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Thread: AimedShot - Change it

  1. #21
    Who cares if you can do 10k as all the time? You are uber, and you have sucky hp, and when you do a 10k as on a ace enforcer type, he will most likly kill you anyway. I have no problem with the 10k as. I do on the other hand have some problems seeing agents as over and over again in the arena, even when they are not hiding. If the other player could see you, you should not be able to as him. Easy as that.

    Agents have it to easy in the arena nowadays anyway.

    Im playing a ma, and I think they rock. But I also think adventurers suck to much in the arena. They are excellent solo players, and they should be as uber as ma's.

    Anyway. Nm the as. Nerf Atrox Swimsuits!
    Apprentice Frakk // MA - Rk1 - Stuff - Quote
    Sunye // Doc - Rk1 - Quote
    Rookie Frakk2000 // MA - Rk2
    Freshman Frakked // Soldier - Rk2
    Apprentice Frakk2001 // Doc - Rk2

    Frakk2000's guide to twinking -> link <-
    Adventures of Frakkman
    Overpowered since 15.0 - MA forever!

  2. #22
    Originally posted by Azzazzimon
    If you not under attack, you could actually take the time to do an AS, but should be a 3-5 sec attack so you really have to aim..
    My thought exactly

    Lich × Finalizer × Dictator × Vanguard × Techno Arch-Wizard × Godfather × Eternalist × Saviour × Deity × Guru

    'People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought which they never use' - Kierkegaard

  3. #23
    Originally posted by Frakk2000
    Who cares if you can do 10k as all the time? You are uber, and you have sucky hp, and when you do a 10k as on a ace enforcer type, he will most likly kill you anyway. I have no problem with the 10k as. I do on the other hand have some problems seeing agents as over and over again in the arena, even when they are not hiding. If the other player could see you, you should not be able to as him. Easy as that.

    Agents have it to easy in the arena nowadays anyway.

    Im playing a ma, and I think they rock. But I also think adventurers suck to much in the arena. They are excellent solo players, and they should be as uber as ma's.

    Anyway. Nm the as. Nerf Atrox Swimsuits!
    Ok, a little update. Not all classes are supposed to be good in arena. The name adventurer indicated that they aren't top of the pvp chain. As with Doc, even though they are anyway.

    If you think a 10k AS would change the amount of aggro a NT gets in a mission, you sure as hell haven't played a NT, or most likely not even teamed with one. We're the ****, k? I team with lvl 200 enforcers who cant take aggro away from me, no matter how hard they try.

    Lich × Finalizer × Dictator × Vanguard × Techno Arch-Wizard × Godfather × Eternalist × Saviour × Deity × Guru

    'People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought which they never use' - Kierkegaard

  4. #24
    x-3 is too over-used, all I gotta say...
    -- Falling never killed anyone, its always the landing.
    Telgi-61 Solitus Enforcer
    Gauf-31 Nanomage Doctor
    Saruzi- -=128=- Opifex Nano-Technician.
    Manstien-44 Solitus Soldier

  5. #25
    My 2 credits worth: some good ideas, but fix conceal problems first, zoning, area nanos. Then work on a fix/boost to AS.
    Grupurt Division 9 [RSGE] Ret.
    Second Nanomage Agent To Hit Lvl 200 on RK1


  6. #26
    leave AS as it is!

    if your gonna change it.. make full auto depenant on conceal!
    If it moves I'd propably hit it

  7. #27

    Thumbs down Aimed Shot

    Anything that makes it easier for other classes to use X-3's is a bad thing. It's bad enough that half the people I team with, regardless of profession, are running around in X-3's.. hell.. I saw a fixer in an x-3 yesterday..

    I think AS should do more consistant damage.. but only if they add either an Agent-only restriction on the X-3, or better yet, a massive concealment req to equip it.

    I think 1500-1700 concealment would be appropriate for a QL 200 X-3, considering at 121 I can self buff to just over 1800 concealment.

    Not that I really care all that much anymore.. my agent is collecting dust.


  8. #28
    Originally posted by Demono
    if aimed shot did not require conceal then there would be no reason to be an agent other than for a 20 second crit buff.
    There already is no reason to be a agent except for their 15 second crit buffs.

    Anyone can get a 10k AS, anyone can use an X-3, and anyone can pull off an aimedshot with zero points in concealment by quickly darting into a room and pressing AS key. There isn't a check for PvP either.

  9. #29
    i think concealment should be fixed, not AS.

    if im playing my agent with 800 conceal (no leet form or cloaking device), and i stand in front of a leet then start to sneak, i cant AS it, because somehow its aware of my presence.

    if im sneaking for a certain amount of time, say.. 5 seconds, i should not be detected by that leet. If i have enough conceal to sneak past that leet, then i should be able to pull off an aimed shot even though it has detected me earlier. This should apply to mobs that i kill for xp.

    in a mission with a team, the tank holds aggro on a mob while im shooting away at it, then my AS recharges and i start to sneak. i wait 5 seconds and then i fire my AS. Whats wrong with that? Right now I have enough concealment to sneak thru a mission almost 2x the ql of the ones that i level in, but i cant pull off an aimed shot once the mob gets me in its LoS and i go into sneak.

  10. #30
    Originally posted by eaze

    If you think a 10k AS would change the amount of aggro a NT gets in a mission, you sure as hell haven't played a NT, or most likely not even teamed with one. We're the ****, k? I team with lvl 200 enforcers who cant take aggro away from me, no matter how hard they try.

    And you think that's because of the damage you do?

    NT's get aggro because all of their nukes over QL 150 have a taunt componet, they do _NOT_ outdamage other professions.
    Funcom put that taunt componet in there so they would THINK they outdamaged other prof's....

  11. #31
    Originally posted by Frakk2000

    Agents have it to easy in the arena nowadays anyway.

    Im playing a ma, and I think they rock.

    You are only 105. Let's just assume for the time being that you accually know what you're talking about, ok?

    Of course you think agents are good PvP, you are speaking from an MA's perspective. ANY rooting class can kill an unskilled MA such as yourself.
    Zebox - Engy whats a wen wen?
    Engydoggy - Oh a wen wen? Its a little black thingy you wear thats supposed to help you in combat, they are uber rare, look uber cool, and do nothing.
    Zebox - Kinda like a slayer then...

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