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Thread: Grrrr

  1. #1


    Maybe some people don't realize how difficult computer programming can be....

    Let me tell you it is by no means easy. I write C++ apps..I know how much of a pain in the ass it can be.

    I wouldn't mind spending money for content additions....What I do mind is that they are adding content without fixing the damn bugs....
    .: Naraya :.

  2. #2

    Wink here here

    Yep I totally agree with you there. Its like putting paint on a house before the plumbing is done, but really, they should have fixed all the bugs and problems a long time ago, I could go on, my god I am getting started again, aaahhhh!

    I think they had to lay off some dev people, or somthing, and now are treading water, trying to make due. Just a guess.


  3. #3

    Re: Grrrr

    Originally posted by Naraya
    I wouldn't mind spending money for content additions....What I do mind is that they are adding content without fixing the damn bugs....
    I honestly think the problem with this is sometimes Funcom tries to hard to listen to us. If you read these boards you see ten times the number of people complaining about content and class problems and what not than you see people reporting bugs. They have tried to provide us what we ask for... I just wish more people would ask for fixes to bugs, but as I recall many people complained about how they knew about the bank exploit months before it was fixed... for this reason they blamed Funcom for them getting banned... and yet many of them never thought to report the bug....

    People on the test server, unfortunately, can't be expected to be lucky enough to think of all of the millions of scenarios that happen.

    On the flip side, there are a few bugs that I think should be moved to the top of the list, but I'm not sure how many people e-mail support about the bugs or just post here. If you post here, I believe that you have to hope CZ or Cosmik see your post and report the problem, if either of these to things don't happen the bug will still be unknown to the Devs. I think there is an e-mail.. something like that allows you to e-mail them the bug and make them aware of it. You can do it anonomously if your are afraid you'll get banned for an exploit that you accidently did by e-mailing

    Too many people come on here complaining about how much they want this and that... I've seen requests from wanting to design there own guild clothing to wanting new dungeons added. All of these take a lot of programming and effort. I'm sure they'd love to add so much content that none of us ever leave and many old timers come back... unfortunately there is not enough time in the world to provide everything everyone wants. I agree with your post that people underappreciate the work of the Devs!

    A few months back (around November) there were many discussions on here about adding land control and fighting for land. There were pages and pages of posts from people. Now Funcom has done a lot to incorporate that and all I see are posts that all say why should I have to pay for a booster when that should've been in game all along. Funny thing was it was never the design of the game or the vision of the game. It was Funcom using it's resources to provide something that a majority of the player base was asking for...

    Like I've said so far... sometimes I think Funcom tries too much to give us what we ask for....

  4. #4

    Re: Re: Grrrr

    Originally posted by Demono

    Like I've said so far... sometimes I think Funcom tries too much to give us what we ask for....
    Hmm, actually I think Funcom is about to offer us what we already paid for. But now they want us to pay for it again. Go figure.

  5. #5
    Nope... we never paid for it... if you had even tried to find out about the game beforehand you would know that capturing land was not part of it.

    I played AO beta and was well aware that this was not part of the game...

    What did we pay for... we paid for the game you are playing... we pay for fixes to that game...

    What Funcom provides is content. Adding new content is what keeps people playing.

    Major changes to the game that take massive programming hours to complete are not something we pay for. To think so is naivity in its best form. If changes like those being put in the booster pack were not able to be put into a booster pack.... controlling land would have been not envisioned and never considered.

    From a business standpoint it would be stupid to spend countless hours undertaking a major project like this (that may not be affordable by your budget).

    you pay for the current state of the game, not the future state of the game. Something that has not been created yet has relatively no value, so no one would pay for something that is envisioned but may never be reality.

    Would you go to a car dealership and pay $20,000 for a XYZ car that is worth $5,000 with the deal that if they are able to develop a new car (worth $30,000) then you will be able to upgrade to it (probably not).

    Now say you went to a dealership and bought a XYZ car worth $20,000, a year later the XYZ company figures out a way to make that car get twice the gas mileage and having this feature increases the value of the car to $25,000. Any car company would offer this as an ADD-ON... You don't have to get it if you don't want it, but if you do you will get your money's worth from it...

    Somehow I wouldn't see people expect to be given the NEW ADDITION for free and you would be an idiot to call the new addition something you "already paid for"

    Welcome to reality. In reality, you aren't entitled to things that don't exist... In the above examples you can replace buying the car with a lease... a leawse would be most similar to paying a monthly fee for the use of something.

    If you feel that you already paid for things that are in the booster pack, then you probably had no clue what you were buying.

  6. #6

    we pay to be able to play on the servers and to get new content and a storyline.

  7. #7
    Originally posted by zoster

    we pay to be able to play on the servers and to get new content and a storyline.
    ummm.... so you agree with Demono then? This is not a necessary addition. They have been providing storyline and content to some extent through patches... This booster really doesn't do that if you read the notes.

    The booster is an enhancement of the game. Additional sounds, improved graphics, and the ability for land control (so additional playability and enhanced PvP).

    And yes.... we DO PAY FOR FIXES. Why? because if they hadn't fixed any bugs in the game then everyone would have left by now. Hence, people would not pay if there were not fixes.

  8. #8
    Originally posted by Admirable

    ummm.... so you agree with Demono then? This is not a necessary addition. They have been providing storyline and content to some extent through patches... This booster really doesn't do that if you read the notes.

    The booster is an enhancement of the game. Additional sounds, improved graphics, and the ability for land control (so additional playability and enhanced PvP).

    And yes.... we DO PAY FOR FIXES. Why? because if they hadn't fixed any bugs in the game then everyone would have left by now. Hence, people would not pay if there were not fixes.
    I gotta agree with what he says that we pay for using the servers and maintence etc... Not for fixes EVEN THO.. i expect fixes to be in the game with the cost we pay! that doesnt mean i see the booster pack as a fix tho.. i see it as a addition of feature.... and not a patch. And i dont see any trouble paying for it anyway. if you dont want it.. dont buy it.. simple.
    RK1 - Hajk - Solitus - Lvl 217/DR 16 - Nanotech - Apocalypse
    Explorer 60% / Socializer 53% / Killer 46% / Achiever 40%

  9. #9
    Originally posted by Demono

    What Funcom provides is content. Adding new content is what keeps people playing.
    *laugh* Are we playing the same game?

    We keep playing in hopes of content being added because basically, this is a good game. Just absolutely devoid of any substance.

    I can just see every other software company out there switch to subscription services to provide bug fixes. Hahaha.

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