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Thread: Nerf NTS?

  1. #121
    Quote Originally Posted by NotDavidBowi View Post
    NTs they are just good vs fixers and soldiers...
    I can add a couple more profs to that list if you want
    .:: Proud Member of Obsidian Order RK1 ::.

  2. #122
    Doubles/triples/CB should be removed. NTs are supposed to use pistols anyways.
    Proud member of Shadow Ops
    Renowned jester of the double AS Tigress

    MP setup
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    Quote Originally Posted by Klod View Post
    You won.
    Making them feel special since 2008.

  3. #123
    Quote Originally Posted by NotDavidBowi View Post
    NTs are one of the better pvp professions but they arent more OPed then lets say Advies, Enfos or Engies. NTs they are just good vs fixers and soldiers, and 90% of the whine in this thread happens to comes from fixers and soldiers.

    I can partly understand the fixers because their low hp builds are completely useless due to one single nuke, but soldiers really shouldn't complain and try harder to give nts a tough fight.
    and mas
    Supernaute 220 ma
    Tulltrond 169 Nt
    Superfett 170 Agent
    Sjarken 161 Crat

  4. #124
    Quote Originally Posted by Darkirbiska1 View Post
    Fixers:1700 static def+1000evade from acrobat+1000aad from CIB....and now with capped FA.
    How about a no?
    Fixer - Solja Lite
    Adv - Forgotten lubchild
    Trader - Nerfed Professional

  5. #125
    Quote Originally Posted by Racatti View Post
    How about a no?
    What? Fixers cant cap FA yet? When I meet some fixer he has his FA up but he doesnt last more than 10s so I guessed ><

    1700 static def+1000evade from acrobat+1000aad from CIB....but this is fact, ok? It isnt OP against everyone

    Quote Originally Posted by Questra View Post
    You hit randomfixer for 2900 points of Aimed Shot Damage.
    You tried to attack randomfixer with Burst but missed!
    You tried to attack randomfixer with Full Auto but missed!
    Target dodged your Tracer!
    Target dodged your Triangulate Target!
    Target dodged your Laser Paint Target!
    Target dodged your Fuzz!
    Target resisted your Nano Feast!
    You hit randomfixer with nanobots for 217 points of melee damage.
    You were healed for 278.
    You successfully perform Draw Blood.
    Do you think evades have any impact on PvP?
    Stop with the exaggerations and start being realistic.

    As for NTs vs fixers, it's a fixer's choice to hug low HP.
    Flaviosan does just fine with 15k HP, there's no reason other fixers can't do the same.
    This spam of resisted perks and missed hits is reason why AO has NTs in my opinion. We must kill this immortal players(eg.SoZ mp with rrfe can tank many people,1:20 min 95%reflect with 260+HD/2sec,hots...)

    Low hp setup=good vs everyone except NT, low hp vs nt=fast death. If you dont understand, reroll.

    Eg. YummiXX (I dont know him) he has 15-18K hp and I took him 30-40%hp with one double, so after one CB+triple he would be about 50% hp and now calc triple recharge+you cant perk him until our perks are nr+aad check,so you need 2x cb and he has time for stim kits,hots + new fixer heal(green icon for laic). He has a lot of time for running away and he can easy kill gimp NTs with his setup if he land stun perk in right moment. I think I have his setup somewhere but dunno if i can show it. Same setup used Flavio.

    Again. Soldiers can have 50/50 fight vs NT if they are good and 5/95 for soldier if they catch nt with nbg cooldown.
    Soldiers have bigger chance in bs, coz lot of nts is there with 70% nanopool.
    If I want to kill good soldiers like Questra or Spritney I really must use nbg or I am dead.
    3700ar is damn a lot.Inc soldier nerfs look more better for NTs, exactly soldiers will be much easier than now.

    I think they will whine more when hotswap AS+FA and PU perks nerf will come in game.
    After this nerf they should learn how to play soldier.
    Like Spritney if you see NT, pop SB3(roll solit) and ruuuuuuun Forest.

    Want nerf Le nukes? ok, but
    1. reduce AMS reflect and rrfe
    2. increase FA,AS,SA cycle

    Want nerf CB? ok, but
    1.rework absorbs(You absorbed 5000 dmg. XXX hit you for 3600 it allright?)
    2.remove gth
    3.remove nanodrain after nbg
    4.remove 110% blind resist items and others items with resist against root,snare so we can use our CC tools
    and then we can stop using CB.

