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Thread: Why can...

  1. #1

    Why can...

    Why can mobs go thru walls?

    Why can I go thru walls?

    Why can I shoot mobs thru walls?

    Why can I sometimes not hit a mob that's right in front of me?

    Why are mobs able to hit for crit dmg around doorways, corners and hallways, but cannot even get thru a doorway?

    Why do pets get lost in missions?

    Why is Broken Shores as laggy as Omni 1 used to be 8 months ago?

    Why is there no more manteze hunting in Galway County?

    Why is trashking on a evil spawnrate?

    Why cant I buy cigarettes, an umbrella, toothbrush, a working polaroid camera in a shop?

    Why cant I buy a glass of milk?

    Why can I only own ten furniture items?

    Why are all apartments empty if I can only have ten items?

    Why can I only be allowed ten possessions in my apartment, but 500x the space in bank and inventory

    Why are mobs in static dungeons grey? ( no exp )

    Why can I only sit down ONE way

    Why can I buy a stereo in the shop but no big screen TV?

    Why arent there any t shirts with cute slogans on them I can buy?

    Why can I jump like 20 feet high, and cast spells, and take 50 gunshots to the head without dying but cannot see 5 feet in front of me in the dark?

    Why do night goggles and floating torch make the daylight too bright while not doing much at all for specific parts of Broken Shores and missions, what is there a solar eclipse over just me?

    More thoughts welcome.

    Or is this a why ask why concept?
    Last edited by Orchid; Jul 18th, 2002 at 20:26:34.

  2. #2
    Why do night goggles and floating torch make the daylight too bright while not doing much at all for specific parts of Broken Shores and missions, what is there a solar eclipse over just me?
    Wow. You still look at the scenery? :P On a side note, maybe my graphics card sucks, but the floating torch doesn't really help at all and provides about this ---> <--- much light. NVGs work fine for me, and I don't understand why people complain about headaches and whatnot. :P (Note: I haven't bothered with a light or nvgs since level 30ish. Don't really need to see the scenery anyways. ) Nother note, if you're not playing AO in 32 bit, then everything is darker. Or at least for me it is. What I hate are those all white rooms that I run into late at night when my eyes are already straining. Makes me want to just close my eyes and go to sleep.....

    The whole mob thing is because that dumb mob isn't really where your client is showing it. I assume it's server-client sync issues. That damn yoyoing is like 9 gazzilion times worse after 14.4...or at least it seems that way to me.

    BS has a gazillion storms, as well as many people in the zone. Add all that green ambient lighting, zillions of buildings etc, can you expect it not to be 'laggy'. Anyways, lag is such an overused word in this game. 98% of 'lag' is just your computer working at 312% trying to render everything and keep it scrolling smoothly. (I know people who don't 'lag' at all in BS :P ) I myself 'lag' horribly for the initial minute or so, then am pretty much fine until I zone out and zone back in.

    As for the rest, it's because they were too busy implementing different looking chests. Because that is super uber and a must have fix to balance the game.

  3. #3
    Why would you put someone on ignore for asking you for mochams? IF someone asks for a buff and I have it I give it to them. For free. Like it should be in my opinion.

  4. #4
    I guess I really understood the usefulness of the floating torch when I had to give up my NVG for my... err... special NCU interface. Now I really do understand the pain. Really.
    Jen Markarian - Put the weirdness back in Omni-Mining
    Updating my stories -- 19/03/08. Going slowly, but certainly
    Anarchy Reloaded - AO webcomics for the sake of being silly

    I never want to lose what I have finally found
    There's a requiem
    A new congregation
    And it's telling me: go forward and walk
    Under a brighter sky
    -- Delerium, Euphoria --

  5. #5
    why do i have a beard?
    Why cant i cut it as i want to?
    Why can't i color it yellowish if i want to?
    why won't anyone give a poor NT a Mocham?

    Why do i write this in red?
    Why don't i write this in red?
    Why CAN i write this in red?

    And why does Emiko have a larger postcount than me?
    Nerf Emikos postcount, i smell an exploit, she can cheat her way through the 60 sec delay. just because she's a forum-whore, and i'm not, doesent mean she just can HAVE 800 posts. It's unfair, i want a 90 sec delay on her, just because she's better than me.

    (oh, those last lines was a ironic comment to all whiners who can't accept enforcers and soldiers actually SHOULD be better fighters than traders, fixers, aso.
    Think if columbus (he's prob what i call an adventurer) meet Conan ( i know, closest to an enforcer i came up with) in a fight, who would win? )

    hehe i'll stop now, silly me
    220/27/62 Crat | 200 NT | 200 fixer |174/14/42 twink trox nt| 100/12 trader| 60/6 enf|

    Total levels gained since nov 2002 |2500+ |

    7 years to ding 220, any better?

  6. #6
    ROFLMFAO ....omfg.... Blodcreeper, I want this drugs too!

  7. #7
    Originally posted by Holmgehirr
    ROFLMFAO ....omfg.... Blodcreeper, I want this drugs too!
    Nah uh, it's mine, and it's called 'troxic waste
    220/27/62 Crat | 200 NT | 200 fixer |174/14/42 twink trox nt| 100/12 trader| 60/6 enf|

    Total levels gained since nov 2002 |2500+ |

    7 years to ding 220, any better?

