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Thread: How many care that the mockers support the dust brigade??

  1. #21

    Evilspork says:
    Juju, we attack Demendar instead of his evidence because 1. [IC] as you noticed, he has no evidence; or if he does it's made up, 2. [OOC/IC] he is an inflammatory little nitwit who would rather make an ass out of himself making up lies about our guild because we kicked him out for pulling such crap as this. We want nothing to do with him and would appreciate it if he would just bug off and stop making other peoples' lives difficult.

    [OOC] And the 'GM' Demendar has proof of 'giving' our guild Grid Armor was Diamondcut, if you call 'giving' = 'a transfer of money in return for goods'. He had four MkI discs for sale at 15mil apiece, which he advertised openly on the clan shopping channel. Nettie bought two for the guild with her own funds, and another one of our members (Metalynx? I can't remember) bought a third disc. As I believe Nettie mentioned somewhere else, this was a great money sink to get funds out of the hands of players while also serving the community to a degree.

    [OOC/IC]In short, I will believe Demendar is simply making trouble for us and for the guilds he jumps around in and gets shooed out of until he provides everyone with proof of his 'claims'.


    FROM ME:
    Juju, you didn't really need to make any kind of special arrangements, Fixercon was an open invitation event to all Fixers. Taboo, the hard-working agent who was teaming people for warps didn't have any kind of list of people who weren't allowed or anything. And IIRC, I gave you a key to the mission area myself once you got there.
    Last edited by Trellame; Jul 16th, 2002 at 02:02:13.

  2. #22
    Let me make a few things clear.

    The Mockers do not, nor have we ever, supported the Dust Brigade. We have no contacts with them, direct or otherwise. Demendar is free to make his own accusations for whatever reason he chooses to do so, but until he posts whatever proof he has, you just have to take one of our words for it.

    I made my points in my initial post, the second was merely to show the kind of person he is. His response? Telling Trellame, a good friend of mine, something along the lines that 'sending your hoar nettie to deal with me only got her in as deep **** as you are already in.'

    There is no evidence to discuss as of yet, and until then, the characters of the people involved are the only things I can talk about. As for me? Im an honest and pretty friendly person, but when someone attacks me or someone I care about, in ANY way, I am one nasty *****. If Demendar's post had any truth to it, I actually wouldn't be anywhere near as angry as I am now. But no, Demendar uses lies to slander our name, and I am quite pissed off.

    Yes, we have attacked his character, but without evidence he has done the exact same thing to us. Reputation means a lot to me, and I wont stand idle while someone slams my friends with something we had nothing to do with.

    Juju, I tried to give you another chance, I honestly did. But the fact that you continue to stick your nose into things that don’t concern you is really beginning to get to me. I realize that you make a valid argument, much like the other people who have posted here, but like Demendar you allow your opinions of us to cloud your judgment. Pity.
    Candice "Nettie" Kerans

  3. #23
    I have only a vague understanding of what's going on here, and my attention span is highly attenuated by sleep deprivation and a glass of scotch (three rocks, please) so here goes.

    Demdemar (or whatever) is plainly a cretin. I hope he gets a nasty infection.

    There, now I have contributed.

    Johnny "Hydeo" Toxic
    Level 212 Fixer
    Veteran of Midnight Reveries
    Horrible Person

  4. #24
    Originally posted by Nettie

    1)The Mockers do not, nor have we ever, supported the Dust Brigade. We have no contacts with them, direct or otherwise.

    2)Juju, I tried to give you another chance, I honestly did.

    3)But the fact that you continue to stick your nose into things that don’t concern you is really beginning to get to me. I realize that you make a valid argument, much like the other people who have posted here, but like Demendar you allow your opinions of us to cloud your judgment.

    (OCC: my keyboard is effed up, so bear with me with the 1 2 3 thing)
    1) I applaud the fact that you do not wish to. It's just that DIAMONDCUT, which everyone knows how much i love..... isn't so moral about HIS connexions. Not your fault.

    2) And I honestly thank you for that in return.

    3) The point WAS to make a valid argument and have a stop to the godamn personality bashing going around. I don't like to flame, i don't like people getting flamed, and i sure as hell dislike being flamed. So i tryed to do the good thing by asking BOTH sides to stop the Bull, and start on the real meat of the problem (aka, Dem's claim of having proof and whatnot) and HOPEFULLY have a CIVILISED discussion in here.

