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Thread: About the Omni

  1. #1

    About the Omni

    Originally posted by Seraphael
    Why blame omni? Can't clan for once take responsibility for their own mess? They certainly have enough terrorists (some of which probably are inept handling explosives) within their ranks

    I say: Go omni and become (lag)free!

    Its your Omni BS that cause us to have issues. I dont understand why Omni try to blame us(clan) that we are a source of all issues. You, Omni, are the scum that has caused us to rebel against you. You are exactly the reason why we must thrive on killing.. we havn't lived this way by choice. We are fighting to take away from you what we should rightfully own, all of Rubi-Ka.

    It feels good to kill an Omni anything. Know why? Becuase you Omni are rude and obnoxious people. Yes, you may have wealthier living enviroments. That doesn't make up for the brianwashing voice over rintercom "Omni is you friend" or that goofy Hitler for a dictator.

    Clan fights for the rights that you just choose NOT to give us. You know what? We'll continue to fight, get stronger, and storm you guys. I understand we do make feeble attempts, but know this. I am clan, and I will lead a revolt into Omni-land. You guys will go down. For all the problems you caused.

    The cut the clan down all you want, shade yourself from the truth like a true omni soldier. One day you'll realize that the Omni has a striking reseblence to those factions most portrayed as so-called "nazis"

    I don't mean nazis in the literal WWII sense. I mean in over all, you guy are evil. Killing innocents. Try to look back into the history of the omni, see how good that makes you feel. Poor excuses for soldiers that fight for no good cause.

    Sounds to me like Omni need a few cans of Clan Whoop-A** opened on them.

  2. #2


    Did you hit the New Thread button by accident? Because this thread make no sense by itself...

    And I don't know you are a historian... of Old Earth History no less! I too am interested in history of Old Earth... but there are no books about something that happened 200k years ago... care to tell us more?
    Last edited by Salada; Jul 18th, 2002 at 02:25:01.

  3. #3


    i hit new thread purposly because of a thread that some guy posted. it was so deep in a thread i thought it better to just make it more accessible.

    if that makes sense..
    Slickblue - 131 2he enforcer rk1

    Anyone else feel like blitzing their office for the paycheck?

    My Woman

    notice: GAHH! I hate typos, so this is a pre-edit note, if its edited, then UBER MASTER TYPO KING Slickblue has done it again.. :/

  4. #4

  5. #5
    um folks..this is the next patch forum..and you're bloody near IC..take it to the roleplay forum, where I can hack you senseless with little smiling picutre of Mr. Ross giving you the finger across every screen in your shabby 10-item apartment
    General Hershel "Kasimir" Jurik

    President of Division 9 R.S.G.E


    Braumiester of the Pagan Bartenders, wielder of dual SSo8s

    Stealer of hearts, creds, and anything not nailed down!

  6. #6
    Originally posted by Kasimir
    um folks..this is the next patch forum..
    Um, yeah. Plus, i remember what that post was in response to. The original post was to destroy Tir because it was laggy and to blame its destruction on Omni. That guy's response was basically why blame Omni for it? Either way, WHO CARES?

    Although, I'm always in favor of reducing lag.
    Click Click BOOM
    BoomDoom - Lvl 146 NT
    Thugdoom - lvl 80 enforcer
    EmissaryDoom - lvl 75 Crat
    ProfDoom - Lvl 57 MP
    Nursedoom - lvl 57 Doctor

  7. #7


    yeah, getting some of that lag down would be nice. Probably be best if people didn't hang out in the same place all the time. Like over by the Tir grid, that's just a nasty nasty area. Too laggy to bear sometimes.

    Anymay, every area saems to have their lag, can do anything about it unless poeple didnt congregate so much in the same place.

  8. #8
    attn. disgruntled ex-employee:

    we paid for the land you're 'rebelling' on.

    have a nice day.

    --some omni guy
    Blue Steel(TM)

    E 86% - S 60% - A 33% - K 20%

    SL upgraded oct 10, 2003

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