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Thread: WTF with MA's ?

  1. #1

    WTF with MA's ?

    lol, this is the typic FC problem i think

    for example, MA's have had loves in the last (if i remember well) 4-5 patchs when noone said they needed loves :/

    this is going so and so on after the patch while prof who need fix r even nerfed or ignored ?

    WTF here ?

    look for example in 14.6 all the 3 new armor (so8, dragon, and kirch kevlar) have mods for ma (ma/brawl/dimach/parry/riposte/ma req) ...

    i wonder what's wrong with FC =/
    Killdarules / Bellgarath setup (dreamsetup (lol))

    Band of Brothers

    Achiever 73%
    Socializer 46%
    Killer 40%
    Explorer 40%

  2. #2
    I have to agree, there's enough stuff out there for MA's as it is,
    and they certainly are fixed, now. They have to be, undisputedly,
    the most balanced class in the game, now. Do they need nerfed?

    No. (My 90 MA woudn't like that.)

    Time to move on, and supply the same support for other classes.
    "Ideas are more dangerous than guns.
    We wouldn't let our enemies have guns, why should we let them have ideas?"

  3. #3

    Umm hitting for minimum damage on yellow mobs 100% of the time after level 70 wasn't my idea of fun. The temp damage buff line was useless seeing as how it stopped your heals for two minutes... what good is the extra damage if you're dead? The crit buff being self-only was a nerf to US. It didn't help us for sure... at best it kept us the same. Much less demand in groups now. The presence line was uncalled for and essentially useles... if you use that in the wrong situation you're simply dead, MAs do not have the defensive measures it takes to stop 4+ mobs after that fear runs off, enforcers have the HoT associated with mongo as well as tons of HP and dmg shields. Only use I know for it is scaring off enemy pets in PvP. So have MAs been helped? Yes, greatly. Did we get what we deserved, mainly the ability to do the most damage over time (i.e. we don't have many specials to do a lot of damage in a short period of time), yes! The Servants of Eight armor has boosts for every profession, ooo it boosts MA big whoop. But it also boosts conceal!!! Ahh it's an agent armor!!! It boosts body dev!!! Ahh it's an atrox armor!! Jeebus kid get over it. What profs need a fix? Engies do, they don't have enough HP, I'll say that. MPs could use some new pet buffs and/or nukes, I'll say that too. I think traders could use a blue-green flingshot skill (you know the blue-green... every prof has at least one). But that's about it.
    Intenseheat: Omni MA, ph33r teh ub3r l337
    Preeminence: Omni crat - hopelessly gimped - lost 180K IP trying to reset skills - ph33r teh ub3r t33th
    Omniwins: Omni soldier, always winning

    I'm just an ass that happens to be smart.

  4. #4
    You forgot adventurers....
    Katelin "Missmaul" Locknane -Sloooowly climbing her way out of the dank pits of gimpness. But stil crazy. Ya know...just in case you cared.

  5. #5


    Sush about the MAs already. We all know funcom took us to the backroom and gave us a long run of lovin'. But we needed it, just like every other class out there! We just got first.

    Enough about MAs and how uber they are, time for posts on how uber you want your class to be.
    Implament Improved Jumping Nanos for the MAs!

  6. #6
    Originally posted by Preeminence

    Umm hitting for minimum damage on yellow mobs 100% of the time after level 70 wasn't my idea of fun. The temp damage buff line was useless seeing as how it stopped your heals for two minutes... what good is the extra damage if you're dead? The crit buff being self-only was a nerf to US. It didn't help us for sure... at best it kept us the same. Much less demand in groups now. The presence line was uncalled for and essentially useles... if you use that in the wrong situation you're simply dead, MAs do not have the defensive measures it takes to stop 4+ mobs after that fear runs off, enforcers have the HoT associated with mongo as well as tons of HP and dmg shields. Only use I know for it is scaring off enemy pets in PvP. So have MAs been helped? Yes, greatly. Did we get what we deserved, mainly the ability to do the most damage over time (i.e. we don't have many specials to do a lot of damage in a short period of time), yes! The Servants of Eight armor has boosts for every profession, ooo it boosts MA big whoop. But it also boosts conceal!!! Ahh it's an agent armor!!! It boosts body dev!!! Ahh it's an atrox armor!! Jeebus kid get over it. What profs need a fix? Engies do, they don't have enough HP, I'll say that. MPs could use some new pet buffs and/or nukes, I'll say that too. I think traders could use a blue-green flingshot skill (you know the blue-green... every prof has at least one). But that's about it.
    Okay, you were a bit hard on him.

    I agree, Ma's were not fun. Now they're great...

    But, c'mon...

