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Thread: VARIETY! Funcom, weapons need it!!

  1. #1

    Unhappy VARIETY! Funcom, weapons need it!!

    Okay, it's a simple fact. There's no better rifle than the x-3.

    Before these, Ranee's and Dissa's and Caterwauls were
    commonly used. Now, they're obsolete. I'd say that's not good,
    for many many reasons, and creates a bottleneck. We have a
    weapon with increased demand, due to it being THE best rifle,
    but an limited supply, being team boss mob, only. Instead of
    making it easier to aquire, we need a better supply of weapons.

    Here, I'll address what weapons could be revived by something so
    simple as an upgrade.. it's not to hard to bring back variety...

    Starting with:

    QL200 Stigma:

    Attack time: 1 s
    Recharge time: 2.5 s
    Range: 34 m
    Clip: 125 - bullets
    Damage 12-326 (101) - poison ac

    What upgrade is needed? Only 2, of the same type.

    Add +100 damage, and 100 crit. Great gun, but you sacrifice the
    power of the x-3, for speed that lower level players required to
    flourish. So, in essence, this new "modified" version of this is:

    Attack time: 1 s
    Recharge time: 2.5 s
    Range: 34 m
    Clip: 125 - bullets
    Damage 12-426 (201) - poison ac

    (Hardly unbalancing.)

    Out's the Caterwaul a lil' bit, but if this were boss mob only, then
    the Cat'd just take over as the poor man's modified stigma.

    Sounds good to me. Another rifle: (Yes, we'll do other types.)

    OT PF57 Flechette System:

    Attack time: 2.5 s
    Recharge time: 2.5 s
    Range: 27 m
    Init skill: ranged init
    Clip: 14 - bullets
    Damage 21-262 (354) - projectile ac

    All you have to do? Go to QL200....

    Average increase per QL: .1175 base, 1.5 max regular, and a
    whopping 2.14 per QL increase on criticals.. not bad. It looks like:

    Attack time: 2.5 s
    Recharge time: 2.5 s
    Range: 27 m
    Init skill: ranged init
    Clip: 14 - bullets
    Damage 28-322 (500) - projectile ac

    Base damage ain't great. To be competitive, I'd say add a good
    +80 to the regular damage, at a sacrifice of leaving base the same.

    So: Damage 21-402 (500) - projectile ac

    Remember, it's about adding variety.

    Lastly, the Tsak. The final Rifle to be upgraded.. or modified:

    (I know I left out Dissas and Ranees, but this is enough...)

    QL175 Tsakachumi PTO-HV6 Counter-Sniper Rifle :

    Attack time 2.45 s
    Recharge time 2.46 s
    Range 30 m
    Init skill ranged init
    Clip 26 - bullets
    Damage 28-343 (159) - projectile ac

    Base damage increase, per QL: .143
    Regular max damage increase: 1.8
    Critical damage increase per QL: .82

    QL200 stats:

    32-388(179) A bit weak... not bad.. but I'd make the crit 250...

    (ALL agent only.)

    On to assault rifles: Not many worth crap.. why? Because of RE, or
    SMG, or some other added useless type of attack. So I'm just
    going to propose my own designs, because I can get it right:

    First Assault Rifle:

    Cerberus MPS - Standard Flamer:

    Attack time: 3.45 s
    Recharge time: 1.55 s
    Range: 24 m
    Init skill: ranged init
    Clip: 46 - Flamethrower Ammo
    Damage: 19-588 (359) - Fire AC.


    Assault Rifle

    Fair range for an A-R, good clip, great regular damage, moderate
    criticals, with two of the quicker cycling specials. Low recharge...

    And Fire AC. =)

    Second Design:

    Morthotech: Tsvalia Heavy Auto-Cannon.

    Attack time: 2.20 s
    Recharge time: 3.65 s
    Range: 27 m
    Init skill: ranged init
    Clip: 60 - Energy
    Damage: 12-540 (412) - Energy AC.


