Ok..here is what pissed me off today

1. when someone is booted from your team, the key to the mission should atomatically dissapear preventing them from coming into the mission and griefing your play

2. Charmed mobs should not come un charmed when using the beamer to boss room. isn't it enough there are 4 mobs and a boss waiting for you there?

3. Target still in fight when going down from boss room so you can't heal. FIX THIS!!! (if this is the only thing you do right in the next patch I can live with that)

4 mobs in boss room should NOT be able to stand on the beamer not allowing you to zone down

5. nanos like mud slinger for your bot should work and take the aggro off of you, instead of making the mob or boss attack you more

6. lvl req...lose them, don't need them, nobody wants them

7. Get the damn story going and make it more than GM's killing off players when players have no hope to defend. and thank your arks and events people now and then for gods sake

8. allow this game to be more than lvl vs lvl. let it once again be clan vs omni. I am getting really tired of grief'rs taking advantage of the lvl 200 vs lvl 75 pvp

9. make mob spawn time for special mobs shorter. My god the camping is INSANE!!!! and the only way to get these items is to CAMP!!! We have spoken about this, yelled about it, and *****ed about it for a long time. no one wants to be a camper. FIX IT!!!

10. Last but not least, do all of this (and some of the other good suggestions in these forums) NOW!!!! stop wasting time..your and ours...the game WILL fail after swg comes out, even if swg has the same kinds of problems...hello, it's star wars? the only way you will compete in that market is to fix this game NOW!!!!

End rant