Hm, wherefore art though monthly newsletter? Guess I got used to the early ones
Hm, wherefore art though monthly newsletter? Guess I got used to the early ones
Ophiuchus : 220/30/80 HAHA etc
Nahuatl :: 220/30/80 Melee 4lyfe
Khurkh :: 220/30/80 healtankpew
Msanthropic : 210/26/60 nanostab
Spidershiva :: 165/23/42 kite? eh?
Silentmotion : 150/20/42 tankthink
The Union
Maybe they are scared of bieng flamed, so heres the monthly updates: were working on new engine and it will be going live hopefully within the next 10 years so dont go dying, and we plan to add ao to steam
. . . everything in creation is impermanenT
*hopes for lux armor sub offer*
Vinkera - Soli NT - 426k DPM - Setup
Robbey - Soli Crat
Lone anarchists - Tower of Babil
Celez - Soli Doc
Loaloa - Soli Enf
Wondershot - Nano Soldier
Robzor - Soli Engi
Proserpexa - Opi Agent
Trying out civilization - Storm
Hmm, did michi ragequit or what's up
Don't you just hate this kind of ppl
the history repeats.
new dev jumps in listens to the community for a few mounths and does some changes, and after that its nothing.
this happend with absolutly evry dev we had, they do 1 ''big thing'' and they stop.
the balance was good, but it should be follow up the mounths after with adjustments... this balance became a joke insted when we see the end result. the community has spoken allot about the topic and this currents dev ''big change to please us'' now how long will it take before we get a new one to try please us?
i wish evry current dev we had could completed the task they started on for once, this game has so much potensial if the company could complete a task before they jump on 10 new ones before the main task has been completed.
Too busy working Conan exiles I expect.
Perkable - 220/30 Crat
Enforcblack - 220/30 Enf
Blacklist - 200/30 Adv
Blackhawkzz - 200/30 Crat
Nano93 - 168/23 NT
Blackhawkss - 164/22 Sold
Black - 150/20 Enf
Blackhawks - 126/15 Agent
Cannibalz - 92/9 Enf
Blackhawks00 -57/6 MP
Blackhawkd - 29/3 Tard
There was a time when I thought that Michi would do some good for AO...
Now I see that he is in the same league as Lindelu and Genele
Awikun 220/70/30 Ranged adv - my Main that I hardly ever log
Awisha 220/70/30 Shade - Can solo 95% of all bosses
Cratawi 200/70/30 Crat - S7/DR Solo farmer
Awiken 220/70/30 Eng - Pvm Eng
Nukiwa 200/70/30 NT - almost forgotten (awaiting retwink)
Awidoc 200/70/30 Doc - 200 fun pvp twink
Awix 200/70/30 Fix - 200 fun pvp twink
Awienf 220/70/30 Enf - tanked every single boss (and still lives)
Soldawi 220/70/30 Sol - Pvm Sold
Awima 150/xx/xx Ma - best S10 MA farmer
Doctorawi 220/70/30 - Pvm Doc
Awienfo 200/70/30 - Atrox with Pande red belt and 2xQL300 hammers
Macierewicz 220/70/30 - Pvm Crat
Zlakobieta 220/70/30 - max complit +top tradeskiller
More like "Let's Talk, but only every month or so and don't hold me to it".
There's no need for that at all.
One profession to RoO them all, one profession to proc stun them, one profession to calm them all and in the darkness Exp perk them!
Crataiken 220/30/70 General - Primal Evolution - 3rd AI 30 'Crat on RK 1 Setup
Calms 220/30/70 General - Primal Evolution
Medicaiken 220/30/70 General - Primal Evolution Setup
Newen 220/30/70 President - The Galactic Milieu
Mettagirl 220/20/** General - Primal Evolution
Krataiken 150/18/40 General - Primal Evolution Setup
I'm sure the wonderful and overwhelmingly positive support from the community helps get through the mostly love driven job of working as a GD in AO.
Michizure is love, Michizure is life.
Dywas - 220/30/70 Neutral Nanomage Nano-Technician
Caramela - 220/30/70 Neutral Solitus Doctor
Desejos - 220/30/?? Neutral Atrox Enforcer
Gretchenross - 220/30/?? Neutral Opifex Shade
Bizzle - 220/30/70 Neutral Atrox Soldier
--<3 Professional love--
* Aiken pets Lazy on the head. Sure it is, you keep telling self that
<Aiken> such a cutesy clammer aren't you *cheekpinch*
<Lazy> viva la revolucion
* Dywas decides to walk away from the soon-to-be sexytime
<Aiken> lol Dywas, Id make a man of him
<Lazy> Dywas, i'd go gay for aiken. no lie
I can hardly wait for the anniversary !
Operator : "Are we safe from russian hackers ?"
Support : "Da"