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Thread: No more clicksaver/item assistant?

  1. #1

    No more clicksaver/item assistant?

    Since the process names are changing, won't these tools need to be rebuilt?
    Quote Originally Posted by McKnuckleSamwich View Post
    Aimed shot to me is not "I'm running in circles and I'm dressed like a big effing slobbering dog with two heads and I can't barely tell my ass from my face and I can see through walls but I can't hold a gun, but I can stop for a half second and aim out my ass at you and pop you for 10k PVP damage because FC thinks two headed dogs are cute and I'm an advy, why don't you just give me your PVP points because you'll never kill me even with a zerg"

  2. #2

    Funcom employee

    Yes, these tools will need to be updated by their respective authors.
    My posts are my own and do not reflect the views of my current nor former employers/clients

    Remco "Vhab" van Oosterhout
    Former Anarchy Online Game Programmer

    Live Chat Support | E-mail Support | Forum Rules | AODevs | Vha.Chat

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Vhab View Post
    Yes, these tools will need to be updated by their respective authors.
    vhab hates the game! that's why he purposely broke clicksaver and item assistant! you read it here first, folks!

  4. #4
    just need a copy of the exe name with the old name in the ao folder, clicksaver finds it by name when it builds its database or updates it. That worked on testlive anyway when i tried it with 18.5 patch

  5. #5

    Funcom employee

    Quote Originally Posted by Lazy View Post
    vhab hates the game! that's why he purposely broke clicksaver and item assistant! you read it here first, folks!
    Don't make me come smack you
    My posts are my own and do not reflect the views of my current nor former employers/clients

    Remco "Vhab" van Oosterhout
    Former Anarchy Online Game Programmer

    Live Chat Support | E-mail Support | Forum Rules | AODevs | Vha.Chat

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by vhab View Post
    don't make me come smack you

  7. #7
    Would be more convenient if you just added clicksaver to the game, or as an official tool...
    Screwed over for the last time.

    Go find a new game to play, this one no longer deserves respect.

  8. #8
    Please add the ability to chose mission rewards already. I mean why make bot heals mission rollable only with no way in game to find the damn things? *weeps*
    I'm a Froob Neutral Trade Skilling Nanomage Engineer- by definition I hide round corners and let the bot do the fighting.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Bluephazon View Post
    Since the process names are changing, won't these tools need to be rebuilt?
    What are the 'process names' ? When are they changing? I did not see anything about this in the update ... or I just missed it. I would really miss items assistant ...


  10. #10
    client has been changed to anarchyonline on testlive due to video driver profiles. Nvidia driver profiles have a lot of exe's with client as the process, so they changed it to stop a loading bug

  11. #11
    This change is on Test server? And will be on live servers with next patch?


  12. #12
    yes it's on test. i THINK they're skipping THIS testlive patch from live servers and going straight to the NEXT one.

  13. #13
    I love how Vhab received a trolling ban the same time as he got that fancy new avatar.

    Now, seriously. Thanks for putting your mind into the game, to make it better. Just incorporate the most used third party programs into the game, to avoid them getting outdated. Or even have the original programmers on the paycheck to supply solutions to their programs in case of an update.
    Neophyte Nerf"Shareida"Batted First Order
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lazy View Post
    it's written in the bible.
    Matthew 23:13 "and the trader hath casteth bulk trader at the young age of 14. and it was good. and so he hath an extra 260 comp lit and he hath equippeth better ncu's. and it was good too.
    A Producer's point of view

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Kinnikinnick View Post
    This change is on Test server? And will be on live servers with next patch?

    It is on Test (it actually made it into the Known Issues list).

    Quote Originally Posted by Lazy View Post
    yes it's on test. i THINK they're skipping THIS testlive patch from live servers and going straight to the NEXT one.
    That line from the Prelim Test notes (3rd post) affects Test only, there won't be any oddities with patch skipping on Live (or at least there shouldn't, unless something breaks spectacularly ).

