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Thread: RAISE LEVEL LIMIT -- booster pack idea

  1. #1

    RAISE LEVEL LIMIT -- booster pack idea

    I strongly believe that for this game to retain high-level players, something needs to be done to enhance the game and to provide more options for them. What happens at level 200? No more levels, no more skill growth, etc. Nothing more to look forward too, after how many months and endless hours of effort?

    I propose that Funcom adds another 100 levels to move the cap to 300. I also propose that the amount of XP required to increase from level to level be signigicatly steeper than from 1-200. Part of the problem now may be that higher level monsters just give too much XP which makes it so easy for people to level up. Some may disagree, but if 200 really was the desired cap, then there should have been very very few who actually got close, or attained it.

    Funcom could add a level 275 dungeon in the temple at home. Maybe make the boss room level 300.

    It would have great, rare loot but it would have to be insanely difficult even for multiple groups of level 200+ people.

    Add new weapons and new monsters.

    This would be a great booster pack.
    Born on: Wed Jun 27 15:39:10 2001
    Slavor, Soldier, RK1

  2. #2
    i would bump this, but adding another 100 lvls, would mean another 100 qls, that means, new weapons and armor, as you said but think of the time it would take to do this, they would need new hunting grounds, so thats another couple of playfields, they would need new in game content, not just another lvl frenzy, and everything would goto hades in a hand basket.

    it would take far too long for a booster pack, but you got my bump for shadowlands!

  3. #3

    Doh... I've been uberGanked

    Well thats just great. Now that I have crossed the threshold of Level 75 and I am officially Gank bait, It's a free for all on my (explitive Deleted by CensorBot).

    Maybe when there will be level 300's running around out there I will not only not have a chance... Maybe I won't even see it comeing.

    /me trembles with fear

    Hehe... Ok, your right High level people should have something to do, and maybe while they are doing it they won't bother shooting a harmless little clanner like me.

    Oh BTW, I did see a level 300 ARK once.

    Woot for the new booster pack
    Woot for a button that gives me all my stuff in the reclaim with one click
    Woot for the resumption of the story line

  4. #4
    They will be raising the level cap in shadowlands.

    I think it's a stupid idea though. The 200 cap is fine.

    I doubt there is any level 200 that accually looks forward to the idea of doing endless missions again for months to cap out at level 300 or whatever they make it.

    They are probably glad that all the levelin is behind them so they can concentrate on the better parts of the game... oh wait, I forgot, there is nothing else to do but level....

    Well there is PvP and camelot, but that's it. You can hang out in bars, but then you could have just stayed level 1 for that.

  5. #5


    i think a sense of growth is not bad.

    getting more ip would therefore be an ok option.

    i would approach a raised level limit cautiously however.

    getting more ip wont let you raise body dev above max ie you wont get tougher but you could start dabbling tradeskills in the hope they someday work.
    sept 03 - the day ao was keeled by sl.

    gone now. byebye.

  6. #6
    This needed to happen to some degree for the game to continue.

    However, it needs to be handled with extreme caution. I hope FC is aware of all the trickle-down effects that a level-cap increase would cause.

    If the level & ql caps are to be raised to 300, then profession skill caps will need to be raised to make ql 300 weapons viable. Also, breed ability caps will need to be raised to make ql 300 armor & weapons possible to wear. This would give characters level 160-200 something of a boost. Right now, we hit breed caps around 160, yes? That might not be the case anymore.

    Suddenly, the EoT becomes viable for certain Enforcers, & the great debate will begin over which is better: MKII or ql 300 flowers tech. Certain other "special" sans-ql items which are still useful at level 200 may seem underpowered at level 300.
    Last edited by Templar Red; Aug 16th, 2002 at 05:53:11.
    Lucas "Madhava" Graves || Gear
    Level 203 Chief of Staff Surgery
    Advisor of Synergy Factor

    Chakra "Accessory" Red || Gear

  7. #7


    Personaly i think that A LVL 200 shouldnt be able to attack a LVL 75 when in a PVP zone, maybe LVL 125 or 140, but not 75 thats just asking for it.

    Even the most uber LVL 75 doesnt have a chance agaianst the most unuber LVL 200.

    As far as I know there are plenty of high level mobs to fight, like in milkyway how many go there to kill mobs??, I went flying around there with my MP and I saw plenty of mobs in that Zone that are doable Solo at say 200 or more, Ofal larvey, Manteez prayers and other good stuff, in the connecting zones there were Drill instructors, Erimites and sandworms they are also for high lvl people.

    There is content to lvl past 200 solo or in teams, but maybe not enough content for every one.

    I read here earlier that there are zones on the map that we cant access yet maybe this is part of FC's great plan who knows?

    Im sure that in that case these zones could be made into higher lvl playing zones with content and missions for 200+ people.

    As it is now LVL 1 to 90 is made out doors or in missions / Teams after that it seems as if it is missions all the way to LVL 200 or it will take to long Solo.

    I dont know about you but after a while it does get monotunes and borring, Lvl after lvl after lvl.

    Some proffs do better then others when leveling, MP's for example are an easy proffession to play and most of the time fun as well, ADVs are harder if you want they nanos that go with it, Engies get progressively harder the higher up you get depending on what breed you choose.

    What if we were able to get to lvl 250 what kind of Bot would an engineer have then or an MP forinstance or say the Crat they wouldnt like to run around with a grey slayer, deamon or Ninjadroid !!!

    Anyway some thoughts about the future...
    Fighting the never ending battle to gain ultimate glory over the house Computer, Opponents he will face : Wife, Cat, Ego, Myself.

