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Thread: an apology

  1. #1

    Arrow an apology

    In a previous post I stated that roleplaying was dead... That as I see is innacurate and I am apologize for that post... Roleplaying is alive in Rubi-ka...(pointless roleplaying, in my opinion, but roleplaying none the less)

    What I mean by pointless is that with no story the roleplaying involved in AO could be done in any other game...(AO was going to be different)...There is nothing to roleplay other then the trivial type things that could be done in all the other online games...

    Sure you can have your leet races and dress-up times and that is roleplaying but I guess I was/am expecting something a bit "deeper" (ie. a story to be involved in and roleplay and interact with). Something we had from nov-jan....

    Bleh... anyhow I sorry that I ever said roleplaying is dead cause I was proven very wrong but I guess I, and many others, need a bit of atmosphere to roleplay in... Not just the unchanging and stale world we have seen for 10 of the 13 months this game has been around...For too many people (myself included) there is no reason to roleplay...

    All I, and many many others, see are neverending missions and/or pvp in 2h0/camelot and it is very hard or impossible to roleplay that world...

  2. #2
    You can play roleplaying adventures in AO that have as much depth as a pen & paper game. You need to put a little work into it , pretty much the same kind of effort the p&p GM have to put work into his or her campaign. You also need a stable gaming group, something equivalent to the p&p concept of "the party".

    With all the good will in the world FC can only provide a backdrop to your AO adventures, the detailed stories, tailored to the needs and personalities of your player group has to come from you. Think about it this way, in the film "Casablanca" WWII provided a context, a background to the story. The actual plot though was a small local affair which did not really affected the outcome of the war in any measurable way.

    Pointless? I beg to differ.
    Dabblez - Rubi-Ka Universal Robots (RUR)
    We put the Art into Artificial Intelligence!

  3. #3
    You have ya own opinion ... but if someone RP's they see it as far from pointless.

    I RP for fun ... I have a reason so therefore it isnt pointless

    Yes the main story is on hold, but there are a lot of people and clans/guilds who create their own stories and enjoy the RPing

    Rubi Ka is an amazing place. There is loadsa opportunities for RPing if you look for them. Even the simplest things can be RPed ... its not just about missions
    Sulema Keaorata Fahrni

    You dont need eyes to see, you need vision

  4. #4

    Re: an apology

    Foreword: An apology by Crazyhorse
    In a previous post I stated that roleplaying was dead... That as I see is innacurate and I am apologize for that post... Roleplaying is alive in Rubi-ka...(pointless roleplaying, in my opinion, but roleplaying none the less)

    What I mean by pointless is that with no story the roleplaying involved in AO could be done in any other game...(AO was going to be different)...There is nothing to roleplay other then the trivial type things that could be done in all the other online games...

    Sure you can have your leet races and dress-up times and that is roleplaying but I guess I was/am expecting something a bit "deeper" (ie. a story to be involved in and roleplay and interact with). Something we had from nov-jan....

    Bleh... anyhow I sorry that I ever said roleplaying is dead cause I was proven very wrong but I guess I, and many others, need a bit of atmosphere to roleplay in... Not just the unchanging and stale world we have seen for 10 of the 13 months this game has been around...For too many people (myself included) there is no reason to roleplay...

    All I, and many many others, see are neverending missions and/or pvp in 2h0/camelot and it is very hard or impossible to roleplay that world...
    Four Words: An apology by Crazyhorse
    I'm really really sorry
    Sorry dude, this just so reminded me of the begining of the Young Ones Book :-)
    Dont you think I look like Geordie from Star Trek?
    Actually I look more of a cross between him and Picard don't I?

  5. #5

    ooc: If you can have....

    A left handed compliment, I guess you can have a left-handed apololgy.

    I realize that my style of role-playing in-game and on this board is seen as fluff by many role-players. However, I've not experieinced a game where there were so many different avenues for me to pursue role-playing and bump into other players who don't mind chatting with me or playing along.

    I'd like to thank, the plyers and guilds who have helped me, at one time or another, have countless hours of role-play fun in AO.

  6. #6

    Smile Crazyhorse Spot the non-RP-mega story so far.


    I understand your point with not having a way of effecting the World, but as I and many other RP'ers will say is that it's fun, all of it has been for me anyway.

    I tell you what, try and spot the logs that I have (and will publish in future), which you think wouldn't be interesting if you were playing Sightsee.

