get xp in other places. Noone does it though, because it is so comfy to get a mission in newland and do a short mission in BS and the only time they come to Omin-Ent or Tir, is if they need to sell some expensive stuff like a Division9 QL200 for 5 mill or something.

    If you want to hunt at high levels, you COULD go to EFP or other places, where stuff that gives 60k per pop DOES live and spawn. Just noone tried it, its too far, uhh.. to fly in your yalm for 3 minutes etc......

  3. #3
    as i said why am i going to leave missions and go to EFP, nerf mission why not,but in the prize off better outdoor hunting, so the pet classes wont consider themselvs traders, and trader considers themselves PvPers.

  4. #4
    Originally posted by Nexsus
    I am so sad for you players that asume or pretend to know alot i have ben on test ih ave ben doing alot of the boss camps do they give über loot well that depends on what you call über lot do they give you stuf you can get from normal bos mobs yes they do are they harder to kill than normal boss mobs yeah atleast they should sometimes thay don't do they give alot of experience yeah actualy they do my level 160 want out on some hunting and broubht back whit him 1.5mill XP in one kill of a level 131 boss mob and ofcourse i got some of the bos nanos that my class go in last patch Adv and I was never execting to get them.
    Here - you can have some of mine:
    . . . . . . ! ! ! ! ! ! ? ? ? ? ?

    Dont spend'em all in one place


  5. #5


    Have you ever heard of a sentence ? Cant make sense of your post anyways even if it did have sentences. You need to finish grade school bud, seriously, before you start writing hings and posting them in public places such as message boards for example.

  6. #6
    hahahah I have to agree with you Hollow. I read about 4.5 words of his post, crossed my eyes, then moved on to the replies. About the EFP hunting. I'm a 183 Omni Trader. Yea I want to go there with a team of 6 around my level to be ganked by 20 clan title farmers.

  7. #7
    Originally posted by AstroCreep2k
    hahahah I have to agree with you Hollow. I read about 4.5 words of his post, crossed my eyes, then moved on to the replies. About the EFP hunting. I'm a 183 Omni Trader. Yea I want to go there with a team of 6 around my level to be ganked by 20 clan title farmers.
    Bahaha, you're worried about being ganked? If you're in a full team and high level like you say, that should be the last thing on your mind.

    I went to hunt medusae in their cities in DAV a few weeks back, just me and a friend (at the time, both of us were a little over 150).

    He's a doc, I'm a meta, I figure we can take most stuff, and if not, let the pet soak damage while we fly away.

    First I got aggd by an orange medusa while I was buffing. This dark orange mob nearly raped me. It hit substantially harder than any ace I've ever encountered, and quite a bit faster as well. We barely survived the encounter, and when the mob dropped, we each got about 19k xp.

    We did a bit more hunting, and it just got worse. The real red mobs were (duh) even meaner than the first one. They hit disgustingly hard (twice in a row for 600+) and their only weakness is that they don't have that many hp. After running in circles tons avoiding their hits while my demon followed em around in circles knicking away... we finally got... 22k xp.

    A full team of six including a doc and a good mezzer (Crats with their AoE would be great) could take them down w/o too much trouble, but the xp is barely what you'd get in a ql180 mission... I'm used to 30-60k+ xp, and this was just a joke.
    <Cheeze|Work> i told iwi to start her own guild
    <Cheeze|Work> "downward spiral"
    <Cheeze|Work> instead of "uprising"

  8. #8
    guess what i can type whatever the way i want, if i wanted to write like a prize winner writer, i can, but the point is not that point what it counts is what it is ment, also if u have seen this sentence there is no freakin one dot , because sentences can be completed with junctions and it is considered as free style writing , but u will learn this when u finish your college , or mke your literacy class better.
    PS: Just know what u are talkin about, and try to write like me one time, also try to write when u are 78hours without sleep=p
    Last edited by Cacrot; Sep 11th, 2002 at 20:09:24.

  9. #9
    >>what it counts is what it is ment

    (but consider that perhaps nobody knows what you meant if they can't understand you? )

    do I understand correctly that you guys got 1.6 million XP from killing a lvl 131 boss?? Whoa! that would be a change!

    (and if I misunderstood, well, check my first sentence )
    Nostra343 - the crazy tanking fighting nuking debuffing healing cursing nanomage MP.

