I read time and again about characters complaining that their role in AO is very different from what was expected/described in their profession, that there are imbalances, in short, a lot of what some like to call 'whining'. Hmmm.

The idea of having different professions in AO is a great one. That is what makes the game special. When I read the descriptions at char registration... wow... all of them sounded exciting, it was hard to decide.

In actuality, the way the game funcions at the moment, well it all comes down to fighting... fighting.... fighting.... Now, I'm not familiar with all of the professions; there are currently, OF COURSE, certain differences imposed on the playing style (if u are a traders u can't fight like an enforcers hehe), but the current situation is FAR from what the prof descirptions imply.

The underlying levelling system in the game enforces a unified style of play: fight, kill mobs. Well this just doesnt fit so well with doctors, traders, fixers. I know I'll get flamed with 'u can do missions, team-ups' etc., but that is just masking the problem. If I'm a trader I probably chose to become one since I want to MAKE MONEY by buying cheap, selling high, and not so much by fighting. I chose a certain role and expected that it will not just color my experience in AO, but will require a completely different way of playing the game, and will give me a very different experience from say playing as a soldier. There just isn't enough RP and actual set-ups in the game to support a consistent playing style, which will bring levelling and money, in short prosperity, to a Trader if he's to do what he is supposed to do.

Same goes for a Fixer - what underworl IS there in AO?? How about a Doctor - bah!! FUNCOM should realize that there needs to be far more specialization, and less of the kill-mob--loot practice of levelling. Unique professions should get unique ways of levelling and also have access to unqiue venues and abilities. And these should be of _real_ value to other players, not just something artificially coded in the game that actually doesn't mean a thing.

The way matters stand now, Traders, Fixers and Docs (to name a few) feel useless (I realize this is a _sweeping_ statemnt). This causes a lot of 'whining' and talk about imbalances in the game, people asking for UNIQUE abilities, which in turn spawns huge threads with people fighting over which profession gets to have access to these new abilities, etc. What does that tell you.......

The real trouble is: certain professions, generally those less military-oriented, have been aritifically inserted in the game to add flavour, but are not _truly_ supported by the system. (Since, unfortunately, MUDs are practically about mobkilling/looting).

Shortsighted-ness has caused the quick insertion of many professions with childish enthusiasm such as: Let's have a Doctor. He will focus on healing and won't fight too well. Gamers are going to love him!! Le'ts put in a Fixer too - undehand dealings and such would be his speciality. Cool! However, there was no real understanding of the implication of having these professions in the game and what that would require in terms of coding and complexity.

One certainly CAN be a successful Doctor, Fixer or Trader in AO, that's for sure. But people need to realize that the game has NO true support for these professions. I realize I'll probably get flamed lol. And that I am suggesting a major re-make/re-consideration of the whole strategy and levelling system in the game, which will probably never happen (the xping engine will become much morecomplicated, there will need to be much more support for the different professions, etc.). The details will be opverwhelming, although there are some brilliant ideas floating about in the forums (hurupmhhh FC guys). I just hope one day a persistent aritifical world will emerge which will not be fundamentally based solely on fighting, but will allow for other playing styles which can bring profit, fame an prosperity to a character.
Ok, ok, enough cheesy talk. I just though that was a good summary of a major issue with the game. All the little 'patches' that FC introduces don't really solve it. I'm still trying to love this game, cause the commumity is GREAT. No matter how enthusiastic we are though, there's only so much players can take, so FC - ACT.
(please dont flame me )