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Thread: Better Guns

  1. #1

    Unhappy Better Guns

    I love the game , but I hate the guns . I use a Soldier most of the time and I get sick of running across guns that just make me want to puke . If you want to see why I'm so steamed about this topic , just look at the Bipower rifle description and stats . It's a gun that combines a 9-shot .55 caliber revolver and a 23-shot 22mm auto clip and yet the stats have MaxAmmo 60 . Also the shotguns firing LIGHTNING and PURPLE SMOKE ?!?!?!?!? The end result just ends in me scratching my head and justifying it with the statistical value of it . I hope this post makes a change to the game to make it better and a bit more "well thought out" before making a bunch of quick throw together weapons .

    The requirement stats are another thing , rifles and shotguns and assault rifles are all generally the same design with different features . why does a sniper rifle make me have to be good with shotguns or machine guns/ sub-machine guns before I can use it ??? I would say have each feature run off a different stat (ie. burst = MG/SMG , Full Auto = Assault Rifles . etc .) just have the main part of the gun run off the one stat unless it's a combination weapon where it would run off both required stats then .

    I love the game , but I would love it alot more if the weapons were a bit more believable rather than just statistical schlock with some inappropriate graphical representation to it .

  2. #2
    Take humanity itself far enough into the future to be in the same era as this game....

    Do you think anything would be the same as it is now?

  3. #3
    Granted given enough time different weapons are going to be used , but look what I'm saying . 9 + 23 does NOT make 60 and how can a shotgun shell become LIGHTNING or PUPRLE SMOKE ?!?!?!?!? My concern is not about the technology but about making a bit more sense on a basic one . I mean the only conceivable way a Mossberg Persuader type of shotgun would EVER shoot purple smoke is if you loaded it up with killer nano-bots , but no , it's being loaded with normal shotgun shells and well ...... fight a guard and see what I mean .

    Also look at the real world , muskets and muzzle-loaders were used over 100+ years ago and yet some people like to use them today . Revolvers are ancient too and yet some people swear by them even with a slow reload time and low ammo capacity , but even when the gun holds 6 rounds you don't get 30 out of it . Imagine if you will one of todays guns with schlock statistics ( .38 special Max Ammo-25 Attack-1.90 Recharge-2.50 Damage-alot more than a .38 round could ever do Description- This ancient revolver holds 6 rounds .......... )

    Again I say it's not the technology of the game that's my gripe but rather the inappropriate graphical representation and confusing stat design that leaves you wondering "How the hell ???" and "What the hell was that about ?!?!?!?" whenever you fire or read the description and look at the stats.

  4. #4
    This has been one of my many pet peeves with AO, not the graphics so much with the guns, but the fact they made a ton of em and 80-90% are worthless. I guarantee out of all the categories of guns maybe 1-2 are used the most. There are a few people that use different weapons mainly for personal tastes. It was nice some weapons had stat modifiers, but thats all those guns are used for, not for combat. And what gets me is they introduce new weapons with each patch but never fix the old ones. Its been over a year and I am still stuck with basically the same gun only a different QL becuase they dont really have a variety, unless you switch to a different class type..

    I am not even sure why I posted here since I am gone as soon as SWG hits, but it still annoys me that FC is so unaware of their own gameworld, with guns being 1 of the issues...

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