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Thread: A simple request....

  1. #1

    A simple request....

    Could you at least make the apartments hold something like 30 items?

    And then put decent furniture in the stores...couches...sofas...beds, etc...

    And then put a control panel in the apartment that controlled 2 things: lighting & supression gas.

    Not too much..just a simple little request. Bump if you want to see this happen too.
    .: Naraya :.

  2. #2
    bump..I need a couch to bring the honeys back home too.
    General Hershel "Kasimir" Jurik

    President of Division 9 R.S.G.E


    Braumiester of the Pagan Bartenders, wielder of dual SSo8s

    Stealer of hearts, creds, and anything not nailed down!

  3. #3
    Originally posted by Kasimir
    bump..I need a couch to bring the honeys back home too.
    erm, wouldnt you need some honeys for that kasimir?.......

    oh, and bump


    Lilnymph - Clan Fixer - RK1
    lilnymph wrote on November 21st, 2003 08:01:01:
    You may take our postcount threads, but you will never take our FREEDOM!!!!!
    Originally posted by Cz
    The post count is mine! All mine! Mwahahahah!

    40.476190476190474% of me is a huge nerd! How about you?
    Style over Substance

  4. #4

    Re: A simple request....

    Originally posted by Naraya
    And then put a control panel in the apartment that controlled 2 things: lighting & supression gas.

    Not too much..just a simple little request. Bump if you want to see this happen too.
    /me is a little bit amazed at what people think are "simple requests"

    Suggestions noted, but I doubt this will happen anytime soon (except perhaps the item limit). This is a lot of work, and I think there are other things we might want to do to apartments too, that would come first.

  5. #5

    Re: Re: A simple request....

    Originally posted by Cz

    /me is a little bit amazed at what people think are "simple requests"

    Suggestions noted, but I doubt this will happen anytime soon (except perhaps the item limit). This is a lot of work, and I think there are other things we might want to do to apartments too, that would come first.
    Hey CZ , this is simple ..Change the surpression gas in some of the bars to 25% !!

  6. #6
    Theres a nice litlle dive, er bar in Hope at 0%...

  7. #7
    You tell em CZ....people seem to think Supression gas can be changed anywhere at the drop of a hat...I still want the couches though..I mean..I'm guessing you can use the models in office missions, just copy the model and reflag it as a pickup-able, targetable item..the only pain is deciding what items to move and what stores to populate them in...

    Oh and Lil, what are ya doing Sat night? Teasing
    General Hershel "Kasimir" Jurik

    President of Division 9 R.S.G.E


    Braumiester of the Pagan Bartenders, wielder of dual SSo8s

    Stealer of hearts, creds, and anything not nailed down!

  8. #8

    Re: Re: A simple request....

    Originally posted by Cz

    /me is a little bit amazed at what people think are "simple requests"

    Suggestions noted, but I doubt this will happen anytime soon (except perhaps the item limit). This is a lot of work, and I think there are other things we might want to do to apartments too, that would come first.
    I'd be happy with just the item limit being increased to tell you the truth..

    And ok...maybe the sup gas changing & adding in of more furniture is a lot of work, yes. But upping the item limit would be as simple as umm...changing a variable?
    .: Naraya :.

  9. #9
    I'd guess it probably involves changing a table in the DB too, but still not major work.

  10. #10
    My only thought is maybe they think two many items in that small area could cause lag and such, but I doubt it.
    General Hershel "Kasimir" Jurik

    President of Division 9 R.S.G.E


    Braumiester of the Pagan Bartenders, wielder of dual SSo8s

    Stealer of hearts, creds, and anything not nailed down!

  11. #11
    If someone can drop 400 items to spell out words in big letters in Ent....I don't think 30 in an apartment is going to cause a big problem...
    .: Naraya :.

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