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Thread: Redundant mechanics? AC, Initiative and more!

  1. #1

    Redundant mechanics? AC, Initiative and more!

    So is it just me or have a bunch of mechanics become fairly redundant with all the equipment being made to make hitting caps as easy as possible?

    things that seem to have disappeared in the past few expansions:

    Weapon Damage Ranges
    Weapon speeds
    Special speed differences
    AC's being seen as any real defense

    And im sure theres more... and a lot of these are actually linked.

    Now I know these probably wont get attention or people supporting them (as I know a large number of people just want easy "choices)

    So first thing Im going to touch on is weapon damage ranges and AC's, as they can directly effect balancing at the moment (by giving defense options and such).

    As it is all the new weapons coming out tend to have very small damage ranges, which sure is great specially for shadowlands where all mobs tend to have a high AC, but in pvp or normal rubi-ka situations all it really does is make the AC's rather useless which is a shame since certain professions could use them as a decent toolset component if they did much...

    Currently it takes next to no effort to get the AC's to close the tiny gap of max/min on most modern weapons, which makes AC's beyond that useless outside pvm, and also makes the high range weapons unwanted because their not "Reliable" so people dont like them (although you can still get huge hits with the high range weapons as they take NPC amounts of ac to really effect them)

    So what I propose for this? well this will probably be shot down straight away but how about this:

    In pvm, current system as it is, except maybe change around NPC's a bit so that yes high min damage weapons are more reliable but give them random holes in their ac's that high range weapons can exploit, but require work to do.

    In pvp, keep it so that 10 AC's = 1 max damage reduction but also add in 100 AC = 1 min damage reduction, this means that people that try to get high AC's gain mitigation and it comes to the point where you can go for low range weapons (high min low max) for reliable but fairly easy reduction (as everyone point removed from min will be removed directly from the damage your doing) or high range weapon that will still be hitting for high amounts randomly but because of this aren't reliable.

    This of course would need to be worked with other things to prevent people getting high ac's without sacrificing other components of their builds.

    Ok next is weapon speed ranges and special speeds

    I remember when specials in the 20 second range where awesome and an acomplishment, as was getting weapon down to 1/1... these days all weapons are basically 1/1 to begin with and inits just work to keep it 1/1 when in full defense or to try and reduce the effect of deinit buffs and all weapon specials tend to be capped speed (which I recall where only put in place when players it became so easy to cap)

    So why keep bringing in these weapons that have no variance? bring in some slow weapons that require a lot of work and sacrifice to (Temporarily) make 1/1 but give them big damage or special effects, would mean perks and short term buffs that give init would actually be seen as useful as they could be hit when you need the big burst of damage while during the down time you'd be rather less effective.

    Faster weapons would need to be weakened slightly to compensate for the fact that their specials are a lot faster (or perhaps alter the way special damage is calculated? I dunno) but it would add variance and choice, the fast hitters that rely on quick special attacks and rapid but low and constant amounts, or the heavy hitters that do big slow spike damage but with a bit of work can temporarily dish out a short term burst of damage.

    Doing this would also slow specials down and make the speed people use them different, with those that are best at using the specials being faster then those that aren't so good (of course those professions that dont have support for any specials would need further attention) but it would stop it all being capped alpha wars...

    Just a few thoughts, and theres plenty of other little mechanics that have become a bit redundant these days but I've written enough for now.

    You may now release the teal deers and the arguements against me now!

  2. #2
    i miss EQB + rage + flurry ...

    that was so much fun.
    Moonbolt - 220/26/something. Trox Enf RK1 General of Hells Heroes.
    Renswind - 220/21/67 solitus trader.
    Moonkiss - 219/21/something opifex shade.
    Mooncloud - 150/18/somethin solitus MA.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Moonbolt View Post
    i miss EQB + rage + flurry ...

    that was so much fun.
    Before crit resist and halved crit chance in PvP, when you could have the top MA crit buff cast on others?
    Member of Spartans
    Hacre/Solitus/Keeper/220/29/70 - Ninpopotamus/Solitus/NT/220/30/70 - Charmming/Opifex/Crat/220/30/70
    Quote Originally Posted by randomalpha View Post
    in the end soldier is not Op or even near from that never was never will be just for the record only keepers are the ones before soldiers on the nerfest list
    Genius at work.

  4. #4
    hehe.. i think UVC was locked to MA only by the time i got my EQB on.. cant remember realy tho.
    Moonbolt - 220/26/something. Trox Enf RK1 General of Hells Heroes.
    Renswind - 220/21/67 solitus trader.
    Moonkiss - 219/21/something opifex shade.
    Mooncloud - 150/18/somethin solitus MA.

  5. #5
    Easy solution to this is to make weapons that are slower, with big damage ranges, giving people a reason to go full agg (more damage)
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