  8. #8

  9. #9
    First off, I do cast mochams on some people. When I feel like it. However, since I can't even enter NLC (well, just about any populated zone really), without being SPAMMED TO ALL HELLS with a gazillion tells, I'd probably be casting buffs nonstop till I grew old and died. Then you have the 83% of requestors who send their request like this, 'Give me MC TS mochies'. Excuse me, I'm not your slave. If you can't even ask nicely, you're auto ignored. Then you get the ones that start of with 'hi' then 'can you cast mochams' then 'will you cast mochams on me' then 'ts mc'. Don't take 9 gazillion tells to ask me for something. Ha. Then there's the ones who after you cast mochams on just once, seemed to have added you to their friend's list. Then they seem to send you a tell every fwaken hour asking you to come and refresh their mochams. My buffs are for me. When I'm feeling nice they're for you. I don't play this game to be a buffing machine. And no offense emiko, you're an adventurer. I will bet my life and the lives of any future children I have that I get at least 20 times the requests for buffs then you. *shrug*

  10. #10
    I agree with you , I did not understand because I dont know get requests for buffs ever, unless it's in a team mission then I regularly get asked for Grinning Hunter, Gaurd of the Grizzly, and Superior Wilderness pRotection.

  11. #11

    Re: Why can...

    Why can mobs go thru walls?
    -It is being looked into

    Why can I go thru walls?
    -A very well known issue. It is being addressed.

    Why can I shoot mobs thru walls?
    -Sent to PQA for testing. I'll keep my eye on its status for you

    Why can I sometimes not hit a mob that's right in front of me?
    -I've brought this up with the designers.

    Why are mobs able to hit for crit dmg around doorways, corners and hallways, but cannot even get thru a doorway?
    -There are no immediate plans to change this.

    Why do pets get lost in missions?
    -Suggestions noted. I'll see what I can do and let you know

    Why is Broken Shores as laggy as Omni 1 used to be 8 months ago?
    -This is intended.

    Why is there no more manteze hunting in Galway County?
    -This is one of the biggest issue on the Community Team's list.

    Why is trashking on a evil spawnrate?
    -Because we are very much against camping.

    Why cant I buy cigarettes, an umbrella, toothbrush, a working polaroid camera in a shop?
    -In our opinion, if enabled, this would be very unbalancing.

    Why cant I buy a glass of milk?
    -This has been reported as a bug and will be addressed.

    Why can I only own ten furniture items?
    -It has been reported, and will be looked at to determine what can be done.

    Why are all apartments empty if I can only have ten items?
    -As I mentioned earlier, this is something I would like to see also, and it is something we can do.

    Why can I only be allowed ten possessions in my apartment, but 500x the space in bank and inventory
    -This is being fixed.
    DrSquick - 134 Doc
    BloodSquick - 104 agent
    BrainSquick - 59 Crat
    Others: 42 NT, 27 MA, 14 Eng, 30 Enf

  12. #12
    /me greet Squick as the new Funcom employee he will become.

    Darn, that was a harsh reply squick
    Now i feel like playing GTA3 again *ugh*

    220/27/62 Crat | 200 NT | 200 fixer |174/14/42 twink trox nt| 100/12 trader| 60/6 enf|

    Total levels gained since nov 2002 |2500+ |

    7 years to ding 220, any better?

  13. #13
    How was that a harsh reply. It's the exact answers Funcom gives. :P

    He would indeed make an awesome GM.

    /me nominates Squick for Cz or Cosmik's job.

  14. #14
    Originally posted by Blodcreeper
    why do i have a beard?
    Why cant i cut it as i want to?
    Why can't i color it yellowish if i want to?
    why won't anyone give a poor NT a Mocham?

    Why do i write this in red?
    Why don't i write this in red?
    Why CAN i write this in red?

    And why does Emiko have a larger postcount than me?
    Nerf Emikos postcount, i smell an exploit, she can cheat her way through the 60 sec delay. just because she's a forum-whore, and i'm not, doesent mean she just can HAVE 800 posts. It's unfair, i want a 90 sec delay on her, just because she's better than me.

    (oh, those last lines was a ironic comment to all whiners who can't accept enforcers and soldiers actually SHOULD be better fighters than traders, fixers, aso.
    Think if columbus (he's prob what i call an adventurer) meet Conan ( i know, closest to an enforcer i came up with) in a fight, who would win? )

    hehe i'll stop now, silly me

    I would put my money on Columbus./.. he had cannons. and alot more men at his disposal, all Conan had was that cheezy wizzard and that thief dude. The girl died. so...
    Nitsobar - lvl 219/13 Doc - Equipment - Perks - History
    MrBruce - lvl 204/6 MA - Equipment - Perks - History
    MsHackalot - lvl 123/9 Twink Fixer - Equipment - Perks - History

    Veterans of Synergy Factor

    Click to email me

  15. #15
    Every quote except for the one about camping was a direct quote from the agent or crat professional report replies

    After reading every single one of the professional reports, I started to see a bit of "ctrl-v syndrome" going on...
    DrSquick - 134 Doc
    BloodSquick - 104 agent
    BrainSquick - 59 Crat
    Others: 42 NT, 27 MA, 14 Eng, 30 Enf

  16. #16
    think the crat replys are bad read the engi replys. ack. we got.

    Oh your not broken your suppose to suck.

    Oh your bot is supposed to get stuck everywhere. we here in the office don't have this problem.

    Oh yea engineers are very desirable profession. why some peope are reporting not being able to get into groups is being looked into.

    hey your bot has the most health of anything in the game so what if the mobs will target you because you do more damage this is intended.

    << hidareign walks into the funcom office type /pet hunt. watches as Big SpaZ gets stuck in the entrance way. >> BAH
    Q u o t e:

    Pardon me for hijacking the thread, here..

    But, Brion - if you don't want your mother to know you were up and on the computer at 3:29 in the morning - DON'T post on a forum that she reads.


    From the WoW forums. best PWNAGE EVAH!!!

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