misions are. boring in current implementation.
Picture this.

You get a mission. it's a sniper mission.
You get hold of agent for you team. (or if you ar a agent you could just solo etc).

You go to mission location, buff up. Then sneak inside.
(or it could be in the outdoors?)
There is a time limit. not too short, but certainly not long enough to just hang around either.
You sneak in, thru dangerous areas, traps and enemies.
Find target. kill him as silently as possible.
100% sucess. You sneak back out as careully as you sneaked inside. And you are sucessful. 1 target down and nobody saw you. tata you get a extra bonus due to sneaking outside.
If you where in a team the team could stand guard outside and ready to "rescue" you if needed if things go wrong etc.

Now lets take a Doc. Same type of mission. only this time.
The doc need to make sure the target stays ALIVE for X amount of minutes after the target has been located.
solo or Team would bring different angles on this as well.

Adventurers. Going somewhere, having to locate a area or person. location unknown. area aproximated etc.

Fixers, hack into a secure building and get a secret item.

Traders, need to make a special/illegal/unique item (and find the parts needed to build it)

And so on, and so on.

I'd like to call these Specialist Missions. And is something AO REALLY REALLY needs.
And this is just autogenerated. Later maybe one could tie in (without the players knowing) some of these randomly.
So a Doc may find himself having to keep a person alive which a Agent is on the way to kill. (and neiter the Doc nor the Agent is aware of this. well unless it's a team variant and they have scouts/guards etc If these missions was in 25% areas it would make interesting entrance battles. And ended with a fierce fight to keep target alive/kill target.

Ppl your gonna hate me for this. But what I just suggested would make a nice Booster Pack as well imo.
Esp if setup properly so GM's etc could slip in some "handmade" Specialist Missions in among the "regular" ones.

So what ya all think? Specialist Missions ?
(right now any profession can do the same type of missions as any other profession which kinda kills the concept of different professions imo)