  10. #10
    i wont blame anyone for my stupid post i ll edit iit later on still too sleepy and cant sleep for some reason.

  11. #11
    Originally posted by Cacrot
    i wont blame anyone for my stupid post i ll edit iit later on still too sleepy and cant sleep for some reason.
    It wasn't stupid. However, you forgot to mention that

    Rubi-Ka's FiRST Neophyte Enforcer - Holder of Spoon - Stirring the pot - Pumpkin' Pie anyone?
    >Wo "Caol" Ha - 187 ENF | >Thzunami - 97 MA | >Wo "Dioxy" Ha - 30 TRA | In memory of The Council

    Jayde's Item Database - All you'll ever need -

    "BACK AWAY" - Pogobear / Skymarshal

  12. #12


    Hi, Cacrot.......and I really disagree with your post (and since we are both expressing opinions, we neither should get upset with the other, yes?)

    Having to wait a week for a patch, so it wont be bugged, is more/less irritating than dealing with a buggy patch? *trick question for some, who have legit concerns,....... not a problem for folks who want to complain either way it falls*

    Jeesh.......FunCom cant win! *grin*They should have charged double what the game originally cost, for the hidden benefit of getting to yell "Unfair!" everytime something gets addressed/doesnt get addressed/gets implemented too soon/too late, or whatever *grin* Some folks seem to be getting their main enjoyment from the complaining, rather than the game playing.

    Yes *exercising her psychic abilities* I HAVE read all the posts about why "the game sucks, and FunCom should get a clue*, and ya know what? The game is the most enjoyable thing I have played online yet, and I spend my time trying to make the system work for me rather than waiting for an external fix. When the fix comes, it smooths out speed bumps I was dealing with, and when the fix doesnt come, the speed bumps actually make the game more than less challenging.

    Wait a week for the patch? Sure!! Gives me time to reconnect with old RK2 pals, clean out the inv, give stuff to folks I already know, and some I will meet in the next week, go see that neat triple waterfall someone showed me once (and I forget where it is now!), go help noobs in the backyard, explore exits in the fixergrid for the pure fun of it, try to actually make it from the OmniEnt grid exit to the whompas without getting, actually simulate more than a single dimensional life here on Rubi Ka.

    (did this turn into a rant? wasnt my intention) Anyway, sounds like FunCom decided to give us quality goods with a workable patch, rather than make a deadline with shoddy goods. For that, they deserve applause rather than rancor.
    Keep on keepin' on!

  13. #13
    No doubt Missions rock, they are just extremely boring compared to a good hunt.

    and to the 20k a pop guy and I almost died... Its very clear that you need to do a little more exploring to find the right places to hunt.

    As for clanners in EFP.... where?? They stopped going there when Aces camp was abandoned, and no clanner in their right mind would go to EFP, its a waste of time for them (since noone goes there to hunt anyways)

    When that traitor omni told the clanners about Aces, it stopped being a good place, i do agree on that, but there are other places in EFP and SFP (which is 75%) that you can get good xp still, you just have to know the places.

  14. #14
    Originally posted by Lyandri

    Having to wait a week for a patch, so it wont be bugged, is more/less irritating than dealing with a buggy patch? *trick question for some, who have legit concerns,....... not a problem for folks who want to complain either way it falls*

    Jeesh.......FunCom cant win! *grin*They should have charged double what the game originally cost, for the hidden benefit of getting to yell "Unfair!" everytime something gets addressed/doesnt get addressed/gets implemented too soon/too late, or whatever *grin* Some folks seem to be getting their main enjoyment from the complaining, rather than the game playing.
    Maybe I had to much of a good experience with AC1, but we had monthly patches, story and content update there. I thought we would get same with AO.

    Its been almost 3 months since last patch and this patch is more about fixing then content.

    -Camps are fixes for mob spawns that are broken for a year.
    -Quest is the fix for the work in progress that started when they added the first quest and said "Lot more to come soon..."
    - Item nerfing to fix balance
    - New items to fix profession balance issues

    When FC promised patches, story and content update, I must a misunderstood somehow.

    At least the AC2 web site is clear about it:

    "Every month, AC2 will publish regular updates, delivering new content and features—and advancing the epic story!"
    Last edited by andertec; Sep 12th, 2002 at 02:22:59.

  15. #15
    Too many threads on this now. I made an 'official' one to keep it in one place and not drown other posts out.

    Closing this one.

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