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Thread: Pet status bar and permanent pet naming

  1. #1

    Pet status bar and permanent pet naming

    Being a MP as my second highest character(and being the most "pettiest" class) there are a few things that really annoy me.

    1. Pet pathing
    Yeah, we all know this one. I thought i noticed some change since the 14.4.3 patch, but i was just day dreaming. Thinking back to yesterdays group, I noticed that nah, it hasnt improved a bit. And you cannot terminate pets that are too far away! Argh. Its not like I can just run away from the team to go look for my pets either, its a waste of time.

    2. Pet naming
    I wish you could choose a name for your greater fury externalization for example and it would stick even if you recast it. Even though I did a script for fast renaming, its still a pain with three pets and the pet name doesnt update correctly until I click them.

    3. Pet status window.
    In the heat of battle its not always easy to know if your pets are dead or alive, ok, perhaps for a prof with only a single pet, like crat or engie, but for MP's, having 3 pets can be a pain. What I suggest is, a pet status bar. I mean, for example the anger/fury/rage/ect pets are an externalization of the Mp's own anger they should not need the pet to report in order to know its status. There should be a status bar for pets, for fast reference. That way you could also know the pets status even if it was stuck in a wall on the other side of the mission area for example, and you could also choose to terminate it from the pet status window(even if its stuck due to idiotic pet pathing on the other side of the mission area). This is much like the idea that soldiers are requesting for their weapons, that is, a reload button and a ammo status bar.
    Last edited by Joramon; Sep 2nd, 2002 at 08:49:24.
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    The magical pony, scene1-5,6

    Im glad there are trolls and whiners, gives people something to compare with. Makes the rest of us look better.

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  2. #2

  3. #3
    Pet Status- Like this idea.

    Maybe, Make it like the Team window but only have pets and Charmeds in there. Terminating the pet by clicking name and hitting the disband button.

    Top right Buttons has a small square left, make a Button with a P.

  4. #4
    And have charmed pets hot bar start to strobe at the 10 sec till nano terminates mark =]

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