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Thread: Clan Raid on omni HQ today :)

  1. #1

    Clan Raid on omni HQ today :)

    Well, i lasted about twenty minutes. All of the clanners came in from the gate from omni ent. It was fun, I got 5 kills, am runnin round lookin for omni, and die.

    WTF is with that? it happened to me twice to omni guards. I cant see any dammage, i just, die. Weird - this happen to anyone else? dont want to complane and whine, so how did the battle go?
    The name's Bond, James Bond, No really, it is, shift T me next time you see me.

  2. #2
    was disconnected
    lagged some more
    switched to lowest visual settings
    kill 5 clanners trying to hide from lag
    battle went to 2ho for some
    spent a few hours there

    gave up on my crappy connection today
    Daren "Talanie" Briggs

    Achiever 93% | Killer 73% | Explorer 33% | Socializer 0%

  3. #3
    can u say lag???

    had a 147k ping in HQ today... why do they make events in HQ??? its so stupid we all know its gonna crash every time they do... and yet they do it anyways...

  4. #4
    I heard about this, but also the lag

    anyone got screenshots?
    // wildwal - the sexiest adv evar - now with nr!
    // legion

  5. #5
    yeah I wanna se screenies aswell

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