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Thread: Fix The 0-HP Bug/Exploit!!!!!!!!!!!

  1. #1

    Lightbulb Fix The 0-HP Bug/Exploit!!!!!!!!!!!

    When someone hits zero hitpoints, they should die. None of this getting up stuff, no more capacity to take additional damage, no ability to run off and recover. You should die. Period. And it should be a standard AO death in that it takes just a second too long and is overly dramatic. It's one of those fundamental principles, right?

    Whatever the case, I've been hearing about this recent bug/exploit wherein you don't die upon hitting 0 HP. Rather, you just sort of fight on, taking unlimited damage in the process. I'd read about it in numerous threads in these forums, I'd heard accounts from guildmates, but I'd never seen it until last night. Yep, some few hours ago in Camelot, I got to see this bug/exploit/display of uberness in action. I went, I saw, I took screenies, I laughed about it. I assumed it was just another silly bug, the kind we've all grown used to. I even joked about it in this very forum, as you can read in

    Alas, just moments ago, I came across a lowly level 90 MA soloing multiple 150+ Cyborgs at once. He had no hitpoints yet somehow managed to fight on, racking up XP all the while. Funny. I get within 40m of any of those same borgs and am suddenly at 70%, yet here is this one single Clanner making me look like a gimp! I mean, I know I'm a gimp next to most MA's, but they're usually my level and quite experienced. No, no. This was an exploit, plain and simple.

    Now, I don't care what you personally may or may not want to call this 0-HP non-death situation. What I saw last night with Nubs, well, I chalked it off to the bug category. But what I witnessed moments ago, that was exploiting. Call it what you will, this needs to be fixed.

    As it is, it is starting to seem that AO is having some serious issues retaining people. Or have none of you noticed all the high level farewells from the last two weeks?? This stuff right here, this exploiting, this will kill AO in no time at all. Why should anyone PVP when there is the chance that some foolio isn't going to die, even when he gets down to zero hitpoints?? What's the value in anyone obtaining 200 when someone else can go solo multiple medusas at level 100 and bypass all the hard work in a matter of a couple weeks??

    Funcom, I am still enjoying AO despite all my complaints. I have no intention of leaving it until the bitter end, but this is pathetic and you all really need to figure out what is happening and then you need to fix it.

    As for you Lost Chapter guys, well, I know some of you are probably innocents in all this, but I trust you know the saying about a couple bad apples spoiling the bunch.

  2. #2

    Unhappy bump

    It does appear to be a bug, and a common one.

    I don't know if it is an exploitable bug (meaning: I don't know if a player can cause it to happen), but once it happens, the player is put in an unplayable (godlike) situation or maybe just a confusing one when looked at from the outside.

    In any event, enough people have experienced and posted about it that it needs to be looked at.

    The bug might be related to the ghost damage currently affecting servers, or the previous bug where mobs would be at 0 HP and still fight on, even after XP was rewarded.

    So, in short, bump.

    formerly Ecce, the NT, who was retired, deleted and now lost the name. Can the level 1 Neutral Trader (lvl 1 for 3 weeks now), please give me my name back.

  3. #3
    At T last night a clanner hit the ground and got back up. It was nice to have someone to build up my debuffs on before the big battle. Kinda like leets in the backyards.
    They don't seem to fight back and just glitch and twitch in the instances i have noticed this.
    Undercover Soccom Brother

    Blackness confirmed!!
    Welcome to the Brotherhood.

    Buying ql 161 Art of Peace nano

  4. #4
    // wildwal - the sexiest adv evar - now with nr!
    // legion

  5. #5
    The bug is called lag I think. In camelot the other day I had pages of red scrolling over my screen, insta killing me, and this came about 2 minutes after I actually took the damage.

    Another time I was killed by like 20 people in the box room, and it took 5 minutes before I reappeared on the reclaim terminal. I'm sure I might have looked alive to some of the people shooting at me in there.

    I do not know if this bug is exploitable, but I'm sure that 90% of all the people who are being accused of exploiting it are victims of lag and nothing else. It has already happened to me several times, and I have done absolutely nothing on my side to make it happen. The fact that it happens more often to certain people is probably more related to their hardware and connection rahter than some exploit.

    I get insane lag in camelot every time I get close to combat where more than 8-10 people are involved. It gets to the point where I'm at least 20 seconds behind on my actions, some times even more. This has been going on since 14.4. The "invulnerability bug" also came in 14.4, so I assume there is some connection here.

  6. #6

    Thumbs down It is an exploit.

    It may be a bug, but it becomes an exploit when people start using it to solo entire camps of mobs that are 100 levels above them.

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