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Thread: How To Kill a trader (By a trader)

  1. #21

    just a side note.

    If you are a nano caster. Doc, NT. dont bother fighting traders. ITs almost unfair. Actually. it IS unfair. drain/ransack = no weapon or nano = RUN!!!! And then you have to be ready to be called a "baby" or "Wimp" after you run. fighting a trader sucks. I never fight them unless forced to. As a doc, i stand NO chance. I can only beat melee class's. MP's/NT/Traders can whoop me hard.

    Nano shutdown

    Dominate biometa


    all of those = death for a doc
    Nitsobar - lvl 219/13 Doc - Equipment - Perks - History
    MrBruce - lvl 204/6 MA - Equipment - Perks - History
    MsHackalot - lvl 123/9 Twink Fixer - Equipment - Perks - History

    Veterans of Synergy Factor

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  2. #22
    Docs can do init debuff tho

    My twink doc can take traders with init debuff or you can run after it cause its impossible to instacast something with -800-900 in nanoinit

  3. #23
    Originally posted by Wrob
    Docs can do init debuff tho

    My twink doc can take traders with init debuff or you can run after it cause its impossible to instacast something with -800-900 in nanoinit

    you acnt compare the init debuff to the ransack/drains. a slow down isnt the same as shutdown.
    Nitsobar - lvl 219/13 Doc - Equipment - Perks - History
    MrBruce - lvl 204/6 MA - Equipment - Perks - History
    MsHackalot - lvl 123/9 Twink Fixer - Equipment - Perks - History

    Veterans of Synergy Factor

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  4. #24
    I used to never be able to beat a trader. Now at lvl 143 I have a chance.

    I came across some Clanners in 4 Holes yesterday some lvl 124 Trader, lvl 131~ MA and lvl 142 Doc.

    They were busy ganking a fellow Omni Soldier so I don't think they noticed me come up.

    Some may say that there is a big difference between a lvl 143 Soldier and lvl 124 Trader.. but actually I hit title caps at lvl 125~ so there isn't that big of a difference actually in skill level.

    The problems with soldiers is that I used to not be able to do damage fast enough to traders before i was fully drained and they were back to full health. Well.. I took off my 10% LLTS and got a QL200 Division 9 Soldier only assault rifle.

    With Offensive Steamroller my Ranged Init was 850+, Attack Rating of 830~. I knew I would be drained soon, so i hit TMS right of the bat.

    Targeted the Trader and got off a burst and two shots before he was able to drain me fully... at that point he was at 25% with the MA trying to heal him... he got off two shots on me.. one crit but with TMS up it took 300 of my 5k+ HP... then the 20sec burst recharge of the Div9 kicked in and I blasted his ass to reclaim.

    First Trader I ever beat... and I think the key is High Init.. get off as many shots as you can before drained and have TMS up before also... max evades and soon will max nano resist which doesn't work great.. but i've seen positive tests on it..

    With max nano resist my Trader friend had to cast Deprive/Ransack 5+ times before one stuck.... that's a few more shots I'd get in before drained.

    I ran into store to heal and when i came back out the MA was waiting for me.... again threw up TMS and started wailing on him. he thought he could outheal the Div 9 super fast damage with 850+ Init.. but he was wrong.. although the MA did twice as much damage to me as the trader.....

    Holy Cow MAs got maddddddd damage. Stuck some crazy 600+ damage DoT on me right before he died... WTF was that LOL.. almost got me.

  5. #25
    Sounds like he got off Shen. When you or the person that lands the DoT zones(zones out or dies), the DoT does full damage. Before a recent patch, the DoT from Blessed with Thunder or Shen would stick on you, killing you repeatedly. It sucked.
    Perfection breeds weakness.

    Obergeist-Burning bright, Above the head ghost

    Mdgprogram-Fearful symmetry <---beat the every lovin' crap out of a level 60 soldier at 49

    Stronger, better, faster, push it

    The Troll Corps want you!tm
    General in the Troll Corps tm

  6. #26
    Originally posted by Turin

    you acnt compare the init debuff to the ransack/drains. a slow down isnt the same as shutdown.

    -1500 to inits is exactly the same as a shutdown, its impossible to win, just as when a trader debuffs.

  7. #27
    Originally posted by Lohem
    I used to never be able to beat a trader. Now at lvl 143 I have a chance.

