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Thread: Trader or Fixer

  1. #1

    Trader or Fixer

    I currently have a lvl 44 doc and 39 crat and am looking to try a more combat oriented class. I don't want to be completely combat oriented so am not looking at soldiers or enforcers. I thought about trying a fixer or trader, but don't know which. Anyone have any insight's?

  2. #2
    ATM fixers are great fun to play, BUT there are just to many lowbie fixers ATM jumping on the bandwagon since Fixers are pretty balanced ATM. Traders arent that common and they are better then fixers in PvP (if thats what your after). I personally loove my fixer but I bet a trader can be just as fun.

  3. #3
    Traders are great, be an atrox if you want to be true combat trader.

    and you get to earn good money with ya wrangles which a fixer wont let you do

    Jakeaway - 127 trader

  4. #4
    I'm personally having great fun with an adventurer alt right now. Two possible weapon lines (1H-edged or Pistol), prof. specific weapons for both, heals, runbuffs, AC buffs and shapechange nanos. Seems to solo well and is an asset to teams as a general-purpose healer/damage dealer without being an out-and-out doc or tank. Availability for the profession specific equipment is good, as it's all available as mission rewards.



  5. #5
    i have no interest in PvP, just standard PvE. Any idea on which is better at soloing?

  6. #6


    Testimonial: Trader is fun! I started playing a trader 3 weeks ago, and hit lvl 30 yesterday. My first char is an NT, and a trader is a lot more efficient. (Well, I guess having learned more of the game during the 5 months of playing before starting the trader might have something to do with this too...)

    I wanted a char that will do trade skills and damage / heal, as my NT is just for damage. (And maybe not too well at that either.) It works fabulously. At least for making rings and monsterparts! Great fun!

    And I can do 60-70% solo missions. It takes a lot of time, but after the first room, it's doable without jumping in and out of the door all the time.

    Money is a bit easier (but you get loads to spend it on!), and I will be working to be a wrangle-trader, I think.

    Can't say anything about fixers. But trader has a lot of uses!

    Kirikiri - Trader
    General, Depot Division
    Ancarim Iron Legion
    Gattolina - NT
    Ancarim Iron Legion

  7. #7
    In higher levels, I know people want fixers, because they can grid the team out. Personally, I'm having a load of fun with my fixer. Sure, I'm not the most uber, but I'm certainly the fastest, and I can ALMOST tank. (Well, that Burst is pretty nifty...)

    Start one of each, and try them...figure out which one is right for you, I guess.
    Katelin "Missmaul" Locknane -Sloooowly climbing her way out of the dank pits of gimpness. But stil crazy. Ya know...just in case you cared.

  8. #8
    Originally posted by MissMaul
    but I'm certainly the fastest,
    Enforcers are faster than fixers in many, many situations.

  9. #9
    Missmaul: Traders can grid also.

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