    I just talked to him ingame. He won't post his evidence. I asked him several times, because you don't throw accusations without some hard proof. (I did in the past, and i made EXTRA SURE i had enough so no one would doubt me. And it worked.)

    He laughed at me. So until i see his mother$#@!$#@!ing proof, i reserve jugement. How's that for clouding jugement ? I think i'm being fair to everyone here ?
    The nootie's infamous black joker, Jujuwalker :
    RP profile :

    La censure est la negation de l' esprit. (Censoring is the negation of thought) --Yvirnig
    When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro. -- Hunter S. Thompson
    QUOTE OF THE DAY : And remember : you minions SHOULDN'T BE THINKING!

  5. #25

    Unhappy The reason.

    Originally posted by Trellame
    FROM ME:
    Juju, you didn't really need to make any kind of special arrangements, Fixercon was an open invitation event to all Fixers. Taboo, the hard-working agent who was teaming people for warps didn't have any kind of list of people who weren't allowed or anything. And IIRC, I gave you a key to the mission area myself once you got there.
    Trellame, would you believe i was honestly giving myself 50-50 chances of being warped to a special place for some happy ganking on my noot booty?

    I kid you not. The fact you gave me a key for the place was due to the fact that it was getting ridiculous to warp people to a place 50 meters away, server load and whatnot? The original plan was to WARP people.

    The reason i made special arrangements was because of THAT. And no, i am NOT kidding. I was really expecting to be ganked.

    p.s. If Dem would have showed up, would you have let him in ? Honest answer please.
    P.p.s. What is IIRC again? What'S with the acronyms everywhere???Lmao.
    p.p.s.s. Note : i have absolutly no experience in pvp. It's not like neutrals CAN pvp. Unless special conditions or "ber & boz".
    Last edited by President Juju; Jul 16th, 2002 at 06:30:51.
    The nootie's infamous black joker, Jujuwalker :
    RP profile :

    La censure est la negation de l' esprit. (Censoring is the negation of thought) --Yvirnig
    When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro. -- Hunter S. Thompson
    QUOTE OF THE DAY : And remember : you minions SHOULDN'T BE THINKING!

  6. #26
    Juju, I made you a promise that you would be welcomed at Fixercon, and as far as I see it, we kept that promise.

    The warping became an issue because we had no where near as many engineers as we would have needed, and it was just a lot smarter (time wise) to just distribute keys to those present.

    If Dem showed up, he would have been let in. Thats coming from me, and I have some serious issues with this guy. This is not a Mockers event, we merely coordinated it. It was an event aimed at all fixers, its not our place to deny someone based on their own opinions.

    IIRC = If I remember correctly, I think.

    Juju, I apologize for dragging you further into this.
    Candice "Nettie" Kerans

  7. #27
    While venting has done me some good, its honestly counterproductive in a public forum. Ive decided not to pay Demendar any more attention, because as things stand, I'm probably just fueling him on at this point.

    To get semi back on topic though, I must ask why you believe Dave (Diamondcut) has connections with the Dust Brigade? When he found out that the VC was working with them, he was taken aback as the rest of us...

    ...unless you know something we dont, Jujuwalker?
    Candice "Nettie" Kerans

  8. #28
    Hey my Mocker friends
    Demendar came to me a week or so ago claiming you were supporting the DB. So far I am STILL waiting for his damning evidence about you guys. /me looks at his watch and checks his email.

    Nope nothing yet.

    So for those saying attack his evidence and not him, so far he has shown no evidence so what else is there when he keeps up this hate campaigne?
    Sunraven - Jumpaholic and Speedfreak.

  9. #29
    Originally posted by Nettie
    Juju, I made you a promise that you would be welcomed at Fixercon, and as far as I see it, we kept that promise.
    And i am not complaining about that fact you kept the promise. That would be a kinda stupid thing to do "OMG, i protest not being ganked!!" Lol.

    To get semi back on topic though, I must ask why you believe Dave (Diamondcut) has connections with the Dust Brigade? When he found out that the VC was working with them, he was taken aback as the rest of us...
    The man might be scum, but he's not stupid. He's not going to acknowledge the facts . Why? he wants you working for him, not against him. And what pisses me off is the fact that i don't have logs or pics THIS TIME. But the man can still tell the story.
    You sure you want to know?
    Once it's out of the hat, you can't look back Nettie cherie ...

    p.s. Apology accepted.
    p.p.s. Did they bork your post count by making you "ze professional" Nettie? The number just seems wrong.
    The nootie's infamous black joker, Jujuwalker :
    RP profile :

    La censure est la negation de l' esprit. (Censoring is the negation of thought) --Yvirnig
    When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro. -- Hunter S. Thompson
    QUOTE OF THE DAY : And remember : you minions SHOULDN'T BE THINKING!

