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Thread: PvP in AO

  1. #1
    Last edited by Xype; Dec 9th, 2002 at 03:09:05.

  2. #2
    Ah god, don't suggest they make it impossible for neutrals to pvp. That would lead to two things I would really dislike:

    1> My brother would reroll AGAIN, this time as a neut.

    2> I wouldn't be able to gank poor helpless neutrals anymore :\


    That said, for reasons completely unrelated to PVP, I seem to have pissed off about 80% of RK2, and the death threats are pouring in. Does that mean when I sit around for hours in 2h0 watching for passerbys to attack, they won't just zip straight up in their Yalms and fly away? That would rock.


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