    Pround owner of:
    77 MA RK1
    61 ADV RK1
    57 ENG RK1
    12 ENF RK1 ( cats plays this one !!!! )

  8. #8
    They could do that.

    Or...they could add content and continue to add content to the game on a regular basis for level 200s. Frankly, I'd spend three months leveling to 200 then spend the next 2 years doing level 200 content over spending the next 2 years just leveling.

    I do think they need higher ql equipment then whatever the max player level will be. As well as fixing the xp curve on mobs. It's silly that from the low 100s up, external things such as weapons pretty much stay them same. While I can understand why it is like that fixing the xp curve on mobs, it would then be quite reasonable to allow higher ql eq. As it is now, I get to level for pvp. Why else would you level? Leveling for pvm seems somewhat silly. From here on out, I don't think I'll be killing those same mobs any faster. So why in the world would anyone level up past 160 if they weren't going to pvp? I'm kinda curious.
    Last edited by Zylina; Aug 17th, 2002 at 01:05:40.

  9. #9
    *Bump* for anything that adds content. =p
    RK1 - Hajk - Solitus - Lvl 217/DR 16 - Nanotech - Apocalypse
    Explorer 60% / Socializer 53% / Killer 46% / Achiever 40%

  10. #10
    The game will always have a level limit. It does not really matter if the limit is 200 or 300. If the limits are raised to 300 we will just have this same discussion again in a year. The only difference would be that everyone would be running around with higher numbers. Higher QL items, higher damage, more hit points, more nano, higher skills etc.

    It would require a lot of work to rebalance the game. It would probably require a complete redesign of many key concepts of the game. Basically, it will take a lot of effort to do this without completely ruining the game. And what would it achieve? Absolutely *nothing* other than some higher numbers.

    I would rather see the resources put into providing new content that fits into the current level range of the game.

  11. #11
    Hopefully the control towers will give QL200 players something to do.
    But it is a cool idea for Shadowlands!
    "Ph43r me! For I am...Darth Sp00n." --my bot belonging to my main character Ruleth.
    Ruleth: Omni-tek aligned 'crat.
    Releuth: Clan aligned MP. (Ruleth's twin sister.)
    RuthieChan: Omni-tek aligned MA.
    Leetaschan: Omni-tek aligned Adventerer.
    And last but not least; Depravedgirl: The neutral aligned Atrox Enforcer who thinks she's a girl, and speaks in falsetto only.

  12. #12
    If Funcom raises the level limits, I'm leaving. No whining, I've just got better things to do than level from 200 to 250 or 300 or whatever.

  13. #13
    LOL! ****ing Ne*bs :|

    I dont think they have seen the pain of 2 day long mission to get around 3/4 levels every 2 days to almost have a heart attack from sleep deprivation, wake up 2 days later for months

    [size=0.1]then get banned...[/size]

    ¤ Cloudeeeh “Cloudeh MKII” 120 Solitus 1HB Enforcer
    ¤ Cloudeh Dead : 176 Solitus 1HB Enforcer
    ¤ Blizzaga Dead : 96 Solitus Soldier Wannabe
    ¤ Firraga Dead : 64 Opifex “Not a Real Fixer” GA Honey
    ¤ Kjataa Dead : 53 Opifex Morphex Agent Wannabe :]
    I am a Tragic Figure
    Strenghtening, Shroud of night, Waiting weak for Taste of blood, Beneath a halo..Eternal light, I survive, Breathe on.
    Inhuman, Undying, Feast of blood now Pulse through me, Immortal..I'm undying, Eternal..Undead!

    [size=0.1]C.L.O.U.D.: Cybernetic Lifeform Optimized for Ultimate Destruction[/size]

  14. #14
    If funcom ever plans on raising the level limit the skills from 1 -200 will have to be recalculated all over again. Just imagine the insane title caps from 200-300 you'd be lucky to raise skills for 10 levels.

    What about breed caps??? how could you use ql300 armour with breep caps as they are??? you can't. funcom would have to redesign almost every skill in the game and then do a full IPR automatically on all players

    whatever lost interest in the post 1/2 way through :P
    engie + ghetto crowd control + no healing + lowest hp + worst evades + bot who is never around. = worst prof in game

    Bump for engie fix

  15. #15
    That's a good point.
    I didn't even think about that.

    I guess that just means they have to find other ways to keep ql200's busy.
    "Ph43r me! For I am...Darth Sp00n." --my bot belonging to my main character Ruleth.
    Ruleth: Omni-tek aligned 'crat.
    Releuth: Clan aligned MP. (Ruleth's twin sister.)
    RuthieChan: Omni-tek aligned MA.
    Leetaschan: Omni-tek aligned Adventerer.
    And last but not least; Depravedgirl: The neutral aligned Atrox Enforcer who thinks she's a girl, and speaks in falsetto only.

  16. #16
    Way too much stuff would be messed if you could go over 200, all the new items and such things would mean another half of the game would have to be made :/, What would be good is that you could go on leveling forever but your skills were still capped, that way a level 400 soldier could be just as good as a level 200 enf as regards weapons but not better, that way pvp would be ok, thered bea reason to level more and you wouldnt have to start a new char just to get those new weapons on. Problem is thered probabaly need to be harder mobs, all you do is make the mission spawn same mobs as id did at ql 200 but give em more hp and more dmg (i think thats already done for post 200 missions anyway)

    EDIT: That is actually wrong as regards making mobs harder, obviously if your skills were capped they wouldnt need to be harder :/.

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