    I came across some Clanners in 4 Holes yesterday some lvl 124 Trader, lvl 131~ MA and lvl 142 Doc.

    They were busy ganking a fellow Omni Soldier so I don't think they noticed me come up.

    Some may say that there is a big difference between a lvl 143 Soldier and lvl 124 Trader.. but actually I hit title caps at lvl 125~ so there isn't that big of a difference actually in skill level.

    The problems with soldiers is that I used to not be able to do damage fast enough to traders before i was fully drained and they were back to full health. Well.. I took off my 10% LLTS and got a QL200 Division 9 Soldier only assault rifle.

    With Offensive Steamroller my Ranged Init was 850+, Attack Rating of 830~. I knew I would be drained soon, so i hit TMS right of the bat.

    Targeted the Trader and got off a burst and two shots before he was able to drain me fully... at that point he was at 25% with the MA trying to heal him... he got off two shots on me.. one crit but with TMS up it took 300 of my 5k+ HP... then the 20sec burst recharge of the Div9 kicked in and I blasted his ass to reclaim.

    First Trader I ever beat... and I think the key is High Init.. get off as many shots as you can before drained and have TMS up before also... max evades and soon will max nano resist which doesn't work great.. but i've seen positive tests on it..

    With max nano resist my Trader friend had to cast Deprive/Ransack 5+ times before one stuck.... that's a few more shots I'd get in before drained.

    I ran into store to heal and when i came back out the MA was waiting for me.... again threw up TMS and started wailing on him. he thought he could outheal the Div 9 super fast damage with 850+ Init.. but he was wrong.. although the MA did twice as much damage to me as the trader.....

    Holy Cow MAs got maddddddd damage. Stuck some crazy 600+ damage DoT on me right before he died... WTF was that LOL.. almost got me.

    Good luck in a duel on equal terms.

  8. #28
    Yeah Ober.. that must have been what happened.. after i killed the MA i zoned into Store to avoid getting hit from someone while i was down.. then i got hit with three 600+ DoTs.... thank God Treatment Clinic was right there

    Originally Posted by: Clark "Garzu-perman" Kent
    Good luck in a duel on equal terms.

    1. It's a Political PvP zone.. not an arena, there is no such thing as "equal terms".

    2. I'm was a level 143 Omni Soldier, there was another omni soldier there about level 100 but I wasn't with him. There was a level 124~ Clan Trader, lvl 131~ Clan MA, and lvl 142~ Clan Doctor............. Do you really believe that I had the upper hand ??? ROFLMAO

    If you know anything about Professions in PvP at all you would know that ordinairly I would not have stood a chance... my advantage was that they were distracted and unprepaired for me which is what combat is really all about.

    Can you really call me a "ganker" I mean I walk up on three level 120-140 Clanners jumping a lvl 100 Omni Solider..... So I attack the Clanner and I'm the Ganker now? That's funny.

    Also... btw, I have nothing against people who gank in political zones. I do it was often as possible. If your messing around in a PvP zone be prepared to fight, or get shot the hell up. It's a toss up really but as long as you know it could go either way


  9. #29
    People People People,
    your straying from the damn subject again....


    I think if you go all out evades like I did, you can dominate.

    With this new little twink, I was ok beating newbs and stuff, but when experienced PvPiers came to me I lost, ie; traders fixers ma's, the usual winners

    I was at lvl 50, with a 465 Attack Rating, was getting my ass handed to me, I thought it was all in the AR.


    I leveld up a few times and slapped 20% str stam, and 80% evades, each time. WELL GUESS WHAT

    I havent lost a duel yet, not one, not even close

    The traders I have fought, if they can get divest off, I am not Oe'd with my weapon at all.

    and they will not get plunder off. I dont even give them enough time to drain.

    There is only one trader left on my list to fight, he will probably win..

    "I got a snake man" -The Bafoon

  10. #30
    Originally posted by Clark "Garzu-perman" Kent

    -1500 to inits is exactly the same as a shutdown, its impossible to win, just as when a trader debuffs.

    I dont see how... Id MUCH rather be slowed than shutdown. A full ransack/debuff can drop me to like, 100-200 biometa/matmeta... i can heal for... 100 points of damg. OH NO!!!


