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Thread: Any idea if we will see :

  1. #1

    Any idea if we will see :

    1. ability to drop waypoints on the map

    2. stairs / ways up & down appear on the map

    3. in org chat the ability to make sub channels without having to make a separate channel and inviting people to join, eg a guild selling channel, or help channel

    4. voice over IP so we can chat to other players

    5. items getting damaged through use and having to repair them or having some items as unrepairable

    6. ability to "unlearn" nano's and send the info into an empty nano crystal

    7. can drag a nano shortcut to the chat slot, so that when people ask what nanos you're using you can quickly show them instead of having to type the info yourself

  2. #2
    I'm not sure I understand your number 4.

    I would not care for your number 5 - there are other games that have this 'feature', I've never found it particularly fun to have to take time out to deal with it. Furthermore, when something is rare, it can be a true pain. What is it about this that seems like something you'd like to see added? Maybe I'm missing the point.

    As for your number 6 - I don't think 'unlearning' nanos is a good idea, and I'd bet many people would regret having done so. What I would truly love to see, though, would be a way to 'archive' old nanos, and a better way altogether to arrange them. This is truly a pain for some professions (agent comes to mind).

  3. #3
    The unlearn nano could be imporved by having a recreate nano.. so you dont loose your nano but this nano creates a nano crystal of a nano you currently know.. (or possible an instruction disc)
    Susanooh Nano-Technician
    Level 170
    Shadow Level 0
    Alien Level 2
    (Proud owner of Nullity Sphere Mk I, Mk II, Luxuary Jobe Apt. & Pet Leets) (Atlantean)
    Equip. & Imp. Layout

    /born Friday November 2nd 2001

  4. #4
    the biggest problem I see with unlearning nanos is that this would hurt one of the biggest money sinks in the game, since everyone buys most of there QL1-125 nanos from shop terms and by unlearning them the market would be flooded with QL1-125 nanos from the high level players

  5. #5
    Thats why i think you should be able to produce instruction discs..
    (as it is more expensive to build a low lvl disc than to buy the completed nano)

    however the other main prob is EVERY1 would have nullity etc.. and the rare nanos wouldnt be so rare nemore
    Susanooh Nano-Technician
    Level 170
    Shadow Level 0
    Alien Level 2
    (Proud owner of Nullity Sphere Mk I, Mk II, Luxuary Jobe Apt. & Pet Leets) (Atlantean)
    Equip. & Imp. Layout

    /born Friday November 2nd 2001

  6. #6
    number 4....

    you can download some free software called "Roger Wilco" which works pretty good...

    go too and search for "Roger Wilco" and you can get it. the headset costs about $15. I use it with a couple buddies, and when there are more than 4 people connected to a single session, it starts getting a bit wierd....

    but all in all...i've had good experiences with it.

    edited for spelling error.
    Last edited by Borrace; Aug 21st, 2002 at 17:39:25.

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