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Thread: Speech on CoA

  1. #1

    Speech on CoA

    My fellow clanners, the time for UNITY has come! Your presence here today symbolizes our agreement in this. For too long our leadership structure has been inactive, indecisive and indifferent to the needs of our people. Whether you favor peace or war, anarchy or a central clan government you must agree this is true. Unless we tear down the paper thrones of the old guard councilors, our lives will remain fixed in this stalemate struggle. They have had ample time and myriad opportunities to act; instead they have maintained the status quo, simply propagating their own static positions of power.
    This is probably the part where my detractors expect me to call for my own ascension as some kind of grand clan emperor. While I’d hate to disappoint them I’m proud to say that is NOT my goal here today. I am a warrior not a statesman. My purpose here is to offer you all an alternative to the splintered division of our people. Yes, OUR people. While we are each individuals unique in our worth and most of us have aligned ourselves with one guild house or another, we are ALL clan. We all struggle against the oppression and corruption of Omni-Tek. That is our CAUSE, that is the lone thing that unites us all in a common brotherhood.
    And that is our STRENGTH! Sure, our enemies have vast armies, technically superior weapons of war and a nearly unbreakable budget…. but do they have a cause? Do any of them have the drive that fires our hearts? They are all employees; puppets dancing for the profit of their masters.
    We can beat them, but only if we use our greatest advantage, The Cause, to unite into a single instrument of our will.
    None of us want to be told what to do, I more than most. To ask a clan leader to give up his position would be like asking the chief of a native tribe to forsake his people. That’s certainly not what I have in mind. My idea is a radical one, which is nothing new in and of itself, but the nature of the idea is revolutionary for our people.
    I propose to unite under a single banner all the clans that want change, that want action, be it political or military. With pre-imperial Rome of the most ancient histories as our guide I would like to form a Republic consisting of a Senate comprised of all participating guild leaders and a rotational Speaker of the Senate position acquired by senate vote for an overall leader. This Speaker will act as clan representative during all deliberations during the time period of his tenure.
    Once this process is underway decisions will be made by those participating as to the specifics, like how many members a guild will be required to maintain a senate seat, how long each Speaker will lead (hence how often elections will be held). The Speaker and Senate would probably only need to meet twice a month to bring up issues and plan clan wide events, political direction etc. Senate vote would pass all major directives and be open to the current Speaker’s veto on all issues but Speaker of the Senate election. Every senator will be eligible for election as Speaker, but no one will be allowed to vote for them self.
    This is a huge task and would require dedicated people. It would allow everyone a say and a chance to lead for a time. It would give us all a common sense of direction despite our differences of opinion.
    Let’s take our destiny into our own hands! One people! One Clan!

  2. #2
    Too chaotic to work...
    Still its funny you talk of unity while you divide people like that at the first place... Too much paradox in your nature. Still all for the clans, lets hope whatever we do will ehlighten the future for us.
    Last edited by Sware; Aug 9th, 2002 at 08:15:55.
    Lion Strimple aka Sware

  3. #3

    Unhappy Omni-Tek oppression?!?

    People, people....please read your history before you talk about OT oppression. OT offered unconditional amensty and Philip Ross and the Council of Truth had almost reached peace agreements. The recent war is all the result of the Dust Brigade. They are the ones who bombed Omni-1. They kill Omni citizens, clanners, and neutrals. They started the whole thing. No side realized this until too late. If we'd all just back off a little, let cooler heads prevail, we could go after the true terrorists who are responsible for the current war. There is no real reason for any of this conflict. Let us band together, not as Omni or Clan, but as citizens of Rubi-Ka to rid ourselves of these cowards!
    Into every generation.....(yada, yada, yada....).....

  4. #4

    Well...I suppose it IS more "chaotic" than having ONE man, Radiman,...

    tell us what to do all the time. But then a certain amount of chaos always comes with self-government.

    I know Redruum somewhat, as one of his Advisors, and I have NO idea what you mean by "too much paradox in your nature".

    I also have NO idea what Redruums "nature" has to do with his individual representation of clan CAS on a senate. I'd also suppose that each clan could elect their own CoA senator and if we, as Advisors to CAS, thought that our leader Commander Redruum had "chaos" in his "nature" we could appoint a differnt senator.

    So...what exactly IS your point?

    Originally posted by Sware
    Too chaotic to work...
    Still its funny you talk of unity while you divide people like that at the first place... Too much paradox in your nature. Still all for the clans, lets hope whatever we do will ehlighten the future for us.

  5. #5
    I base my thoughts on the facts not preassumptions. Since you showed up there is chaos reigning. This is a fact. Due to your lack of skill of handling things in politics you revolted most of the clanners against CoT and yourself...

    This is no way Redruums fault, he is more a warrior then a politician such as myself. The 'nature' I spoke of was CoA as a whole...
    Lion Strimple aka Sware

  6. #6
    With all due respect for a fellow Dreadie .... the chaos is only amongst the people who have reacted in an over-dramatic way.

    People who never really listened and understood things, before they made hasty decisions.