  10. #30

    Your not the only one

    Your not the only one who has had problems with Demendar. It seems to me that he has made the forums his favorite method of attacking people. I have sufferd his abuse in here myself a few times.
    Nitsobar - lvl 219/13 Doc - Equipment - Perks - History
    MrBruce - lvl 204/6 MA - Equipment - Perks - History
    MsHackalot - lvl 123/9 Twink Fixer - Equipment - Perks - History

    Veterans of Synergy Factor

    Click to email me

  11. #31
    (lights up a Nan0-Deth)

    Ahh freedom at last...I can post again....

    As any of you who kow me at all In game I am Metalynx. Im a Mocker.

    (there....done with my point)

    Just kidding....few thigns to get offa my chest.

    Dust Brigade.....
    One thign Dem is forgetting. If we were actually in bed with them...woudl we not have some of the obviously Uber tech they have that makes them invicible?? I knwo if we Mockers were part of Dust Bridage, we'd have it or wed steal it from them.

    Second: Your Proof:
    Lets see this?? You've been posting about this for ages and ranting like a insane lunatic about your proof. It doent take long evento Doctor a few pics youve taken ( I should know I can put Henrey Radimans head on T.I.M in about 15 mins and youd sweare it was the real thing) so what your hold up?

    Third: Personal attacks:
    I wont get started. All who know me knwo my opinion of personal attacks, especially name calling "n00b, fool, whore etc". Since this is a game, and you can not suffer the consequences here as you woudl in real life (such as a broken nose or permannt injurey) you feel its yor god given right to personally attack peopl with name calling, which in my opinion is a rather juvinile thing and lacks imagination. Try openeing up a dictionary a bit and try out a few more words thant the 4 letter variety (and not ones with **** in them) Trust me can get quite creative if you try. Then again, if youve never heard of the dictionary, I suggest picking one up and turning to the page that as "Anger" or "Proof" or "Antagonistic" or heck , even "Irritating". you might find these enlightening.

    Last and closing point. You have issues. Godo for you we all have issues. It seems you like to bring your issues in game, and use them as a battering ram on others. It shows after all, for it seems you skip from guild to guild like a frog on a hot rock. One woudl asume from this eventually you will no longer have guilds to goto, after such posts like this, for noone would with to embarass themselves with a person with such peopel skills as yourself. Perhaps you shoudl start your own guild, one where you can invite such peeopl who enjoy gnawing at their own livers in envey or enjoy suffering. Maybe you coudl call it "Angst" Might go somewhere with that one.

    Like usuall, I rant about things that I truely dont care about. Feel free to employ your most Excellent wit to flame me untill I submit, bowing down to your greater magnificence in your particular style of Commnication. I'm looking forward to it Demendar.

    (me takes a puff from his Nano-Deth)

  12. #32
    Hmmmm I think the reward that EndGame posted for information about the Dust Brigade is up to 15 million. As I recall the Mockers contributed to that reward. Someone wouldnt post a huge reward on themselves now would they? ^_^

    Thank you for your help everyone in the Mockers

  13. #33
    Originally posted by Zylina
    No. According to the uber RPers we're suppose to just make up things on our own and play it. Hence, I could roleplay that I'd just snapped my fingers and made everyone turn into bunny rabbits. The concept of playing without a GM/DM is amazing. It allows you to do ANYTHING you want. :P
    Most intrigue in the real world comes about because one (or both sides) is paranoid and/or misunderstands something the other side does.

    An accusation against the Mockers that they are supporting the Dust Brigade can be played without a GM. Very little evidence beyond testimonies can be gathered, but some sinister org might well have other grounds to hate the Mockers and thus use this opportunity to slander their good name.

    The above can lead to many a night of interesting role playing. It won't further the story that funcom supposedly is telling, but it will give depth to the world.

    I think that "depth to the world" events can be played out exceedingly well without a GM present.
    Add a "/team loot chests alpha" option!

  14. #34

    Smile Move on

    this guy is not worth this kind of effort.

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