The newest Testlive patch is sparking quite a bit of conversation. A lot of you have suggested things, and we want to make sure we understand, and curate all of your suggestions. THESE SUGGESTIONS ONLY APPLY TO THE TESTLIVE 18.7 PATCH.
This thread has some rules. If your post doesn't adhere to the rules, it will be moderated, deleted, or moved. This topic will be moderated heavily so that we keep the appropriate format for ideas, and so that we keep this thread clean of debris.
If you are not sure how to categorize your suggestion, please contact a moderator or CM Team member via private message.
Suggestions need to be SHORT and PRECISE. (One or two sentences max)
Each and any suggestion is welcome, as long as they stay on topic.
Discussions about other player's suggestions in this thread are not helpful, and will be moved or deleted. If you really like their idea, send them a private message! They might need your input on the subject!
To make it easier to read and funnel appropriately, please use the following categories: (We really appreciate the brackets )
- [NanoPrograms]- Suggestions specific to Nanoprograms in general
- [Skills] - Suggestions specific to a skill (Including abilities)
- [Perks] - Suggestions about the Perks system in general
- [PvE] - Suggestions dealing with Player vs Environment content (Missions, etc)
- [PvP] - Suggestions dealing with Player vs Player content
- [Organization] - Suggestions for how orgs work / features / etc.
- [Crafting] - Suggestions around the crafting process
- [Items/Pets] - Suggestions in regards to clothing/pets/weapons/armor and other items
- [Interface] - Suggestions for changes to the User Interface (GUI)
Also, as Professions are quite numerous, and need a bit of "drilling down," we would ask you to use the following tags for profession specific suggestions:
- {Adventurer}
- {Agent}
- {Bureaucrat}
- {Doctor}
- {Enforcer}
- {Engineer}
- {Fixer}
- {Keeper}
- {Martial Artist}
- {Meta-Physicist}
- {Nano Technician}
- {Shade}
- {Soldier}
- {Trader}
Cheating, Exploits, Bugs, and that kind of discussion does not belong in this thread.
Here's a Good Example of a post:
and a Bad Example:[Interface] The ingame-text looks like it was made in MS Paint. There should be a better font or some anti-aliasing please.
or another Bad Example:[The poster before me] iz a *$&#* and &$*@ what they sed [insert weapon] meanz i cant do nothin like it isnt for [otherweapons]. So I want you to *&$*@#g fix it NAOW, or I quitz teh intarnetz 4EVAH!
I SUGGESTED STUFF AN U DELETED ITZORS!! [The person who moved/deleted/moderated] my post is a &#^@@!
Remember that suggestions are just that- suggestions. They are written in Jello, not stone. Since this thread is going to be curated, that means that the ideas that seem vague, trollish, or non-constructive will most likely be moved/deleted/moderated.
Thanks for your feedback and help to further improve the game!