    I prefer to be kept in the dark so to speak as to whether Sightsee is falling into situations which could be (let us say for now), adventures or not. The only exeptions to this are if I am running an adventure by myself or in conjunction with another GM, or if I am an agreed NPC (so I know the background and react accordingly to Player actions).

    If you find that none of the logs would have been interesting to you, (situations/conversations etc.) Then I would agree that from at least your perspective, RPing in AO is pretty much dead.

    Mingle more and get to know the RPers, and dont be frightened to ask if you could participate or need any help with your own adventures etc.


  7. #7
    The first and most important principle of roleplaying is...

    Dabblez - Rubi-Ka Universal Robots (RUR)
    We put the Art into Artificial Intelligence!

  8. #8
    I believe The role playing in any game can be done in any environment, yet I would hardly call what we do "pointless". What makes the p in Ao unique to this game is the world and rules of the play. For example, in the stories you create a story (yes i know not the "official story and in no way affects it) and play it out, using the background you are given. here in ao we have resurection technology, a planet with a lot of opened ended history, and a conflict which is not so much back and white ( although the expansion may change this).

    Now, the same stories my guild tells in our RP, could possibly be told in another environment, with a few changes to the background and story mechanics, but that is the same for any story. How many times have we seen a different interpretaion of the same story, in different genres or settings.

    To claim the the role play is pointless shows a lack of imagination. pointless to you? maybe, because you don't immerse yourself in it. you are not the entertainer, you are waiting to be entertained, and unfortunatly ,you are not finding what you are looking for in the game. Your beef seems aimed at the storyline...the "official" storyline, and these are RP topics which are by the players. In no way "official" story, but for them it is entertaining and fun, which when you really look at it is the reason we are here anyway.

    if you are here to Role play, then stop waiting for soemone to start it for you, or somethiing to appear less "pontless" to you, and start it yourself. There is nothing stopping you from doing what you concider RP with a point. but if you are not, and your beef is the "offical" story, then perhaps don't insult the Role Players, telling them what they fo is pointless, post your concern in storyline threads and be mad about it.
    AO is not just about pvp, or Rp or power lvling. It is about whatever the players choose to bring to it. Don't make it personal against one of these groups because you feel nerfed by the game company.

    Atlantian: "Jesska Rhees" - lvl 153 Crat - retired
    Rimor: Krazee "Lilyflie" Madness - lvl 103 ENF - semi around again

  9. #9

    Arrow ...

    You are all exactly right...

    Pointless was the wrong word... The roleplaying in AO is alive and the people that do it make Rubi-ka a better place... I guess my beef is with the story... I commend you all that continue to roleplay through this time and I wish I had the skills or desire to do it without the story....I have tried, perhaps not hard enough though....

    Sorry for that...

    Again, the roleplaying that people do is a betterment to all of AO, I just wish that FC rewarded such roleplaying with some feedback of some kind... Keep it up because the world of Rubi-ka is stagnant enough, and without you all it would be completely dead...

  10. #10

    just a late night ramble...((OOC of course))

    I agree about roleplaying on AO ...though it is alive,well and heavily desired it is also sought after. I know for a bit of time... (thought it felt like a LONG time, gave me headaches and hearburn to a degree) it seemed that I was doing more ooc talking then IC roleplaying. Which I didn't mind at first then it got to a point where my mind was going numb with all the OOC stuff going on around me. Luckily for me I was rescued and invited into a few extremely interesting things... and Im finding myself at a happy Roleplaying place again.

