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Thread: Guild Recruiting (Everyone, all levels, even newbies most prefereably lv 15-50...)

  1. #1

    Guild Recruiting (Everyone, all levels, even newbies most prefereably lv 15-50...)

    Guild Recruiting everyone, all levels and professions, including clueless newbies (even newbies who know how to play!) I would prefer the levels 15 to 50, (again, I will invite level 1 and I will invite 200 though) but once I hit 50, the top number will go to 75!

    My name is Clankiller4 and I'm a level 35 Enforcer, buffing and giving away old armor, weapons, whatever for free, to even non-members. But, dont expect to get millions of credits worth of free stuff if you're not in the guild. Lol.

    The guild's current name is Protectors Of War, with some sure changing ahead. The first 6 to 10 new members will be promoted to General, and the first 10 or 20 get the most say in the voting. But I will listen to even the 5000th new member thats been in for half of a second.

    I am the only member in this guild because my PC had a virus and I couldnt play until fixed, 1 month. I am sorry to any previous members, and I have a few free gifts in store if you come back. Dont worry possible new members, this wont happen again. I promise.

    I would like to see this guild a "rebelling" guild that attacks both clan and Omni guards. If someone, even one person, strongly disbelieves in any of these, I will bring it to the guilds attention and maybe we can change this.

    I like humor, so dont worry the guild chat wont be boring. And to anyone, including myself, that doesnt curse alot or any, extreme cursing is not allowed, and a first case can lead to a possible boot.

    Im hoping to not have to charge taxes because I am being supplied with money from my other characters, but I will accept donations.

    I am on for 1 to 3 hours a day with a few exceptions, usually 3+. Hehe.

    Enough about me, lets hear about you. /Tell me in game or reply to this post and we can talk, reach an agreement, or even invite you to this guild. Thank you for your patronage.

  2. #2

    Almost Forgot..

    Hehe Almost Forgot. On RK1!

  3. #3

  4. #4


    Hey I Got Same Troubel Beagel Join Me Just Turn Omni You Would Make A great UnitLeader In My guild
    Name:The SIth's
    Alliance: The [JCO]Alliance That Stands For Joint Clan Operateions
    Top Lvl:100Atm
    Min:Lvl In guild 26-27 Something

    Join Us Dont You See Its Destiny

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