    Temporary damage buffs being 2 minutes:
    You think it's hard being an MA without heals? Try an actual low
    HP class, without them. The agent. You'll find it MUCH harder.

    **MUCH LESS demand in groups now?

    What group are YOU in? Can't find a doc, 90% of the time? Who
    do GROUPS call? Ma's. Hardly ADV's, not traders.. MA's. A LOT!

    THAT was bull.

    *Engies* not having enough HP?

    Umm... same increase of 4 as other professions, right? A solitus
    Engie can have the same HP as a solitus ADV... your point?

    HP isn't the issue for them. Not played right, it ain't...

    *MPs needing nukes/buffs?

    You-are-nuts. Have you seen the pet buffs? Init buffs, BIG
    damage buffs. I have MANY Mp friends. They NEVER complain
    about it being tough, only that it is boring. Maybe they need flying
    pet emotes, or something fun to play with, but they are fine...

    (MP's.. FULL TIME, MAIN PLAYING MP's, correct me if I'm indeed wrong.)

    *Traders need a green-blue skill? That would be shotgun.
    You're right, every prof has at least one, and FC already SAID
    they are NOT changing the colors of skills, anymore! DO they need
    shotgun buffs? MAYBE! But only after R/D's are nerfed for PvP to
    a degree. i.e: Only one ransack or deprive.. not BOTH at the same.

    That is not a nerf, but balance. A buff in exchange for one drain
    line, in PvP. They's still have both PvM.. which is STRONG!

    (My idea, there...)

    *So8. Yes, it buffs many things. What about dragonflesh? Or the
    MA suits which are EASY to find. Good stuff for us MA's... claw?

    All I have to say is this: Lay off him, wrong as he may be. You're
    not exactly thinking strait yourself, either, so CALM DOWN..


    *Handling 4+ mobs! WTF are you trying to pull, a whole room?
    NO ONE is supposed to be able to handle that, alone, anyway..
    Even with a DOC, I don't think anyone should be able to...
    "Ideas are more dangerous than guns.
    We wouldn't let our enemies have guns, why should we let them have ideas?"

  7. #7
    BTW, in advance I apologize, Preeminence.

    I realize I came off as a bit harsh, myself, but no matter how
    biased a person's view is, I don't think they should be so well
    scorned for it. I tend to overreact when people are getting
    anything even remotely similar to a flame coming their way.

    Just be happy MA's are fixed, now. The past is the past. TO those
    who are still whining about it, I agree with another poster who
    said that you should consider preposing viable solutions for your
    own profession, too, and hope it doesn't fall on deaf ears.

    As an MA, who also had a co-main agent, I STILL don't feel that
    our fix is complete. Anyone who plays an Agent agrees, as well
    as some non-agents who know the game. Anyone who plays
    an MA, or who has teamed one, knows they are in good shape.

    NOw let's all be friends, and go play with our carebears figurines.
    "Ideas are more dangerous than guns.
    We wouldn't let our enemies have guns, why should we let them have ideas?"

  8. #8
    Lol Rokugami I saw this as your sig and loved it "implement improved jumping nano's for MA's"

    I want that nano!!!!!!!
    Sunraven - Jumpaholic and Speedfreak.

  9. #9
    Originally posted by Preeminence

    What profs need a fix?.....

    ...MPs could use some new pet buffs and/or nukes, I'll say that too.
    Could someone pass me the QL 200 crack this guy is smoking??? Please????
    .: Naraya :.

  10. #10
    Originally posted by Naraya

    Could someone pass me the QL 200 crack this guy is smoking??? Please????
    Actually they should completely remove nukes from MPs. I do think they need to add something extra to MPs. Something with insanely high reqs but make is USEFUL. Currently the staffs and shields pretty much suck. They buff nano cost and max nano ... OO. The only worthwhile shields are the HP buff ones. The staffs all suck though. Completely suck. Nano cost is rarely an issue ever with MPs.

    What I think they need is another line of pets. But maybe put it in the same line as one of the other pets. In other words, this new pet might be in the same line as the mezz pet so you can have a new pet OR a mezz pet. Honestly what MPs need are nanos that give something useful at high levels that won't be available till those levels.

  11. #11
    Originally posted by Naraya

    Could someone pass me the QL 200 crack this guy is smoking??? Please????
    No no it's QL 227. Y'know the QL 200+ missions where all your rewards are robes/maps/animas/repressors... mmm... try it in clicksaver.
    Intenseheat: Omni MA, ph33r teh ub3r l337
    Preeminence: Omni crat - hopelessly gimped - lost 180K IP trying to reset skills - ph33r teh ub3r t33th
    Omniwins: Omni soldier, always winning

    I'm just an ass that happens to be smart.

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