    And though I do understand what the major complaint is about "THE STORY" I can't say I really get it. Yes Ive watched the movies and I was like Ohh let me give the trial a chance. Well I was hooked and the rest is history. Here I am...yes I have not been playing nearly as long as the majority of you (( March 17th 02)) But still .... I get what the complaint is about. But I never really thought I could or would ever ever get the chance to do anything that would change the mind of someone in a position of power.
    Like for example... Ive lived in America my whole life. I know we have a president and I know his name. Do I honestly believe that my opinions/beliefs/daily actions mean a rats ass to him? Hell No.. Im not silly like that. And the only time we get a Hey how are you from the President is when there are press meetings or something is happening in the country. And that is if I watch the news. So basically if I didn't watch the news and never seen a press conference does that mean that the President is just gone?
    No... he is unaccesable to me and the majority. Just like the "Leaders" of this game are.
    Im not saying people don't have the right to be pissed or hold grudges. Im just curious though is how many people actually think that what they would they... being the ones that won't , can't or don't roleplay due to the lack of "STORY" would then do ??
    Im sure it would be a big deal for Ross to stroll down the streets of Omni HQ but is there a person a gamer/rp'er there at all times to say that he didn't? and what would those "no story Im not role-playing" people do if suddenly the story did come rolling back around? No Im not holding my breath.. but I wasn't in the first place.
    For me Im here to Roleplay ...pure and simple be it with a group that has a job and needs a doctor to help out or on a larger scale being something that is involving the mass amount of EXCELLENT people Ive had the pleasure of Roleplaying with. Im not looking for any of my characters to change life on Rubi-ka. But while I have them here. I plan on enjoying the life they have.

    Bah..who cares of my opinion anyway.. like I said Im not out to change the world... nor do I hope to change anyone's minds. Im just greatful to get involved with good Roleplayers that aren't sitting around waiting for things to happen... but take it upon themself to initiate change for their own enjoyment and for the people around them as well.

    Take it ez!

  11. #11
    Originally posted by Savoy
    The first and most important principle of roleplaying is...

    Hear hear!!! WE WANT FLUFF!!!!!

    Ghump - a member of Ragnarok

    My hovercraft is full of eels

  12. #12
    i somewhat agree to the original poster.

    a lot of people do RP to a great extent... BUT...

    they all RP in they're own imaginary worlds/settings. there is not enough background material presented by FC for us to RP on. 2 groups of RP'ing players may have loads of fun with what they RP, but they created everything themselves, and theres not much in common between these 2 groups (strange as it may sound). theres nothing to link all the RP'ing people together around a common plot, story or setting.

    you create your own version of AO.

    in PnPRPs this is a good thing. 1 group play a game in a totally different manner than another group. nothing wrong, in fact more right than wrong IMO.

    the problem is that we are all on the same planet, at the same time (ok i know we got more than 1 dimension... nm that fact), and FC should present at least some sort of plot, story or atmosphere for us to RP around.

    just my 2 cents...

    edit: how about some sort of in-game "sourcebooks" openly available to all interested concerning professions, factions, history, myths, legends etc etc... wouldnt be too much work for the devs. and perhaps, some dev with backing in PnP RP would get a kick out of making this feature see the light of the twin suns ?

    edit 2: im not talking about RP as a tool for changing worlds. i merely want to be a part of the world, not just see it as something my feet touch when not in a yalm.
    Last edited by Luuvchild; Jul 25th, 2002 at 04:23:17.

  13. #13

    One World


    AO has given us the best world I have found for creating player stories that have a good chance of meshing with other player stories.

    Timeline, Animated Series, Articles, News Stories and a Novel.

    I agree there could be more, but there is so much already.

    The player stories here do not diverge as much as you might think, especially as most people are clever enough not to claim close links to important NPCs they have no control over;
    can't have everyone being Philip Ross's close confidant, or Henry Radiman's sunday chess partner.

    One way player stories can converge and have a better chance of being one world is if players write up their stories and backgrounds for an OOC audience, that way people can mention subtle details from other peoples' worlds.

    It's good when people come up with new stories that complitment but do not duplicate existing ideas and stories, but this is of course not enforcible.

    I would really like to see some of the green named characters do write ups of their activities aimed at an OOC audience...but as they have to do Customer Services duties before they get the time to RP at all, perhaps this isn't feasible.

    I liked the OOC perspective the animated series gave you...your characters didn't know it IC, but it might help you know where to look for plots and RP opportunities.

    I've heard that NPCs will tell you some things about the world, but apart from vendors or guides, all the NPCs I have highlighted and said "hello" have ignored me. Perhaps there is some other trick to this?

  14. #14
    That's exactly right Hirunda. In most instances the different player based storylines will not jar with each other in any big way. When they do, its just common sense for parties involved to politely ignore each other, accepting the fact that though we share the same virtual world, we do not always share the same "reality".
    Dabblez - Rubi-Ka Universal Robots (RUR)
    We put the Art into Artificial Intelligence!

  15. #15
    edit - decided not to bother.
    Last edited by Jazger; Jul 26th, 2002 at 14:55:56.

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