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Thread: Suggestions about professions

  1. #1

    Suggestions about professions

    What about:

    Profession switching... soo for example you can start a NT, reach lvl 200 then start a MP or whatever... when you switch proff's ne xp you get only goes into the progress of your current Proffession.. obvioulsy skills can never go above breed caps.. but this would make people far more varried and PvP more interesting.. of course a second profession would be quicker to develop in once you've reach 200 in you first profession..

    I believe this mirrors RL more as for example you can be a Graphic Designer for 20 yrs and then swicth to a Programmer..

    Also.. perhaps there should be many more levels than 200.. maybe as much as an integer can hold (2147483647 i believe - depending on the programming language used)..

    And this would then allow much more variety in characters.. just imagine a battle between a:

    Character 1 : LVL 389 NT / LVL 400 MP
    Character 2 : LVL 389 Soldier / LVL 400 MP


    Character 1 : LVL 700 NT
    Character 2 : LVL 500 Soldier / LVL 210 MA

    If there was a perhaps a max combined level of 1500

    and then you could reach lvl 700 max in a specific profession..

    i dunno... lemme know what you think..

    BTW - An idea along these lines were in the Envisioned section a long time ago.
    Susanooh Nano-Technician
    Level 170
    Shadow Level 0
    Alien Level 2
    (Proud owner of Nullity Sphere Mk I, Mk II, Luxuary Jobe Apt. & Pet Leets) (Atlantean)
    Equip. & Imp. Layout

    /born Friday November 2nd 2001

  2. #2

    You could have Profession Masters, the highest few people in the current profession get a special title.. Profession Master.. and perhaps recieve something relative to that particular guild
    Susanooh Nano-Technician
    Level 170
    Shadow Level 0
    Alien Level 2
    (Proud owner of Nullity Sphere Mk I, Mk II, Luxuary Jobe Apt. & Pet Leets) (Atlantean)
    Equip. & Imp. Layout

    /born Friday November 2nd 2001

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