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Thread: Official patch info - August 14th 2002

  1. #1

    Official patch info - August 14th 2002

    Server patch - August 14th
    This patch is to fix the recent bank exploit, and re-enable the organisation banks and the tax system. In addition we will do some maintenance on the servers.

    (Sorry for not having this up yesterday.)

    Patch 14.5
    WTA: August 28th
    Focus: Outdoor content, with close attention to high levels

    Patch 14.6
    No ETA or WTA
    No content info yet


    This post will be updated with info on upcoming patches when we have it.

    WTA - Wishful Time of Arrival ("if everything goes perfect..."; Community ETA )
    ETA - Estimated Time of Arrival (more official estimate)


    Hi all. We know nothing new and don't plan on knowing anything for quite some time. We also have no intention of telling you why we don't know anything. Just so I can pretend to be doing something here I thought I'd throw a date at you for the next patch. Now, even though I've said 2 weeks away that hardly means that's accurate because its wishful thinking. Not only is it not currently on the test server, we don't even know what's in it. We are however fairly confident that the next patch will simply materialize on the servers by the end of the month (We hired a witch doctor). Thanx all, and remember, keep sending us your money.
    Click Click BOOM
    BoomDoom - Lvl 146 NT
    Thugdoom - lvl 80 enforcer
    EmissaryDoom - lvl 75 Crat
    ProfDoom - Lvl 57 MP
    Nursedoom - lvl 57 Doctor

  2. #2
    WTA: Def, invented in Norway by two game company employees, when 1 asked the other,
    1: "Hey, I need a word for a made up date just to blow off our customers"
    2: "Use WTF"
    1: "No, cant, someone in England woulg get offended, and we would have to change, unchange and change names again"
    2: "Okay then change the F to some other letter, just close your eyes and press on the keyboard"
    1: "I'll use A, so I dont have to think of too many letters in the alphabet"
    2: Cool, lets play CS

  3. #3


    But please have your credit card number ready for your exclusive



    oh god my side hurts from laughing....

  4. #4
    Originally posted by WebMD

    2: "Use WTF"
    1: "No, cant, someone in England woulg get offended, and we would have to change, unchange and change names again"
    *laugh* Hehehe.

    You know, if they truly have no idea what is coming in the next patch, then it sure would explain why they are always so screwed up. :P I mean, I can only assume that since there is no idea what is in the patch, that no one is working on it yet. I'd think if you're working on a patch, you might have some concept on what you're doing. But then again, perhaps Funcom operates like an automobile factory. Each person doing one myopic job with no idea of what the bigger picture is.

  5. #5
    lol boomdoom, wellput
    Hailieglade 200 Heavy Combat PoP Star - Proud member of Inner Circle - Omni born on June 18th 2002
    ...after you fix cams can we get a 250 lvl cap? or maybe a 5k token board? for some poetic justice...
    BR 15 CR 2 Sniper / Medic / Engineer - Markov

  6. #6
    I believe that FC should put more effort in feeding the community than it's being done today. The reason I see it that AO is totally dependent on it's community.... right?! Since the community is such a important part in that way that we subscribe for playing the game, we should be updated, info, events, patchnotes?!, anything FC! Tell us a bedtime story ANYTHING... We're hungry you know.

    Now it's more like we're wolfes in a lil pit... occasionaly a FC employee stops by and throw down a lil quarter pounder chees burger for all of us to share.

    I know that the community representative might not be so eager to visit the boards cause of all the damn flame/hate/kill/You sux FC threads. Damn I'm fed up with those threads! (Allright I shall not swear, sorry).

    There are people who still believe in you FC.

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