    Assault Rifle
    Full Auto

    Good range, great clip, sweet regular damage with a matching
    good critical stat. Fast speed for a 3 special, but with a fairly
    *balancing* recharge, for the specials. Good DoT...

    Final Assault Rifle:

    Attack time: 1.20 s
    Recharge time: 2.25 s
    Range: 30 m
    Init skill: ranged init
    Clip: 38 - bullets
    Damage: 10-472 (345) - projectile AC.


    Assault Rifle

    Here we have a good gun. It has amazing speed for a ranged
    weapon, good range, excellent damage over time potential. Yes,
    it only has one special, but it'll cycle faster with the gun's speed.

    On to.. what... Pistol:

    I'll design my own here.. to keep the good stuff coming in.

    Reet-tech Plastishot PS-5:

    Attack time: 1.20 s
    Recharge time: 1.25 s
    Range: 19 m
    Init skill: ranged init
    Clip: 110 - bullets
    Damage: 15-372 (340) - projectile AC.



    Awesome speed and fair damage for GREAT DoT... Pistol range,
    but a clip tha'll never end, and good recharge for faster flings.


    Morthotech Grim-Pagano Repeater:

    Attack time: 2.65 s
    Recharge time: 1.55 s
    Range: 24 m
    Init skill: ranged init
    Clip: 56 - energy
    Damage: 30-435 (409) - energy AC.


    One more:

    Soho Master Pellet-Blaster

    Attack time: 2.30 s
    Recharge time: 2.55 s
    Range: 20 m
    Init skill: ranged init
    Clip: 28 - bullets
    Damage: 18-414 (396) - projectile AC.



    That's my pistol designs, now for...


    Tantrum APC-1200a

    Attack time: 1.20 s
    Recharge time: 2.65 s
    Range: 28 m
    Init skill: ranged init
    Clip: 38 - energy
    Damage: 10-392 (385) - energy AC.


    Another SMG:

    Morthotech L33-T Rainmaker

    Attack time: 1.20 s
    Recharge time: 1.25 s
    Range: 21 m
    Init skill: ranged init
    Clip: 38 - Flamethrower
    Damage: 16-342 (280) - Fire AC.


    Last SMG Design:

    Obarjene Venomous-Fiend:

    Attack time: 2.10 s
    Recharge time: 1.45 s
    Range: 30 m
    Init skill: ranged init
    Clip: 66 - energy
    Damage: 32-472 (245) - poison AC.


    Now Shotguns: (Yes, shotguns.)

    Manex ePR - Tradesman's Special:

    Attack time: 3.20 s
    Recharge time: 2.25 s
    Range: 14 m
    Init skill: ranged init
    Clip: 38 - shells
    Damage: 10-451 (545) - projectile AC.


    Cifuentes Rotary Buckshooter:

    Attack time: 1.20 s
    Recharge time: 2.20 s
    Range: 20 m
    Init skill: ranged init
    Clip: 48 - shells
    Damage: 18-404 (365) - projectile AC.


    Lastly, for ranged, Bows: (We need buffs!!!)

    Machika Handcrafted Acu-bow:

    Attack time: 3.60 s
    Recharge time: 1.25 s
    Range: 25 m
    Init skill: melee init
    Clip: 38 - arrow
    Damage: 36-472 (345) - projectile AC.


    Morthotech Maddened Dreamer:

    Attack time: 1.20 s
    Recharge time: 1.25 s
    Range: 30 m
    Init skill: ranged init
    Clip: 38 - arrows
    Damage: 7-372 (255) - projectile AC.


    Okay, then... on to melee weapons:

    2HB: (For Solitus Enforcers who need a beam-powerful weapon.)

    Morthotech Rat-Smasher:

    Attack time: 2.45 s
    Recharge time: 2.20 s
    Range: 4 m
    Init skill: melee init
    Clip: none
    Damage 26-443 (416) - melee ac

    Fast Attack

    This reflects the solitus agility, but lesser power than " tha trox' ".

