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Thread: Anarchy Online Ring Tones - LOL!

  1. #1

    Anarchy Online Ring Tones - LOL!

    Found this really old AO site, guess it was the production news site before AO went retail. If you look at the review comments by magazines or websites, they are flatout LOL!!!

    "The day we have all been waiting for has been set. 27th of June will be the day when Anarchy Online is released. That will see the end of 5 years of development, and the beginning of an amazing online adventure."

    5 Years of development and this game is still crap!

    "For people living in Norway, you can now download Anarchy Online ring tones for your mobile phone. Try the 'Anarchy Online Theme', or listen to the 'Clan Theme' right here."


    "We would like you to know that within the Support team we have an Event team working in the background of the game. They are working on making Anarchy Online the most intense experience you will ever have (in a game at least). They will run everything from small scale events running in a short time period, to large scale events involving thousands of players and stretching for many hours. We are working hard to give you a game with a story and a soul, and this is why we are focusing so much on the story and content of the game."

    Ive had enough of this BS

  2. #2
    omg dude, thats the offical Anarchy online website, thats the real old one, and the message board still works to lol.

  3. #3
    Do the developers read and answer on the message board?
    Yes, the Support Department reads every posting and makes daily digests to Rintrah (Customer Service Manager). It's of course always possible for us to be more active on message boards, but we feel that the current balance between activities in the fan community and concentrating on the game are working quite well. [Back to Faq]


    re read every single post.........

    But we dont answer any of them!

  4. #4

    Red face

    Too bloody funny and they said they "lost" that database... ROFLMAO

  5. #5

  6. #6


    That site is funny as hell! I heard the AO theme... hahaha! One of the monsters they had on the site I've never heard of. "Ninja Bot" They look like the crat's higher level pet!
    In the pic of Nanos.. they have capes.. what the hell..

    And PR isn't that old looking I think.. :/

  7. #7
    No wonder they don't tell us anything unless they are almost absolutely sure it will be implemented. They look at all ther old previews and decide to never promise anything too far in advance ever again.

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