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Thread: After this nerf on Traders.....What do you think?

  1. #21

  2. #22
    Originally posted by Mr Bean

    Traders are still good
    But not as good as they used to be
    Yes they, are, they are right there at the top still, they just aren't Invinceble gods anymore.

    Originally posted by Alynie
    Even with this nerf, Traders don't suck, but they definitely dropped a couple notches in the PvP profession ranking. I used to be able to beat folks who were 10-40 levels higher than me.
    Oh i know, i was lvl 200 Fixer and Traders lvl 160+ totaly owned me. Don't you think there was somethign sick about that? Traders killing everyone and some classes even 40 lvl higher?

    Traders are still kick ass, but you got to use some strategy and sweat a bit to get the kill.
    The Original "The Man" and Level 200 Fixer
    Born 21 July 01
    Graduated 29 March 02
    Perma-Dead 16 August 02
    ... err Back on the 5th March 2003 for a nifty payed for 30 day comeback trial

  3. #23

    Red face -_-

    Originally posted by Alynie

    Were you wearing grid armor? That does make an enormous difference. It's rather difficult for anyone to beat a GA fixer when they miss 80% of their shots.
    FYI, GA doesnt really save your ass from drains at that lvl alynie, maybe you should pvp against a fixer with GA. Cause I sure as hell dont hoohoho, even with 1.4k nanoresist at lvl 65.

  4. #24

    Re: -_-

    Originally posted by DarkSNaKE

    (...)even with 1.4k nanoresist at lvl 65.
    Who has 1.4k NR at lvl 65?
    The Original "The Man" and Level 200 Fixer
    Born 21 July 01
    Graduated 29 March 02
    Perma-Dead 16 August 02
    ... err Back on the 5th March 2003 for a nifty payed for 30 day comeback trial

  5. #25
    I do with 100% def and triple implanted NR

  6. #26
    Originally posted by DarkSNaKE
    I do with 100% def and triple implanted NR
    Run that by me again, obvesly you are not talking about displayed number on skills tab, so care to explain better
    The Original "The Man" and Level 200 Fixer
    Born 21 July 01
    Graduated 29 March 02
    Perma-Dead 16 August 02
    ... err Back on the 5th March 2003 for a nifty payed for 30 day comeback trial

  7. #27

    Re: yep

    Originally posted by Evilwizard
    noer said along time ago when you doc were bumping to get us nerfed that if they nerf us whats to stop them from nerfing you, you could be next, and she knows docs are next to get hit cant blame her FC nerfs you hard-nerfcom You bump it we nerf it

    Im so tired of hearing this sh1t. We ( docs ) Didnt want traders nerfed. WE WANTED OUR HEALS MADE BETTER THAN YOURS. Go look through the doc threads. Noe one asked for what happend. But, I dont feel to horrible for traders, im sorry. That DOT was broke and you know it. Youy were NOT paying full price on heals. you paid like... 1% of the HP you were supposed to. This was a fix, not a nerf. The only NERF about it was that you cant cast the same heal till the dot expires, and have to use a smaller or greater one. The dots stacking to make you pay the FULL price... well, thats they way it should have been originally. Deny that, and you deny the entire concept behind the way trader nanos work.

    btw. I still get owned by traders. I got wiped down by a trader 30 lvls below me the other day. Isnt that fun?
    Last edited by Turin; Jul 31st, 2002 at 15:00:30.
    Nitsobar - lvl 219/13 Doc - Equipment - Perks - History
    MrBruce - lvl 204/6 MA - Equipment - Perks - History
    MsHackalot - lvl 123/9 Twink Fixer - Equipment - Perks - History

    Veterans of Synergy Factor

    Click to email me

  8. #28


    Traders were overpowered, I played one, I should know. Docs should be the ones healing the most, thats their primary job. When traders were being sought out in teams because of their heals, something is wrong there.

    Traders are still powerful in pvp, but like everyone else now, it requires a little strategy. Debuffs are vicious to any class, no matter which way you look at it.


  9. #29

    Talking Nerf

    I want more nerf on the traders! (They are still demi gods)
    Nerf the divest/plunder/ransack etc nanos.
    Nerf the single heals of the Trader (put 150% "hp loss").

    And after this nerf the traders won't be ever again gods/or demi-gods in pvp. And after then all of the other profs rejoice over the fall of the Traders.

    And i like the pvm, and hate the pvp... who cares just neeerf the traders
    100% Pure Gimp™!!!
    Eunike, a level 206 Trader,
    Machiaveli - a level 215 Bureaucrat(Teh Fun!!!)

    Member of the Alpha Omega
    -- Currle:..all there well be too do is sit in the sun and Drink way too much Beer.

  10. #30
    The debuffs are still to powerful, they totally disable all professions, and specially nano skills. Their debuffs work on all nanoskills and all combat skills that works on AMS, thats pretty powerful.

    Traders also got a boost along with the heal nerf, their debuffs got much more lethal, even more deadly than before. Now the debuffs makes you have the weapon OEd, and when a trader can debuff your weapon skills by 50% against a lvl 200, it means 25% weapon efficiency. Translated, taht means the ql 200 gun is a ql 50, and at the same time your AMS is 50% of what it was.