    Morthotech: Enhanced Flaming Hellbringer:

    Attack time: 3.25 s
    Recharge time: 2.45 s
    Range: 3 m
    Init skill: melee init
    Clip: none
    Damage 12-742 (197) - melee ac

    Fast Attack

    Molested Doom-broom:

    Attack time: 2.35 s
    Recharge time: 2.25 s
    Range: 3 m
    Init skill: melee init
    Clip: none
    Damage 46-528 (398) - chemical ac


    (More to come, soon.. next post.)
    Last edited by Morthoseth; Aug 10th, 2002 at 23:22:46.
    "Ideas are more dangerous than guns.
    We wouldn't let our enemies have guns, why should we let them have ideas?"

  2. #2
    I often look through the weapons in the shop, or found on corpses, and lament that 99% of them are completely useless.

    Funcom may as well just increase the amount of credits the mobs drop.

    I would love to use a variety of guns. It would keep things interesting. But sadly, almost all of them are utterly useless. =(
    Primordiax RPG - Our World, Your Imagination

    Muckbeast - MMO Game Developer Blog

  3. #3
    sigh... FC should really increase the stats on old weapons instead of keep putting in new "uber" weapons... I mean if today there are easy to get weapons with perhaps 3/4 of the damage of those rare weapons, there would be more ppl using those

  4. #4
    Originally posted by Phione
    sigh... FC should really increase the stats on old weapons instead of keep putting in new "uber" weapons... I mean if today there are easy to get weapons with perhaps 3/4 of the damage of those rare weapons, there would be more ppl using those
    Right on, cuz.. =) *Malik "Morthoseth" -Cifuentes-*

    Like my stigma example.

    12-427(201) @ 1/2.5, with a 125 round clip. Not uber, but a very
    competitive gun, and easy to find. You're right, they DO need to
    just give the current guns a boost, no matter how they do it.

    "Uber" weapons are hard to find.. for a reason, I guess. BUt we
    need something to diversify the "weapon pool". We're all going
    to look like clones of each other, at this rate, sadly..
    "Ideas are more dangerous than guns.
    We wouldn't let our enemies have guns, why should we let them have ideas?"

  5. #5
    Originally posted by Cindrax
    I often look through the weapons in the shop, or found on corpses, and lament that 99% of them are completely useless.

    Funcom may as well just increase the amount of credits the mobs drop.

    I would love to use a variety of guns. It would keep things interesting. But sadly, almost all of them are utterly useless. =(
    That's why the above should be put in. =) Yeah-yeah!

    But a big afirmative to the more credits thing. I'm tired of a damn
    Lv180 mob only dropping maybe 5-8k per loot once, per 6 people.
    "Ideas are more dangerous than guns.
    We wouldn't let our enemies have guns, why should we let them have ideas?"

  6. #6
    Malik "Morthoseth" Cifuentes = my long lost brother

  7. #7


    Why is your profession title "Union Man"?

    /Slight frown.

    Is there something you need to tell me? =)p
    "Ideas are more dangerous than guns.
    We wouldn't let our enemies have guns, why should we let them have ideas?"

  8. #8
    ok now i know this has been said somewhere else but seriously:

    this is FUTURISTIC. WTF ARE SWORDS FROM 18TH CENTURY FRANCE DOING IN IT? at the very least if a sword does fire damage it could be flamey-looking, but thats more like magic...what we really need is futuristic looking swords that actually put foot to @$$. (just a side argument, you may now continue on your day )

  9. #9
    Dear All,

    I wish to comment on the Stigma rifle
    (cuz the Stigma is my first love, and still is)

    Currently I believe the Stigma is a worthy alternative to the X-3 with its current stats.
    However using the Stigma requires another strategy.

