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Thread: TL5 PVP suggestions for couple profs.

  1. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by Artyomis View Post
    I think that overall rebalancing, if it should affect all TLs, should start from TL1, then up to TL2 and so on till TL7.
    It's alot easier to change professions and breeds starting from level 1 and up to 220, not vice versa.

    And another point is - upcoming professional program should be slightly changed and among 2 upcoming professionals, which will be an endgame representatives most likely, there should be at least 1 professional representing lower TL of a profession, so, while discussing issues - a team of developers with professionals will have wider picture and more details regarding profession overall, not it's state at specific level, which is 220 almost for sure.

    As for my view on tl5 as of current (played mostly fixer but also NT/Trader/Agent/Engi/Shade/MA, and know a lot of people)

    Advy - Ranged needs a tl5 version of the as pistol, Melee needs to have SSOS nerfed
    Agent - Defense swayed away from ch and onto other things
    Crat - Bit of ambient healing and a pet that's worth a damn
    Doctor - Needs more damage, good regular heals, ch with longer recharge that works like iCH
    Enforcer - Needs an AR nerf at least on AI perks, NR buff lowered on rage (its insane)
    Engi - Needs good blockers, pets that are worth a damn
    Fixer - Needs a good FA weapon, more runspeed, better hots, higher hp
    Keeper - Needs a dd perk or 2 and maybe a heal perk (ar and static def are good if twinked)
    MA - Needs a heal that is half decent and maybe a reliable stun
    MP - Pets that are worth a damn, an oh **** button or def like SS
    NT - needs LE nukes slightly nerfed (they are no where near as bad as tl7), SL nukes boost, ability to take a bit more damage.
    Shade - Needs heal perks that actually work, higher hp, lower shd (AR is fine if twinked, evades would be fine if they had abiltiy to heal up and the hp to survive an alpha)
    Soldier - Needs replacement to tms just like all soldiers do, HD that actually ticks, and they should be able to keep there hotswap alphas.
    Trader - Needs to be less squishy but less devastating with debuffs.
    Last edited by Maxisfix; Nov 27th, 2009 at 04:23:53.
    TL 7
    RK2 - Maxisolja - 220/24 Trox Soldier | RK2 - Blitztrick - 220/25 Soli Fixer E | RK2 - Krakenz - 220/21 Trox Keep
    RK1 - Shanue - 218/30 Opi MA | RK2 - Redenf5 - 218/22 Trox Enf | RK2 - Jrollin - 214/25 Opi Shade
    TL 5
    RK2 - Memorial - 170/16 Opi Engi | RK2 - Maxisfix - 168/21 Opi Fixer E
    RK1 - Clento - 150/20 Soli Soldier | RK1 - Losodoc - 150/20 Soli Doctor
    RK2 - Loso - 150/20 Opi Advy | RK2 - Tachun - 150/13 Opi MP
    RK1 - Krakenz - 150/15 Trox Advy | RK1 - Loso - 150/13 Trox Advyoo.
    TL5 Fixer Information | GMT -08:00 West Coast Canada | Java AO Chat API | Dnet

  2. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by Frubaliscious View Post
    they actually get very good NR relatively easy.

    I don't think that's a problem at tl5. and the cost makes is very balanced imo.
    Adv doesnt have good NR. Goodish maybe, but its still in the range where its very easy to land nanos (apart from roots). If yo ustart wearing NR items, you will eff up your Def. and Id rather have 2.3K NR and 3.7K def, than 2.4K NR and 3.5K def.

    High NR is in the 2.8K+ range, when you run around with 2.1-2.4K, nanos land. We all know how well NR works. With my enf at 3K+ NR, it only starts to help a bit.

    I think its kinda obvious I was talking about TL7 with the new team heal..considering it has 1545+deck as requirements. duh? :P

    Just a FYI, I have an Adv.

  3. #23

    ****: must have liek 2.9k speed selfed ->MP

    ****: 3333 self -->advy

    220 shade 2100

    kekeke now thats balance!
    There seems to be problems with the internet itself!

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