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Thread: Where's the new hunting?

  1. #1

    Where's the new hunting?

    Ok 14.4 has been out a bit now, wheres this "exciting new hunting" that was promised? I'd very much like to find it.
    Also these new static dungeon/missions too, nobody in my guild knows where they are.

  2. #2
    Longest Road =

    Plumbs or something in the Sewers and Foremans mine, cloning operating .,. leads to the lab director who drops a few godlyitems. Need a full team, dont let the greys fool you , they hit hard and have alot of hp, and they just get harder and harder as you get deeper in.

  3. #3
    My primary question actually was the outdoor hunting for higher levels. I just want an area with a fast spawn, that you can get a team to go and have fun hunting it with a team. Needs to be 75% zone, and near a save is preferred but not necessary at all.

    In my searching I found some camps with boss mobs, its like they took the team mission bosses and put them outdoors.

    What you refer to is the biomere dungeon, and it has been around forever. Its one of the 5 "dungeons" in the game, where its like you describe, grey mobs with tons of hp, and drop decent loot. And the mob you are thinking of is probably TriPlumbo, he drops the rust pitted ring (very rarely now).
    I meant the new static dungeons which I think are supposed to be like missions that anyone can enter without a key, and theres supposed to be loot inside.

  4. #4
    basically, all they did was throw some low level mobs around a stick stuck in the ground, and then threw in 1 uber one that glows. there is not really any of these camps higher then lvl 90-100, they are all in andromeda as far as i know.

    noone has found any new dungeons, as of yet, if any new ones exist.
    // wildwal - the sexiest adv evar - now with nr!
    // legion

  5. #5

    Outdoor Hunting


    You might want to try Outpost 10-3 in CAV.

    Slimbathers, Biledrinkers and some other scary stuff.

    Just go South from the save point, and you're in outdoor hunting territory, very fast spawns - infact it is possible to get overrun there - take a mezz/root class with you.

    140 RK1 Enf

  6. #6
    I dont mind a good challenge, I just want:

    1. 75% zone
    2. Decent level mobs, im talking 80+ and much higher
    3. Logical area for people to meet and group up, maybe somewhat near (doesnt have to be super close) the hunting area.

    I'll check out those areas you meantioned, thanks.
    And I found the areas of mobs around a stick too, shades and hammers, all grey to my level 90 though.
    I'll try to be optimistic about CAV being better, thanks for info!

  7. #7


    Medusas? Or have they been around before? They were blood red to me at level 133, and hit pretty hard. Can be found at Eastern Fouls Plains.

    No news about statics dungeons yet, perhaps they ment static missions...fixer etc.

  8. #8
    Medusa's have been around awhile and no one seems to hunt them anymore. I was out there all alone for awhile just exploring last week. They sing pretty too. Its a great location for a get together as long as your char is female....

    Medusa's dont aggro females


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