    100 vrs 10,000

    If i were slowed, id at least be able to heal, AND attack at FULL ATTACK RATING, not be OE'd doing 50% of the damg i am capable of.
    Nitsobar - lvl 219/13 Doc - Equipment - Perks - History
    MrBruce - lvl 204/6 MA - Equipment - Perks - History
    MsHackalot - lvl 123/9 Twink Fixer - Equipment - Perks - History

    Veterans of Synergy Factor

    Click to email me

  11. #31
    Another Aspect to the PvP now is Instant Casting. It is an exploit, but for a gm or ark to do anything they have to "see" someone doing it, and instant casting can not be "seen," it just happens. If a trader does this then he will not be inturupted, and his 3 second drains dont phase him because he is still able to shoot while he is casting. I personally do not do this because it is an exploit, and gives the already unfair trader class even more of an advantage. Enforcers or NT's can instant cast layers over and over on themselves, and with a HE up that makes them invincable, unless of corse they are drained. I fought a nother trader that was instant casting and took screen shots of my 700 point crits on him not lessining his HP at all but funcom is yet to do anything about it.

    To everyone that thinks PvP'ing at low leves is stupid, i think your wrong. I am able to play on a character level 175, and i think it is more fun to PvP at the lower levels. Its not stepping out of a bunkar to be ganked by either 20 clanners or 20 omni in 2h0, and its not "Line Dancing" in MMD. I think its more fun to pvp at low leveles because its all duels. Less outside infulence on the fight, and if someone asks me to kill my outside buffs i WILL. WHen i log on i go get some buffs in tir, then run to the arenas. If someone says "are you outside buffed" ill say no, and then they might not fight me, or i might just kill my outside buffs.

    But it is true that if you REALLY want that title, at levels 74 and down an Adv shield of 91 and a Soldier RRF is not that hard to get, and having being reflected 132 points of dammage every time you hit someone will insure death, no matter what class you are fighting. So sure i guess it is buffwars, but then again if someone says no outside buffs then i will duel like that.

    Personally- Im arrogant because i am a trader, i do not brag of skill or knowledge of the game or strategy or anythign because im an Apprentice trader. That is why im leveling up an Adventuror to PvP with, level 21 now, think i will start pVping at level 65 or so with him.

  12. #32
    And Sure ill fight ya Hirum Self buffed? :P

  13. #33
    Originally posted by Turin

    I dont see how... Id MUCH rather be slowed than shutdown. A full ransack/debuff can drop me to like, 100-200 biometa/matmeta... i can heal for... 100 points of damg. OH NO!!!


    100 vrs 10,000

    If i were slowed, id at least be able to heal, AND attack at FULL ATTACK RATING, not be OE'd doing 50% of the damg i am capable of.
    No, you wont be able to heal, it will go so slow that you dont have any other choice but run. Besides, I would rather get nano shutdowned than init debuffed, caues shutdown lasts for 20 secs, while init debuff lasts 3 minutes.

    Anyway, it wasnt my point, I can see your need to defend all aspects of the doctor that is totally uber, but IMO if my NT is debuffed by a trader or a doc, its the same ****, I got NO chance at all. Besides, I do think the traders debuffs are way uber too...

    I would like Init debuff and divest to be at least 190% resist, instead of 100%, cause when its 100% its almost 99% certain it will land everytime, I think thats faaaar to powerful by just clicking one button. Its godly, its unbalancing, and its ruining pvp.
    President of Ali Baba and the 40 thieves

    Garzu 193 Day 1 NT & Garzuperman My Fixer 4 fun since NTs are broken


  14. #34

    Post Lemme tell you how to play a trader then....

    First of all, I don't play one of the leeches....errr...Traders...yeah, that it, Traders

    Here is why you won't beat a trader:

    Resisting the damn divest/plunder - won't happen unless: The trader starts casting the plunder first (190% resist), hasn't debuffed a mob/player/younameit and doesn't max PM/T&S. With maxet NR and 200 imps, you won't get near what you need to get in order to resist them if you don't have a rage running.

    Blasting him to bits won't happen because of: Crapton of HP's wich match those of combat classes, high evades and RRF + bracers: you do crap dam from first shot and it only gets worse...

    But yes, I have killed a trader in combat and here is how I did it:

    During an arena rumble (is a FFA), I started with an AS from my supernova followed by a full alpha with my IEC. He wasn't looking and not yet high enough lvl so it was fairly easy to do enough damage on the specials to waste him. But its not possible to waste a trader if he knows your there, especially not in the high end game, so, nuff said...