    A quick note here: It's worth waiting until the next patch hits TL to find out what they are doing with the exe's, as can be highlighted by this single line from the prelim patch notes (3rd post):

    Quote Originally Posted by Lindelu
    Your game client shortcuts should again be working properly
    It could be any number of things, but is likely a pair of small 'redirect exes' that point to the new filenames.

    Disclaimer: I'm an ARK, this information may not be accurate now and shouldn't be considered official communication, yadda yadda oh look a swarm of angry leets.
    The Secret World Gameplay Designer "Nerf" Nirvelle

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  15. #15

    Funcom employee

    Quote Originally Posted by Nirvelle View Post
    A quick note here: It's worth waiting until the next patch hits TL to find out what they are doing with the exe's, as can be highlighted by this single line from the prelim patch notes (3rd post):

    It could be any number of things, but is likely a pair of small 'redirect exes' that point to the new filenames.
    I'll elaborate on that.

    Anarchy.exe was renamed to AnarchyLauncher.exe in the previous TL patch.
    We've renamed it back to Anarchy.exe with the new TL patch.

    Client.exe will still be called AnarchyOnline.exe and that means 3rd party applications relying on this behavior still need to be updated.
    My posts are my own and do not reflect the views of my current nor former employers/clients

    Remco "Vhab" van Oosterhout
    Former Anarchy Online Game Programmer

    Live Chat Support | E-mail Support | Forum Rules | AODevs | Vha.Chat

  16. #16
    What is wrong with anarchylauncher?
    Thor Mastablasta Hammersmith - Level 220, AI 30, LE 70 Clan Atrox Nano Technician - Setup
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  17. #17
    I sent a mail to IA's auther when 18.5 hit test server.
    IA shouldn't be effected by this at all, as it doesn't look for a proccess filename, but rather the window title. Currently window title is Anarchy Online, the only change there will be that logged in character name will be added.

    I haven't tested this extensivly, but IA recorded changes for me on test live this patch cycle. If it works on Test, it should work when it hits live.

    Clicksaver on the other hand will be needing changes.
    Former President of Unlimited High Society - We're recruiting 220/30/66 Eternalist Mardonge - Equip 220/25/70 Savior Bioth - Equip 220/22/64 Dictator Cratzi - Equip 220/22/58 Mogul Stressed 199/22/45 Don Riksmongo - Equip 194/19/52 Spetsnaz 176/18/42 Master 5th Dan Maofex - Equip 100/10/28 Biomare - Equip Foremans Twink ************************************************** Be vewy vewy quiet, Im hunting whinomen

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Maofex View Post
    Clicksaver on the other hand will be needing changes.
    not really, CS[the real one] looks for a named exe, so you just need to duplicate it to get the CS installer/database updater working

  19. #19
    Clicksaver db updates might work with a copy of the AO client with the old name, but has anyone actually tried rolling with it? Unless I'm wrong in assuming it reads memory from Client.exe and returns the array of missions I don't see how it would work without being altered.
    Quote Originally Posted by McKnuckleSamwich View Post
    Aimed shot to me is not "I'm running in circles and I'm dressed like a big effing slobbering dog with two heads and I can't barely tell my ass from my face and I can see through walls but I can't hold a gun, but I can stop for a half second and aim out my ass at you and pop you for 10k PVP damage because FC thinks two headed dogs are cute and I'm an advy, why don't you just give me your PVP points because you'll never kill me even with a zerg"

  20. #20
    I'm pretty sure all these just use the exe name to make sure they are pointed at the right folder, the actual injection process works by looking for specific DLLs (MessageProtocol.dll specifically).

    Anyway, with the EXE now named back to what it was, even having a renamed copy is no longer needed and it'll all just work
    "Do not try and catch the hamster... that's impossible. Instead only try to realize the truth... There is no hamster, only a deadbeat rollerat..."

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