    The Stigma is what I call a defensive rifle, as opposite the the X-3, which is an offensive rifle.

    with Defensive I mean the following
    Having a high Range init combined with the fast attack rate you can put your att/def slider to 50 % and still fire at the speed cap.
    (This offcourse depends on your level and how high you have raised your Ranged init)
    The high min damage allows you still produce reasonable damage.
    If you now combine the 50 % att/def slider with fully maxed out evades/dodge ( also usinf S and B implantes on dodge and evades) Mob will start missing you quite a lot.
    So using this strategy the mob will hit you for less and therefore you dont need to hit so hard as you will be longer alive and hence have more time to kill the mob with smaller hits

    for the X-3 cuz of its slower attack speed you will need to put the agg/def slider at 100% agg - thus making it more likely that the mob hits you. Therefore the X-3 requires a higher damage output cuz you yourselve take take more damage

    to be able to kill mob you need to kill the mob before it kills you ,

    You can do it two ways
    Either defensive - Mob doesn't hit me so hard so I don't need to hit mob so hard -> Stigma
    Offensive - Mob hits me hard so I have to hit Mob even harder -> X-3

    Putting higher damage on the Stigma ( to which I would not object, ) can make the Stigma maybe to powerfull,... if you use the Stigma in a correct way.

    Bottomline: Sometimes a different rifle requires a different strategy.
    Off course for a particular strategy a certain type off rifle will always be the best. (Such as for Agent currently the X-3 is accepted as the best rifle).
    now if you choose a different strategy ( and also a different Ip allocation) then maybe another type of rifle will suit you.

    One more comment on the Stigma,
    please note it does poison damage.
    when in a team it can be usefull to have many different types of damage output.
    So allthough the base damage output migth be lower of the Stigma, IF mobs have lower poison AC's and higher Energy AC.
    (Looking at the stats of Armor I think that in general most mob could have a lower Poison AC then Energy AC. I am just assuming this - I have no hard evedince for this, )
    Against a mob with high Energy AC but low Poison AC the Stigma could be better than the X-3.

    What I wanted to point out is: The type off rifle to use is not only based on the statics of the rifle BUT also how you choose to use it.
    The same rifle in different hands will propably function differently.

    So actually in order to have vriety in rifle you have to have variety in the peeps who uses the rifle.
    Unfortunately the variety in peeps play styles is something where FC has no control over, .

    (One last note: before any of you Agent start flaming that such and such rifle is much better than such and such rifle, please remember that the performance of a rifle is also VERY depended on the person who uses it.
    It is not cuz for person A rifle Y is better that the same applies for person B. Also emotion play a not to neglect part in the appriciation of a rifle, )

    Last edited by Basiel; Aug 12th, 2002 at 13:40:36.
    Entertainer and Rubi-Ka Trotter

    Feel free to visit:
    Olie's Arul Saba Store - Gems and Bracer
    Free Champagne and refreshements

  10. #10

    Make a wider variety of guns useful/equal!
    Primordiax RPG - Our World, Your Imagination

    Muckbeast - MMO Game Developer Blog

  11. #11

    Angry !

    Make sure u check my old post too "useless items" it has to do with this....
    Come out with your pants down!

  12. #12
    Originally posted by Basiel
    Dear All,

    I wish to comment on the Stigma rifle
    (cuz the Stigma is my first love, and still is)

    Currently I believe the Stigma is a worthy alternative to the X-3 with its current stats.
    However using the Stigma requires another strategy.

    The Stigma is what I call a defensive rifle, as opposite the the X-3, which is an offensive rifle.

    with Defensive I mean the following
    Having a high Range init combined with the fast attack rate you can put your att/def slider to 50 % and still fire at the speed cap.
    (This offcourse depends on your level and how high you have raised your Ranged init)
    The high min damage allows you still produce reasonable damage.
    If you now combine the 50 % att/def slider with fully maxed out evades/dodge ( also usinf S and B implantes on dodge and evades) Mob will start missing you quite a lot.
    So using this strategy the mob will hit you for less and therefore you dont need to hit so hard as you will be longer alive and hence have more time to kill the mob with smaller hits

    for the X-3 cuz of its slower attack speed you will need to put the agg/def slider at 100% agg - thus making it more likely that the mob hits you. Therefore the X-3 requires a higher damage output cuz you yourselve take take more damage

    to be able to kill mob you need to kill the mob before it kills you ,

    You can do it two ways
    Either defensive - Mob doesn't hit me so hard so I don't need to hit mob so hard -> Stigma
    Offensive - Mob hits me hard so I have to hit Mob even harder -> X-3

