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Thread: Improvment In Agent Defense

  1. #41
    Quote Originally Posted by Klod9002 View Post
    That's enough to resist DWL from most of bow MPs and to counter pretty much everything but GTH and RI, the only two devastating debuff nanos that have stupidly low recharge.
    Reaaally now, last time I checked dear Klod, NR is random. Recharge doesn't even matter THAT much, as long as the debuff lands.

    With big thanks to Shadowgod, we have a nice tool to approximate landing chances even:

    Assuming 2.2k nanoskills - the requirements for SoZ, although I'm fairly certain you can get a lot more - versus 2.3k NR, that would net you a 53% landrate on 100% nanos.

    Chuck in a 160% NR check from the oldschool NSD, and that gets you 28% landrate.

    Either way why am I even arguing more with you, it's a moot point as long as we're dead when the first debuff lands.
    Lupusceleri L220/30/70 Agent -- Advisor of Spartans -- equip endgame AR setup endgame def setup <3 Azs wearer of Cheree's pants
    Arrowsmith -- Arafellin -- Alphacenta -- Aesculapias -- Wolfseye -- Lysdexic

    TL5 enf twink: im out those MPs are to overpowered

    crattey: The Balance Discussion forum. Where common sense goes to die.

  2. #42
    Quote Originally Posted by Moonbolt View Post
    not a bad suggestion tbh Kink...
    tho i wouldnt wanna be setting up the agents quickbars hehe..
    Being able to effectively swap between FP's and their associated hotbars would be what separates the good agents from the bad ones

    Rakhabit 220/20 Agent FINALLY
    Halfempty 220/16 Engineer/Evade Negator
    Primatene 168/20 Original Doc Twink

    Myyah "Read" Hawwa
    Shadow Dominion

  3. #43
    Swapping between FP's ... erff. I can't help but think it's 1) super cool idea but 2) super OPed as well. I mean, how many agents out there aren't going to run around with RRFE, HOT, GSF, Behe, etc for buffs ... Challenge, rage, Mongo, then swap out to NT for easy NS2 ganks/roots?

    Dunno, while it's alot of swapping and work, which probably justifies it, it just seems crazy to me to have access to all that goodness. I haven't kept up with agent tools, but I would support being able to mimic TWO lines at once instead of being able to swap. At least it would limit your access from everything and still allow some variety of builds for your profession. (seriously, the Enfo/NS combo would be sweet)
    Awwww muffin, need a tissue?

  4. #44
    Quote Originally Posted by Lupusceleri View Post
    Assuming 2.2k nanoskills - the requirements for SoZ, although I'm fairly certain you can get a lot more - versus 2.3k NR, that would net you a 53% landrate on 100% nanos.

    Chuck in a 160% NR check from the oldschool NSD, and that gets you 28% landrate.

    Either way why am I even arguing more with you, it's a moot point as long as we're dead when the first debuff lands.
    I was talking about bow MPs. You can kill those fairly easy today.

  5. #45
    Quote Originally Posted by Obtena View Post
    Swapping between FP's ... erff. I can't help but think it's 1) super cool idea but 2) super OPed as well. I mean, how many agents out there aren't going to run around with RRFE, HOT, GSF, Behe, etc for buffs ... Challenge, rage, Mongo, then swap out to NT for easy NS2 ganks/roots?

    Dunno, while it's alot of swapping and work, which probably justifies it, it just seems crazy to me to have access to all that goodness. I haven't kept up with agent tools, but I would support being able to mimic TWO lines at once instead of being able to swap. At least it would limit your access from everything and still allow some variety of builds for your profession. (seriously, the Enfo/NS combo would be sweet)
    Two profs at once does sound cool... It would at least make it easily the most fun prof to play, but slightly less so than Mimic swapping.

    My favorites:

    And I would definitely give Enfo/NT a try
    The Fine Arts:
    Mime | Surgery | Zen
    The Traitor

    Xirayne: I couldn't care less about who is clueless or what the exact definition "real" pvp is in ao, I want "fun" pvp!

  6. #46
    Quote Originally Posted by Klod9002 View Post
    I was talking about bow MPs. You can kill those fairly easy today.
    So care to impart your wisdom about bow MP nanoskills then?
    Lupusceleri L220/30/70 Agent -- Advisor of Spartans -- equip endgame AR setup endgame def setup <3 Azs wearer of Cheree's pants
    Arrowsmith -- Arafellin -- Alphacenta -- Aesculapias -- Wolfseye -- Lysdexic

    TL5 enf twink: im out those MPs are to overpowered

    crattey: The Balance Discussion forum. Where common sense goes to die.

  7. #47
    Quote Originally Posted by Lupusceleri View Post
    So care to impart your wisdom about bow MP nanoskills then?
    I think it's a safe assumption that any that matter are over 2k but under 2.5k.

    This is going by an as-fair-as-I-can-make-it recollection of what MPs do and don't land against my NT.
    Member of Spartans
    Hacre/Solitus/Keeper/220/29/70 - Ninpopotamus/Solitus/NT/220/30/70 - Charmming/Opifex/Crat/220/30/70
    Quote Originally Posted by randomalpha View Post
    in the end soldier is not Op or even near from that never was never will be just for the record only keepers are the ones before soldiers on the nerfest list
    Genius at work.

  8. #48
    Quote Originally Posted by Hacre View Post
    I think it's a safe assumption that any that matter are over 2k but under 2.5k.
    That would be correct to some point, yes. 2300-2400 is the usual number, with a bit less in PM/SI department.

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