First off, I loved Vorpalbunny's posts, I'll try not to echo him as I TOTALLY agree with each and every point.

So, here are a few of my own...

Problem: Playing with friends that have different levels of play is impossible. The anti-twink system in this game is the most insane I have ever seen. I have a bunch of friends inthe game, most of these are RL guys from work. Now a few of us play constantly, meaning the first week, we were level 20, second we were 30 and so forth. Other guys dont have that much time and are behind by as much as 15-20 levels, and thus we cannot play with them at all. I cannot buff them, cannot group with them, cannot even heal them. AO is telling us 'I'm sorry, your not allowed to interact with this person' This is COMPLETE BS.

Solution: Well, not sure how to do this without turning on some form of twinking or PLing, but quite simply something must be done, as your splitting entire guilds into several sub-groups and destroying friendships. My best idea is a way to simply turn off XP gain for your character. See, the whole problem is that I have been not playing for an entire week just to let the other guys catch up to me, as I want to hang with them. If I could just turn off XP gain, I could at least play missions and hunt without leveling, gain the cash and loot while allowing them to catch up.

Problem: The game is boring the higher you get. Nuff said.

Solution: Go read VB's posts, quit mucking with the stupid storyline that no one is bothering to read anyhow, and put some content in. Remember that repetative-ness breeds boredom, so something has to change as you get higher.

I am very sorry to see that the main lag problem still has not been solved. I returned to AO from the beta, and still nothing much has changed with the stability and lag of the client-server. This is dissapointing and very much something that pisses me off as my mouse jerks across the screen. I wonder how much longer I shall play if things dont improve?

Well, this message is for the benefit of the other players, as I have no pipe-dreams that a dev would even read the forums.