    Putting higher damage on the Stigma ( to which I would not object, ) can make the Stigma maybe to powerfull,... if you use the Stigma in a correct way.

    Bottomline: Sometimes a different rifle requires a different strategy.
    Off course for a particular strategy a certain type off rifle will always be the best. (Such as for Agent currently the X-3 is accepted as the best rifle).
    now if you choose a different strategy ( and also a different Ip allocation) then maybe another type of rifle will suit you.

    One more comment on the Stigma,
    please note it does poison damage.
    when in a team it can be usefull to have many different types of damage output.
    So allthough the base damage output migth be lower of the Stigma, IF mobs have lower poison AC's and higher Energy AC.
    (Looking at the stats of Armor I think that in general most mob could have a lower Poison AC then Energy AC. I am just assuming this - I have no hard evedince for this, )
    Against a mob with high Energy AC but low Poison AC the Stigma could be better than the X-3.

    What I wanted to point out is: The type off rifle to use is not only based on the statics of the rifle BUT also how you choose to use it.
    The same rifle in different hands will propably function differently.

    So actually in order to have vriety in rifle you have to have variety in the peeps who uses the rifle.
    Unfortunately the variety in peeps play styles is something where FC has no control over, .

    (One last note: before any of you Agent start flaming that such and such rifle is much better than such and such rifle, please remember that the performance of a rifle is also VERY depended on the person who uses it.
    It is not cuz for person A rifle Y is better that the same applies for person B. Also emotion play a not to neglect part in the appriciation of a rifle, )

    I don't understand: 11 more base damage isn't a big deal. When
    you scrape the barrel, you scrape the barrel. 327 damage is WAY
    too low for current standard weapons, though, half slider or not.
    I'll put my 750 init, full aggro x-3 vs. a half slider stigma any day
    of the week. If I want evasion, different damage types, etc... I'll
    go FP MA, and buff those stats, and be on near equal par.

    Damage type isn't that big an advantage, in PvP, either, unless
    you're doing radiation or fire.. most armors there are strong
    against pretty much all but radiation, which is not available.

    12-427(250) isn't that unbalancing. Screw the damage type, that
    is a minor thing, imo. And minimum damage? Bah, when you
    scrape the barrel, you scrape the barrel. The damage difference
    in hardly a big deal. Higher regular damage is much more noticable.

    And what's wrong with half slider with that gun? MA's/Soldiers/
    Fixers have comperable weapons, in speed and damage, what's
    the big deal? Hell, agent evades are horrible until you can even
    remotely afford to spend on them, around lv130, or so...

    12-427, poison. Big deal... half slider? Big deal, I say. Rifle users,
    agents, need a big boost in the evasion department! Make this
    new stigma rifle agent only, and many agents will be less abused
    by mobs, with their horrible hard to raise evades... seriously.

    But the agents who want big speed, at the expense of their
    evasive abilities, will have so, and yet have better damage.

    What does a half slider stigma do for groups? It does less
    damage over time than a full aggro x-3, with enough init. Unless
    your stigma gains aggro, I don't see the use when in groups,
    where less damage done can equal peoples lives, and asses.
    "Ideas are more dangerous than guns.
    We wouldn't let our enemies have guns, why should we let them have ideas?"

  13. #13

    true. i also think this ties in nicely with this post

    sept 03 - the day ao was keeled by sl.

    gone now. byebye.

  14. #14
    "Ideas are more dangerous than guns.
    We wouldn't let our enemies have guns, why should we let them have ideas?"

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