    Read all of the press releases from CoA ... Not once have we showed out and out aggression. Then read all the releases from people opposing it and you will see childish insults, ridiculous assumptions, and basic comments that proves they have no understanding of what is actually happening, despite many attempts at clarification.

    All i ask is for people to relax more ... and more importantly, take notice and understand things before rushing in.

    Jah bless.
    Sulema Keaorata Fahrni

    You dont need eyes to see, you need vision

  7. #7
    I nearly forgot to mention this

    (Linked to a news article in the VoF for people who have no idea what im talking about )

    To clarify:

    The Greek God was called Ares

    Aries is a Zodiac sign. Not linked at all with Ares.

    Also comments about changing letters to form insults totally removes the chance of being taken seriously.

    Hope this clears things up
    Sulema Keaorata Fahrni

    You dont need eyes to see, you need vision

  8. #8

    Post Redruum you idiot..

    How do you possibly think you can unite us with nothing but bloodlust? Some clanners want peace through words, and not bullets/swords. What you have failed to understand, is you do not have many people standing with you. And the example your setting, the Mercury Dragons running off and killing Omni Pol guards for hours, is this really showing political strength? More of the weaknesses that you hold. Many of you, hopefully, have read my article, regarding the Syndicate of Retribution. I wish I had a Grid Site, that would display my current thoughts and ideas, as my article no longer has reached the front page of the Voice of Freedom. Simply put, I will relay a few points I spoke earlier. The CoT is no longer fit to rule. The CoA never was, or will be. Why, might your thought be? Well, simply, Absent leaders cannot rule a country (my way of grouping the clans). Bloodlusting, fool hardy men, will lead us into destruction. I take it Redruum, you have never gone one on one with a Juggernaught? And dont try to pass some crap off, saying you won. Three to four could easily destroy Camelot. Throw in your standard arment of slayers and Omni-Pol, and you have Tir in a nice fruit basket. My Brothers, My Sisters, can it be more clear that this "Council" that is trying to gain control, is not fit to lead us? The most succesful nations were Democracies, as are we. Your Council will be elected by the masses, and they will lead you, with your ideals and opinions. Together, it is possible to remove the Capital threat of Omni-Tek. Together, we can make Rubi-Ka, our home!

    Hans "Dericad" Shone
    Elected Temporary Council Head
    Syndicate of Retribution

  9. #9

    Talking Omni is happy.

    Great Job

    Keep it up guys, you're all doin a fine job of ripping up your own side, your ideologies. At this rate Omni need not do a damn thing, apart from bringin out the popcorn and Muffins 'Hot dawgs, get yer Hot dawgs here!'
    Crattyjack (RUR) - Director of Sales.
    Nashka (RUR) - Security Chief.
    Greenie01 (Devils Advocate) - Wheeler an Dealer.
    Emmet 'Bazzit' (Uncle Bazzit Foundry) - (Unofficial) CEO.
    Sightsee (The Makers Shades) - Lord.

  10. #10
    In response to Dericad (Some clanners want peace through words, and not bullets/swords.)

    Peace through words is possible through the CoA Senate. That is why there is a Senate where the majority Senate vote determines what shall be done. If peaceful means is voted then that is the way it shall be. Once again I just wish people would read before making comments.

    /OOC Also I have heard even though I was not on that Cz talked in the leaders channel saying that CoA is wasting their time because the CoT will never go away. Way to go Funcom, way to put down something the players are doing! I am sure you will keep tons of players that way! I am currently trying to find if any leaders logged that conversation, till then everyone tell your leaders to join the CoA to oppose the Funcom that puts down things players are trying to do!

  11. #11
    "tell your leaders to join the CoA to oppose the Funcom"

    I can understand your frustration, but this doesn't make any sense at all. You can't do things in character (support CoA) to pursue an out-of-character agenda (defy Funcom). The day you stop treating your character as a live creation with its own motivations and sensibilites, it just becomes a toon. And what is the point of setting up the CoA if all you have left are toons?
    Dabblez - Rubi-Ka Universal Robots (RUR)
    We put the Art into Artificial Intelligence!

  12. #12
    Yes, I understand Savoy. I do apologize for the last post about joining CoA to oppose FC. If you wish to join the CoA in game because of your clan ideals please do so.

  13. #13
    Also I have heard even though I was not on that Cz talked in the leaders channel saying that CoA is wasting their time because the CoT will never go away.

    Im very surprised by that ... Altho was he speaking IC or OOC?

    If he is speaking OOC im very disappointed because everyone with half a brain realizes that we are just roleplaying. We fully expect CoT to stay ... They are obviously part of the 4 year story arc so we never assumed they would disappear. Were not stupid

    However if Cz did actually say this its very annoying because he isnt encouraging RPing ... Saying something so blatantly OOC just ruins it for everyone in my opinion. He shouldn't have said anything like that if FC wishes to encourage RPing and player interaction with the story.

    Again i say this if its true. If he didnt say that then i apologise
    Sulema Keaorata Fahrni

    You dont need eyes to see, you need vision

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