    If I use CB it doesnt mean I have crappy MC, it means I want to land my perks.
    It is NR+aad. Eveyrone can get over 900 static aad in AO.
    I saw it will change so FC can make CB only against high NR profs=mostly enfs and if target=NR1+(if you add more NR perks then CB will be stronger) or if targets nr=XXXX+.
    First level 1 soldier with BOC in Anarchy Online<---[CGS] project
    Owned and killed tl1/2 NW for months, time to leave and give chance to clan "twinks".
    First trader with 100% JAME ql 141 at level30 at rk1
    Clan PVP org[1-220] in one line
    [Questra]: well i hate omnis having side xp [Questra]: but i'm afraid to spoil your fun i'm only gonna plant neutral bases at tl2 now, so you'll have to piss the neuts off if you want to zerg lowbie sites
    Darkirbiska/Darkirbis/Marburg1111/Mavherick/Irbiska/Ultimater2/Ultimater/Ilubtower and some froobs....wtb more slots [retired]

  6. #126
    A couple interesting ideas in this thread.

    Quote Originally Posted by Voyvovoy View Post
    Yes nerf it in that way you change triple/double to be more affective against me and lesser affective against profs like fixers, crats, mas... or something like that.
    Just fully rework/rethink it.
    Not sure how that would work, but there might be something to that. My worry would be if it was taken too far it might punish high hp profs like enfs.

    What I was thinking was removing the multihit nukes and replacing them with higher damage single hit nukes that pierce reflects, preferably nukes that can be instacast. Give them low NR checks and there would be absolutely no justification for CB (if there ever was). It would also remove the gank anyone once every 30 minutes option that currently exists.

    Quote Originally Posted by Darkirbiska1 View Post
    I saw it will change so FC can make CB only against high NR profs=mostly enfs and if target=NR1+(if you add more NR perks then CB will be stronger) or if targets nr=XXXX+.
    Not bad. If CB only worked on enfs and targets with NR perked it would be fine. Or just remove the Notum Repulsor perkline entirely and make CB a non-stackable nuke that also debuffs enfs NR by 1k.

  7. #127
    Quote Originally Posted by Darkirbiska1 View Post
    What? Fixers cant cap FA yet? When I meet some fixer he has his FA up but he doesnt last more than 10s so I guessed ><
    Thanks for supporting our point.
    Fixer - Solja Lite
    Adv - Forgotten lubchild
    Trader - Nerfed Professional

  8. #128
    Quote Originally Posted by Darkirbiska1 View Post
    What? Fixers cant cap FA yet? When I meet some fixer he has his FA up but he doesnt last more than 10s so I guessed ><

    Low hp setup=good vs everyone except NT, low hp vs nt=fast death. If you dont understand, reroll.
    Quote Originally Posted by Racatti View Post
    Thanks for supporting our point.
    You are welcome.
    First level 1 soldier with BOC in Anarchy Online<---[CGS] project
    Owned and killed tl1/2 NW for months, time to leave and give chance to clan "twinks".
    First trader with 100% JAME ql 141 at level30 at rk1
    Clan PVP org[1-220] in one line
    [Questra]: well i hate omnis having side xp [Questra]: but i'm afraid to spoil your fun i'm only gonna plant neutral bases at tl2 now, so you'll have to piss the neuts off if you want to zerg lowbie sites
    Darkirbiska/Darkirbis/Marburg1111/Mavherick/Irbiska/Ultimater2/Ultimater/Ilubtower and some froobs....wtb more slots [retired]

  9. #129
    I'm getting more than a little tired of removing the trolling out of this thread, for the fifth or sixth time now. Next time I come back, it will include infractions. Knock it off.
    Coordinator Anarrina
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  10. #130
    First level 1 soldier with BOC in Anarchy Online<---[CGS] project
    Owned and killed tl1/2 NW for months, time to leave and give chance to clan "twinks".
    First trader with 100% JAME ql 141 at level30 at rk1
    Clan PVP org[1-220] in one line
    [Questra]: well i hate omnis having side xp [Questra]: but i'm afraid to spoil your fun i'm only gonna plant neutral bases at tl2 now, so you'll have to piss the neuts off if you want to zerg lowbie sites
    Darkirbiska/Darkirbis/Marburg1111/Mavherick/Irbiska/Ultimater2/Ultimater/Ilubtower and some froobs....wtb more slots [retired]

  11. #131
    Quote Originally Posted by Gunfytr View Post
    FA = up to 30%
    Triple = up to 90%

    Does anyone else see a problem with this?

    If a soldiers weapon had an attack speed of 10000000000/1.4, and no burst, then yeah I'd agree with your point. Don't forget Sold perks vs NT perks either. Or the fact that Triple = 30% cap on ultra-low HP proffs only.. Where you can 30% cap 40k HP enfos.