    Littletza, President of Shadow Ops
    188 Solitus Soldier (gimped before spending a single IP)
    /me offers the FC dev team a hot date with Cyberbob in exchange for some soldier love:P

  15. #35
    Of course Airty

    Self buffed doesnt mean go get an essence from Cyboot either buddy..

    Just waitin on my computer to get here then Ill be back in tha' game.
    "I got a snake man" -The Bafoon

  16. #36
    Originally posted by Clark "Garzuperman" Kent

    No, you wont be able to heal, it will go so slow that you dont have any other choice but run. Besides, I would rather get nano shutdowned than init debuffed, caues shutdown lasts for 20 secs, while init debuff lasts 3 minutes.

    Anyway, it wasnt my point, I can see your need to defend all aspects of the doctor that is totally uber, but IMO if my NT is debuffed by a trader or a doc, its the same ****, I got NO chance at all. Besides, I do think the traders debuffs are way uber too...

    I would like Init debuff and divest to be at least 190% resist, instead of 100%, cause when its 100% its almost 99% certain it will land everytime, I think thats faaaar to powerful by just clicking one button. Its godly, its unbalancing, and its ruining pvp.

    What we NEED, is a working nano resist.

    Personally, the only thing I think that can fix those problems, are to remove debuffs from PvP. But doing so would be a huge nerf. AO should be a NO NERF ZONE. So, I dont even consider that an option.

    I have accidentrly debuffed myself before in PVP. while it screwed me up a bit, It didnt shut me down, and I was still abvle to win. Im still "lvl 157" with a ransack on me though, im more like lvl 57. Have you ever lost to someone 100 lvls beloew you? I havent.

    and btw, i dont debuff for 1500, only 900.
    Nitsobar - lvl 219/13 Doc - Equipment - Perks - History
    MrBruce - lvl 204/6 MA - Equipment - Perks - History
    MsHackalot - lvl 123/9 Twink Fixer - Equipment - Perks - History

    Veterans of Synergy Factor

    Click to email me

  17. #37

    Re: just a side note.

    Originally posted by Turin
    If you are a nano caster. Doc, NT. dont bother fighting traders. ITs almost unfair. Actually. it IS unfair. drain/ransack = no weapon or nano = RUN!!!! And then you have to be ready to be called a "baby" or "Wimp" after you run. fighting a trader sucks. I never fight them unless forced to. As a doc, i stand NO chance. I can only beat melee class's. MP's/NT/Traders can whoop me hard.

    Nano shutdown

    Dominate biometa


    all of those = death for a doc
    Turin, I understand how a trader and MP can whoop a doc pretty hard because of the debuffs, but you also said an NT can. How do NTs dominate a docs? I don't know of any NT debuffs and I do know that your init debuff would hurt an NT since they rely on casting for damage.

  18. #38

    Re: Re: just a side note.

    Originally posted by vulcan

    Turin, I understand how a trader and MP can whoop a doc pretty hard because of the debuffs, but you also said an NT can. How do NTs dominate a docs? I don't know of any NT debuffs and I do know that your init debuff would hurt an NT since they rely on casting for damage.

    That was my bad... for some reason in my early morning rants ( i get to work at 5 in the morn ) I was thinking nano shutdown was NT, not MP.
    Nitsobar - lvl 219/13 Doc - Equipment - Perks - History
    MrBruce - lvl 204/6 MA - Equipment - Perks - History
    MsHackalot - lvl 123/9 Twink Fixer - Equipment - Perks - History

    Veterans of Synergy Factor

    Click to email me

  19. #39

    Just cast time&space un-expertise oe whatever its called....

    I play a trader and with a lowered T&S I'll have to switch to lower spells, which will make my OE shottie stay red...etc and so on.

    Then if you can can a bigger T&S debuff (nano-tech?) then the trader is really screwed.

    Any melee easily kills a trader due to root breaking exploits.

    Fixers hots, snares and evades and run speed allow them to easily escape. So if you can always run you can always win!

    The only class I feel sorry for is the nano-tech because they lost 1/2 of there damage and didn'ty have there casting cost lowered in PVP. I don't even play one, but it seems like it would have REALLY hurt them the most. Probably why I rarely see one in the arena.

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