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Thread: War!

  1. #21
    What you don'T understand bro is that PVP-wise, neutrals are FUBARed. We can only go on the offensive, EVER, if we are in a 0% zone.

    ANY other time, we cannot attack. A pvping neutral is someone that suffers the opponent's apha before he can even do jack squat.

    Put 0% in the neutral zones, and suddenly, it's not a neutral zone. it's a WAR zone.

    (And everyone needs the swiss. LEt us be the godamn swiss dammit.)
    The nootie's infamous black joker, Jujuwalker :
    RP profile :

    La censure est la negation de l' esprit. (Censoring is the negation of thought) --Yvirnig
    When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro. -- Hunter S. Thompson
    QUOTE OF THE DAY : And remember : you minions SHOULDN'T BE THINKING!

  2. #22
    The war sounds a really good idea to me but sadly not to most other people in teh game :/.
    prehaps it could just be done for one day though, or just two main cities could be made 25%.

    oh and apparently neutrals can start pvp now as well (not sure, just heard it yesterday in game)

  3. #23
    read before.

    Only in 0% zones that neutrals can attack. only.
    The nootie's infamous black joker, Jujuwalker :
    RP profile :

    La censure est la negation de l' esprit. (Censoring is the negation of thought) --Yvirnig
    When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro. -- Hunter S. Thompson
    QUOTE OF THE DAY : And remember : you minions SHOULDN'T BE THINKING!

  4. #24
    i think having everywhere 0% is stupid, BUT i do think we need a LOT more areas of fighting. i cant count how many times ive ran through ans seen a few clanners just sitting there next to 15 omni and we cant do anything. choosing sides is almost a biased of what kind of armor you prefer now. i do like the certain bars that are 0%, there should be more of those. bars in RL are 0% at anytime, it just takes time to have the proper staffing to control the elements. yes there would be some jerks that just wail people for fun, but happens. how supression gas can get clear out in the middle of the dessert is im a wandering nomad hunter and come across a clanner passing me that is headin to omni to kill fellow staff...and all i can do is watch him pass...seems dumb to me.

    we need something more not just gankers parking at grids and whompas. not just arena matches. we need large scale warfare of some point. i do like the idea of areas being "claimed" if it is removed of all guards and you hold that area long enough for it to become yours. it would add a totally changed perspective on the game. i could be running to the outpost by harry only to see clanners sitting at the entrance now.

    there should be events that drop gas for a day outside the major cities or something just to let everyone go at it that wants to and those that dont can whompa about and make a go at it. i want war and peace massive scale battles with juggernaut tanks and dropships...but it seems my drems will fall short. I personally dont like PVP now for the fact that its all one on one and IMO pretty stupid.

    As an agent i like the idea of wandering the cities or flying in and sneaking through to find a clanner i could take out out, fire off, and fly away or fight my way out if needed. i want raids on Omni-1 that i can help defend. i want to be able to think im doing something that makes a difference in actually belonging to side for any reason beside certain armor types and a token board.

    there is so much potential but no follow through other than a gas that keep me from raising my gun and shooting someone here but not 3 inches to my left.

    anyways thats my thoughts, do with them what you will

  5. #25

    Thumbs up

    Let all zones be 25%. Omni should be able to kill a clan any time, any place. Oh no, no more ql 190 missions for clanners in omni HQ? Any clanners even NEAR omni-1 should be shot down from their yalms or ganked to death.


  6. #26
    Originally posted by Halfdeck
    Let all zones be 25%. Omni should be able to kill a clan any time, any place. Oh no, no more ql 190 missions for clanners in omni HQ? Any clanners even NEAR omni-1 should be shot down from their yalms or ganked to death.



    Who the hell does missions in Omni-HQ? It's called Broken Shores.

  7. #27

    Re: War!

    Originally posted by Naraya

    Let the war for control over Rubi-Ka really begin and let the players decide who controls what. They cannot write the
    storyline for us. We must make it ourselves....
    Omni would stomp the clanners

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