    Please stop dismissing the damage you do in-between full autos. VS evade professions, NT is supposed to be strong. Most evade professions have low HP to compensate for lack of heals - I don't think this is a NT issue.

  12. #132
    its bull to say that trippler/doubler was added to stop lowhp setup, when there havent been any steps taking to actual give fixers hp.
    Just where are they gonna find perks for HP? when you need them everywhere else ?

    And selling it as a nemesis nano, then I would except you would have to perk something to actual make those work, here I am thinking of how fixers are forced to perk a whole useless perkline, if they want to become anywhere near a nemesis for the traders.

    NT and trader would at the very least have to lose any NR debuffs, it doesnt make teribble much sense that the profession with access to massive amounts of nanoskills and nanos that checks against NR that for anyone but the enforcer, means you will have to Perk NR with its huge skill debuffs.
    Last edited by Anarrina; Dec 1st, 2009 at 20:33:10. Reason: removed obscenity

  13. #133
    Quote Originally Posted by pinkishpunk View Post
    its bull to say that trippler/doubler was added to stop lowhp setup, when there havent been any steps taking to actual give fixers hp.
    Just where are they gonna find perks for HP? when you need them everywhere else ?

    And selling it as a nemesis nano, then I would except you would have to perk something to actual make those work, here I am thinking of how fixers are forced to perk a whole useless perkline, if they want to become anywhere near a nemesis for the traders.

    NT and trader would at the very least have to lose any NR debuffs, it doesnt make teribble much sense that the profession with access to massive amounts of nanoskills and nanos that checks against NR that for anyone but the enforcer, means you will have to Perk NR with its huge skill debuffs.
    If NTs killed you slower would you be a happy fixer? Should fixers have immunity to NTs/Traders? If evaders resist NTs frequently, who are we supposed to be strong against?
    Last edited by Anarrina; Dec 1st, 2009 at 20:33:50.

  14. #134
    I think fixers should be nerfed more, after all, my soldier can't hit them in GA4. Good thing I can log my NT to GA nuke the fixer.
    Thor Mastablasta Hammersmith - Level 220, AI 30, LE 70 Clan Atrox Nano Technician - Setup
    The Red Brotherhood

    I'm a Nano-Technician, don't ever expect me to fight unbuffed, alone or fair.

    Means: about f'ing time :P
    Satenia: heresy <3
    Znore: Mastablasta <3
    Kinkstaah: I have agro from many mobs ;(
    Madarab: we are aoe class, we are supose to use pistols
    Marxgorm: the NT toolset does not fit into my raiding tactics

  15. #135
    90% check on CS

    100% check on LE nukes

    sounds better

  16. #136
    100% check on first trippler, 120% on second, 140% on third please

  17. #137
    Quote Originally Posted by pinkishpunk View Post
    100% check on first trippler, 120% on second, 140% on third please
    Lol, get a clue about NT pvp. No sane NT is going to use 3 triples on one target, and 140% checks don't mean anything with Constant barage around.

    Also, this is a tripler, and this is a triple.

  18. #138
    Possibly they meant 100% check on first hit of triple. 120% on the second hit and 140% on third.

    But even thats a bit redundant while CB is around not to mention would require the triples to be redesigned.

  19. #139
    Quote Originally Posted by Voyvovoy View Post
    When will you stop the Forum PVP and try to play yourself?
    Well, I'd like you to roll an NT then and see what happens when a soldier does burst, fling, fa on you :| but then, you only take into account when someone has all their defences up, because the optimal situation is the only one that ever takes place, right? Never mind that the guy complaining about being hit by triple has it happen to him while he's in in deep and everything is down...

    It's the same old, same old; every situation you like to whine about is where you're ****ed before you even get attacked, but when it's the other way around, the situation never happened.
    Thor Mastablasta Hammersmith - Level 220, AI 30, LE 70 Clan Atrox Nano Technician - Setup
    The Red Brotherhood

    I'm a Nano-Technician, don't ever expect me to fight unbuffed, alone or fair.

    Means: about f'ing time :P
    Satenia: heresy <3
    Znore: Mastablasta <3
    Kinkstaah: I have agro from many mobs ;(
    Madarab: we are aoe class, we are supose to use pistols
    Marxgorm: the NT toolset does not fit into my raiding tactics

  20. #140
    Quote Originally Posted by Mastablasta View Post
    Well, I'd like you to roll an NT then and see what happens when a soldier does burst, fling, fa on you :|.
    Oh oh I know, you lose 30% hp !

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