    The debuffs land way to often, divest got only 100% resist, so it lands almost everysingle time its cast, then add a plunder, lets say it lands about 60% of the time, then you are pretty much dead, unless you can run away, which is hard vs a trader who can root and AE root.

    Make their debuffs much easier to resist, its to easy for the trader to totally disable the opponent, should be harder. Make divest 190% and plunder 280%, then perhaps we will be close to balance.
    President of Ali Baba and the 40 thieves

    Garzu 193 Day 1 NT & Garzuperman My Fixer 4 fun since NTs are broken


  11. #31
    The damn debuffs stack, debuffed -400 all skills. i mean, i could just throw my gun at em.

  12. #32

    Re: Re: yep

    Originally posted by Turin

    Im so tired of hearing this sh1t. We ( docs ) Didnt want traders nerfed. WE WANTED OUR HEALS MADE BETTER THAN YOURS. Go look through the doc threads. Noe one asked for what happend. But, I dont feel to horrible for traders, im sorry. That DOT was broke and you know it. Youy were NOT paying full price on heals. you paid like... 1% of the HP you were supposed to. This was a fix, not a nerf. The only NERF about it was that you cant cast the same heal till the dot expires, and have to use a smaller or greater one. The dots stacking to make you pay the FULL price... well, thats they way it should have been originally. Deny that, and you deny the entire concept behind the way trader nanos work.

    btw. I still get owned by traders. I got wiped down by a trader 30 lvls below me the other day. Isnt that fun?
    Nits, traders don't pay the FULL price for the team heals...They pay with interest. A 1k heal hits for 1.4k, almost instantly (dot is really fast). Meaning, they REMOVED team healing from traders. Epsilon is a 100.000 times better working nano now than premium delayed is. You are not supposed to die from healing yourself, I just think that is wrong atleast.

    But then again, funcom doing anything right is an absurd idea.

  13. #33

    What? Me nerfed?

    Come on, i can PUNCH soldiers to death....

  14. #34

    Post slow/quick death

    Traders and Docs are still PvP gods.
    But against different opponents (both for a soldier)

    Unlike a doc, a trader can finish off his opponent fast

    After a few team missions, the team headed to the Ent arena 'cause the NT and a MA wanted to test PvP agains't each others. Sounds like fun, so the rest of us goes along. Don't even know what the result of that match was (think NT hauled ass tho)

    So our doc, Eunucha (Atrox, beam wielding doc) asks if anybody wanna try him on - I say sure, might be fun.

    Note: Eun hasn't done any PvP with his doc the past 100 lvls or more.

    I sneak on both my melee bracers (20% and 14%) and makes sure that RRF is in place. I even got his team HP buff, Fixer HoT, Esse, Critbuff and RI running along with my own.

    We start off. I get some good crits on him, he ain't doing much to me yet. But then the debuff hits. He still ain't doing too much dam to me but now, my dam has dropped *alot*. We stopped when he init debuffed himself, waited for the debuffs to drop (aye, I had one running also - BIG surprice huh?)

    We start off again, I try going full def, ½ def, full aggro. Result is the same, I get my ass handed to me. He even threw me a HoT and healed me two or three times by mistake. He don't have any bracers, so can't put the blame on them.

    Result: I had to stand down faced with init debuffs and heals.
    He is wearing Servants armour and Albrechts Tank, but even without that, the result would be the same: I can't even think about touching him.

    So Sublim, your friendly neighbourhood TRADER asks if anybody wanna do some testing. I say "sure", my selfesteem could be at a very small place then, so why not make it even smaller and save next months rent?

    I ask him if he wants MK up or something. He says sure, throw your MK up.

    We start out - I MK and alpha's him (might as well get the best out of it). All my outside buffs were gone by that time, but wouldn't have helped the least. Drains are ticking him on schedule and he even casts a TEAM HEAL! (boy he *really* wet his pants there huh? <slaps whining traders>. And what does he do next? He starts casting his funnels (or whatever they are called at that lvl). 10 Secs after my MK drops, we stops.

    Result? I was near death and my nano running out just as fast. Him? Full health, guessing near full nano.

    Only different between the two classes is that I can break the roots from the doc's root grafts with my OMHH, but I won't be able to cast that stinking nano even with Mochams and a 132 wrangle after that trader sunk his fangs into my soft MK X.

    But I'd put doc higher - if you know your gonna die, might as well get it over with, not the promise of a long and painfull death come true (10 mins+ a doc fight).

    One more reason why I'd put doc higher on the list - they can whoop every other class in the game, traders included (ask Drdank why he doesn't mind fighting traders - pray you get an intelligent answer, not a "me pwnz j00")

    Ask a trader how he feels about an enf

    Littletza, President of Shadow Ops
    191 solitus soldier

    Ps. Drdank, you don't own me. If you didn't beat me, I'd call you a gimp. Doc beats Sold, just like paper whoops rock...

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