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Thread: a little balance please..

  1. #1

    a little balance please..

    ok, i'm not really a big one for crying nerf this or that, but something really needs to be done about the bracer/rrf problem in pvp.

    i am so sick of taking 200+dmg from somebodies sheild everytime i swing at them, and i get hit by this dmg whether i actually hit them or not. 200 dmg isn't really that much, but when you figure in that i hit at a spd of 1/1 plus claw, then i'm taking 200 dmg every 1 second or less. hell, the reflect dmg alone can kill me, just let me hit you for a little bit and boom, you got a kill.

    i think rrf should be self only, soldiers need a little bit of love now anyway. maybe bracers don't really need a nerf but rrf does.

    anyway, i just had to vent a little cause i'm sick of dying to sheild dmg from profs other than soldiers.

    hmm, i just had an idea, what if rrf wasn't made self only, but made as a short duration buff like tms so it only lasts for 80 seconds? that would actually be too much of a pain in the butt to keep it running on other classes and would go a long way towards balancing pvp.

  2. #2

    One thing to say...........

    I just fought and beat you in Tir arena, kinda laggy today, anywho then i beat an enf. and someone said it was my reflect, I was self buffed and I DON'T HAVE ANY MELEE REFLECT BRACERS

    Please don't forget that enforcers have a self buffed reflect sheild..........

    *edit BTW I agree with you allibobba something shoud be done about this silly reflect damage making the diff., good suggestions
    Last edited by Kapy; Jul 7th, 2002 at 20:56:22.

  3. #3
    that's one helluva enforcer reflect sheild then, was doing 200 dmg to me.

    what really bothers me is that i get hit by the sheild even if i miss. and the way evades are working now, that's quite a lot of missing going on but i still get the reflect dmg. how in the hell can damage be reflected if i don't even do any dmg ? just doesn't make sense.

    there are a couple things that make pvp less fun, reflects are really small beans compared to the rest but that's what i run into most often.

    while i'm moaning and groaning, ma's running around with rivers. i mean come on, give me a break. all they do is get fixer buffed and run around in circles so you can't hit them but they still shooting as they run. not only ma's doing this btw, jacksr does same thing. where is the fun in that?

    i read somewhere on this forum along these lines, forget whose idea it was but i liked it...not only should we have the 15 sec grace when zoning into a pvp area, but there should also be a timer, say 1 minute, until you can zone again. standing around in 2ho watching everyone play ring-around-the-barracks is lame.

  4. #4
    Originally posted by garzini
    i read somewhere on this forum along these lines, forget whose idea it was but i liked it...not only should we have the 15 sec grace when zoning into a pvp area, but there should also be a timer, say 1 minute, until you can zone again. standing around in 2ho watching everyone play ring-around-the-barracks is lame.
    Agreed, they should make zoning out of pvp areas take much more time, ie like 5-10 sec wait before you actually zone.


  5. #5
    Umm i dont want to flame or something but since when does Enforcers have Reflect shields? Damage shields (the ones wich hit you for fixed ammount nomather of what damage you do it other player) they do have.
    Or are you talking about Enforcer who got one reflect sheield casted on him?

    Also i got a bit hard to belive that you would get backfired for 200 damage each hit to do that you would need to to have one Soldier who runs Mirror X together whit 2 Bracers that reflect rest of 25% and adding 25 backfire more. All in all it would be 136 (MkX) +25
    =171 Reflected damage
    Then if iam not wrong you have to cut that 171 by 2 because of pvp rules.
    This leaves us whit 86 backfire.

    Or if we go another way and instead take one Advent whit Cyclic Retribution of the Aesir (100 Shield backfire) + Vengeance of Nature (45 Shield backfire) +2 Shield Bracers (30)
    + Sympathetic Plasma Shielding (Engi Aura 38).
    Hmm all this give us 213 Shielding damage (if he stays near engineer). You ofcourse can add those deflector shields (wich goes into util slots).

    So i must miss something how could you be backfired for 200 REFLECT (not shield) damage?

    Could somebody please explain me how you can get backfired for 200 damage?

    Maybe combo of both Reflect and Shield? But you said that you was hit for 200 each time. Does it means you was hit for 200 from one backfire source or you got hit for 200 from all backfire sources added together after each hit you did on him?
    Cyrus "Makarov" Scola (so called creator of never released Kamikazebots)

    Kids= 30sec pleasure +18years of suffering.
    Al Bundy

    The entire free-trade community from North, Central and South America, along with the EU and the rest of Europe, Russia, the former Soviet States, India, Communist China and the rest of Asia along with industrialized Africa (mainly S. Africa) all know what slag is, and use that term regularly.
    So just what culture is being offended by the term "slag"?

  6. #6
    i got hit for 50 from one and 150 from another every time, even when i missed. talked to tant later and he said he doesn't have any bracers.

    fought him in mmd again and this time i only got hit for 150 from reflect not the extra 50. i'm assuming the 150 is the enforcer self sheild, dunno though.

    200 dmg every time a ma swings at you is alot of dmg considering the speed of fists. couple that with the fact that dmg is reflected if you miss so you can guarantee over 200 dmg per second just from sheild alone

    crikey, even soldiers sheilds aren't that good.

  7. #7
    #1 the advent cyclic DS's arent ingame yet, and 2 they dont stack with Vengeance of Nature. Retribution of the Aesir + Vengeance of Nature (which do stack) give 136 dmg, the same as TMS.
    Yagyu for life

  8. #8
    last time I checked shields we're not 50% in pvp (maybe some1 mentioned it but I'm so good damn tired )

  9. #9
    Coruscating Screen is the highest Enf dmg shield and does 60 dmg each hit (or miss).

    Infernal Rage is the highest Enf Rage and does 95 dmg* each hit (or miss)

    So that would be 155dmg per hit/miss from a self-buffed Enf with no bracers/outside buffs.

    *I think.
    Last edited by Redtail; Jul 8th, 2002 at 15:30:14.
    Ghostimage ..[218.19 Doc]
    Redtail .........[218.14 Fix]
    Finmere .......[150.14 Enf]

  10. #10
    Do you want everone else to get nerfed just because you are a gimp and dont have shields like that yourself?? GO AWAY nerfscreamer, go hide under a big stone where you cant hurt your fellow players..

  11. #11
    what are you shadelore? a noob?

    i'm tired of reflect sheilds doing more dmg then the person that has them on. player hits me for 100 dmg, i get hit by sheild for 150.

  12. #12
    Ohh ok then it might explain a bit.
    Hehehe and if Garzini from start said that he got message saying
    *xxxxxxx damage shield hit you for xxx damage* then i would understand

    But since you said *reflected* that is what have been bugging me. Because self buffed Enforcers whit non bracers have no way to reflect damage.
    Cyrus "Makarov" Scola (so called creator of never released Kamikazebots)

    Kids= 30sec pleasure +18years of suffering.
    Al Bundy

    The entire free-trade community from North, Central and South America, along with the EU and the rest of Europe, Russia, the former Soviet States, India, Communist China and the rest of Asia along with industrialized Africa (mainly S. Africa) all know what slag is, and use that term regularly.
    So just what culture is being offended by the term "slag"?

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