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Thread: How to fix the economy!

  1. #1

    How to fix the economy!

    Since AO have been running for quite a while now, people are rich, buying a yalm is no longer a problem, and you see items sell for 150 million credits. And since there was a exploit that helped this inflation bigtime, you need to fix this, and the best way to remove credits from the game is : GAMBLING!

    Yes, add some casions with a futuristic look to them in Omni-Entertain, where players can use all their creds on slot machines, or gamble away their Heavily Padded Overcoat, it does not need to be a advanced feature, a simple poker game would really do the trick.

    I know this requires a good deal of programming and lots of planning to make it fit into the game, but come on, are you guys telling me that noone on rubika have ever heard of gambling?

    As well as gambling there are some other features to add, like ultra-expensive rare appartment items, like rare pictures and a place to sit! (Perhaps even a bed for those really hardcore roleplayers)

    Add more things we can use our credits on, and stop making those "freebie-goodies-dungeons" it makes ultra cool items so easy to get, instead add items that only a handful of people can get hold of. (It is a common fact that MK II armour is hard to get, or, it has never been.) I loved the carbonum, loved the bronto even more!

    Hope you guys can do something about this.

    /Shady "Frakk" Sedy
    Apprentice Frakk // MA - Rk1 - Stuff - Quote
    Sunye // Doc - Rk1 - Quote
    Rookie Frakk2000 // MA - Rk2
    Freshman Frakked // Soldier - Rk2
    Apprentice Frakk2001 // Doc - Rk2

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    Adventures of Frakkman
    Overpowered since 15.0 - MA forever!

  2. #2
    Mmmm...Casinos. Been discussing and dreaming about this with other players. There are lots of other stuff which maybe can be done...We can only hope...
    Marx "Omniangel" MacDannold Level 200 Doctor
    General of First Order

    Omenangel Level 40++ Crat


  3. #3

    Re: How to fix the economy!

    Originally posted by Frakk2000
    Since AO have been running for quite a while now, people are rich, buying a yalm is no longer a problem, and you see items sell for 150 million credits. And since there was a exploit that helped this inflation bigtime, you need to fix this, and the best way to remove credits from the game is : GAMBLING!

    Yes, add some casions with a futuristic look to them in Omni-Entertain, where players can use all their creds on slot machines, or gamble away their Heavily Padded Overcoat, it does not need to be a advanced feature, a simple poker game would really do the trick.

    I know this requires a good deal of programming and lots of planning to make it fit into the game, but come on, are you guys telling me that noone on rubika have ever heard of gambling?

    As well as gambling there are some other features to add, like ultra-expensive rare appartment items, like rare pictures and a place to sit! (Perhaps even a bed for those really hardcore roleplayers)

    Add more things we can use our credits on, and stop making those "freebie-goodies-dungeons" it makes ultra cool items so easy to get, instead add items that only a handful of people can get hold of. (It is a common fact that MK II armour is hard to get, or, it has never been.) I loved the carbonum, loved the bronto even more!

    Hope you guys can do something about this.

    /Shady "Frakk" Sedy

    This would help, but no one with 999,999,999 credits will ever gamble.... I also posted a money sink idea int he next patch forum

    We need to get this economy straightened out!

  4. #4
    Well, the Great Credit Exploit may just have had something to do with the state of the economy. Take away the ability for orgs to dupe credits by the million and the argument for a money sink loses some of its urgency. There are already money sinks implemented to a degree, since every time you buy something from a shop you instantly lose 90% of its value. I'd say give it a few months and see whether the economy begins to revert to a more controlled state.



  5. #5

    .: Naraya :.

  6. #6
    Oddly, a solution which has been tried in RL a couple of times. Mostly, it works.


  7. #7


    Originally posted by Soyuz
    Oddly, a solution which has been tried in RL a couple of times. Mostly, it works.

    I presume you use the word "works" rather loosely?

  8. #8

    Re: gambling

    It's hard to see casino-style gambling being an effective money sink in the AO world. Why? The upside for the player is: more credits. That would seem to be contrary to the spirit of having a "money sink." Fortunately, casino gambling is designed to be a money drain over time on the players (and conversely, a money maker for the house). However, all it would mean for a player is the possibility of spending a lot of time losing his money. Given the way people run missions to "level" late in the game, that doesn't seem to be an option.

    One thing that DOES seem feasible to me is some sort of gamble for items, a la Diablo 2. (Perhaps that's what the "Shop 'o Fortune" was meant for?) Quite simply, you could have it that, for 1k creds/ql, you buy a chance to open a mission chest. Many would be empty; some would contain a clip of bullets; a few would have first aid stims or treatment labs; very few would have useful items, but not exactly what you need; one or two in a character's career would have just that nano or piece of gear he's looking for (can you say "Grid Armor?") Of course, pricing could be adjusted to account for the way people accumulate credits in real-world terms; but I think the basic idea is sound.

    (One nice thing I think about this idea in particular is the chance to gamble for specific ql items, potentially useful as a way to get hard-to-acquire nanos)

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