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Thread: Suggestion: XP / Tradeskills

  1. #1

    Suggestion: XP / Tradeskills

    Currently the highest XP reward ive seen gained from doing something involving Trade-Skills is 1k xp aprox.

    Id like to see a big increase in this, atleast give us around 5k xp for completing a QL200 implant or something like that.

    Not enough people raising their Trade-Skills, this might help.

  2. #2

    Re: Suggestion: XP / Tradeskills

    Originally posted by Coc^-^
    Currently the highest XP reward ive seen gained from doing something involving Trade-Skills is 1k xp aprox.

    Id like to see a big increase in this, atleast give us around 5k xp for completing a QL200 implant or something like that.

    Not enough people raising their Trade-Skills, this might help.
    I would have to agree of this . The XP on trade skills are a joke.
    IT should be reworked.

  3. #3
    FC have already said that the 'reward' for doing tradeskills is the item created. They have said they do not intend to increase XP awarded for tradeskills.

    I'm afraid its back to the kill/loot/sell treadmill................
    Dont you think I look like Geordie from Star Trek?
    Actually I look more of a cross between him and Picard don't I?

  4. #4


    Well, if you want trade skills to be apart of a game of this scale then the XP should be raised. I disagree with funcoms stance on this issue!

    Well those trade skills are used to build items for other players mostly. So i believe the builder of those items need more of a perk for going out of there way.

    Oh, please don't reply with something like. Well dont people pay for those items to be built. Because money is easy to make .. At least 5 million per mission.

    So i feel the experance for building trade skill items should be raised.

    FYI ..
    I dont play any profession which uses trade skills and i still feel this way.

  5. #5
    Well there is no reward in making it, i hardly do stuff for myself and i hardly have any need for the money im getting. So why should i keep my Trade-Skills maxed?

    If they dont want to up the XP then they could implement more weapons/armor/etc that u cant get except u make it.

  6. #6
    Hey I dont like it anymore than you do (but yes I suspect FC will come back and say that if your not keeping the item then charging for it is the reward - or the warm fuzzy feeling you get if your giving it away)

    Theres been a lot of 'noise' from the Engineers (I play an Eng) and I also think the Traders about this which is why I can tell you that this is what FC said.

    Until there are desirable MAINSTREAM items (not talking virral eggs here) that are tradeskill only its always going to be a niche market. And until the XP from tradeskills becomes 'competative' this game will always be combat first everything else second.
    Dont you think I look like Geordie from Star Trek?
    Actually I look more of a cross between him and Picard don't I?

  7. #7


    Originally posted by Coc^-^
    Well there is no reward in making it, i hardly do stuff for myself and i hardly have any need for the money im getting. So why should i keep my Trade-Skills maxed?

    If they dont want to up the XP then they could implement more weapons/armor/etc that u cant get except u make it.
    Coc^-^ .. here is another sad thing about the trade skills.
    Some of the recipies dont work. for making guns and ECT.
    This was confirmed. I'm really not trying to be a butt however, if an item has to be built then it should be much better than an item which can be bought from a store or found in a mission.

    Like a trader for example ..should beable to build a kick but shotgun. Or add attacks to any weapon.

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