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Thread: Account Canceled - Suggesions

  1. #1

    Account Canceled - Suggesions

    2002-05-10 02:11:47 UTC
    Account status Open until 2002-09-07
    Subscription is cancelled
    Next billing Not scheduled
    Buddy subscriptions 0

    /me cancelt his account cause AO gets boring in Highlevel and the Missions are too buggy (Pathing, Vicinty Bugs, etc. etc. etc.) and too boring.
    Also i miss the Wars about Outposts between Omni and Clan...
    The idea with the Booster Packs is also wrong cause if you release new features with Booster Packs in future just to make some extra money (which you will not get cause more ppl will cancel their accounts then buying booster packs) u will loose more and more customers...
    Also i think U Funcom need to do more (whipe out bugs etc.) in future to keep ur position in beeing the TOP MMORPG... Booster Packs are a total wrong signal for existing customers...
    I will open my Account again when you release Booster Packs for existing Customers without wanting money for it... With me nearly 8 ppl canceled their accounts who all can open again when the booster pack idea changes...

    So i say work on:

    1. Team Mission Features: Build some real lifts and not so ugly buttons like atm and go away from dungeon design like it is in the moment also give the bosses real offices and some Security Equipments like remote Turrets etc. etc. Pls more ideas for those Missions cause Mission are the main thing of the Game and i guess everybody uses a lot of time with those... and this is the most boring part of the game for me atm...

    2. Org Features: Give Orgs the chance of having Alliances with an special Alliance Channels. The guildhouses feature is a good idea and i heared its comin but give guilds also the chance to have their own shop npc´s to make some extra money.

    3. Trade Features: Build some Trade Terminals where everybody can post his Stuff for sell (sorted and with prizes).

    4. Vehicle Features: The Yalm is not a very exciting vehicle i must say, and its too small anyway.. Give those Vehicles some kind of spaceports where the ppl can land or park their vehicle and give this Yalm some kind of sound....
    Those Pocket Spaceship thing is quite boring Team Vehicle would also rock in AO... Best would be a kind of Jeep with a canon or just a transport vehicle to bring Troops to raids.

    5. General Features: Omni City must be more dangerous for Claners.. where are Omni Pol Police Cars which drive through the City Streets. Or some kind of Police Drones (Probe).. The drones report Claners when they spot them to call nearby Omni Pol Police Forces.... Also the guards in the Clan Citys should be more dangerous and ride on some evil attack creatures or something like that... just to keep the balance and make it also difficult for Omni´s to path through the Clan cities...
    Then the next thing is the bank and inventory system. Its ok atm but it can be still improved... Some kind of sorting Features would be cool

    and and last i must say.........

    Stay away from this Booster Pack Idea cause the Features which are included in the Booster Pack should be made for every AO Player and that without wanting some extra money. Dont split the players ....

    Thats just what i wanted to say before i quit or pause AO... Cause i like AO very much in many has a great potential and i think with the right ideas it can grow and grow and stay no 1 in MMORPG´s...

  2. #2
    Evil attack creatures? Now wait a minute! Nasty, but not evil. The clans are not evil, nor the badguys(omni-tek might have been, but things are not always what they seem.)
    "There is a storm coming! Our storm! - Paul Mua'dib"
    Randomize argument in scripts!

    The magical pony, scene1-5,6

    Im glad there are trolls and whiners, gives people something to compare with. Makes the rest of us look better.

    "Spam is not just something you do, its a way of life."


  3. #3

    oops yes..

    thats what i ment hehe
    nasty creatures..

  4. #4
    How about adding giant radioactive lizards with bad breath?

    Fear is the Mind Killer.
    You wasted life, why wouldn't you waste death?

  5. #5

    Talking thought we hat those....

    Originally posted by Bonk
    How about adding giant radioactive lizards with bad breath?

    aren't those just high level adventurers?

  6. #6
    Adventurers don't have bad breath. Its the other side everybody is worried about.

  7. #7
    Omni-tek are evil, and proud of it

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