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Thread: A question...

  1. #1

    Unhappy A question...

    With everyone and their grandmother leaving AO for greener pastures such as Windows Solitaire, I figured I might as well ask this question of the PvP community--

    Where do you guys go for the most entertaining PvP? By this, I suppose it doesn't need to be _perfectly_ balanced, But at least a place where you can honestly say you've had a good time. Is these such a place, Or something even close?

    Thanks in Advance,

  2. #2
    Camelot for high lvl guilded pvp
    I think 2ho is kinda ok.
    mmd is boring as well as arenas.

    gahh I hope Swg PvP will be more entertaining.
    but I don't hope a nurse can be as good as a jedi there:\ would be kinda

  3. #3


    Heh, Maybe I should have been more specific. I meant outside of Anarchy Online-Everquest, Dark Age of Camelot, Asheron's Call, etc. I picked up Asheron's Call a couple of days ago, And while I haven't gone much beyond character generation I can honestly say that the ability to customize everything about you leaves me with high hopes for the game...I suppose I'll find out in the coming weeks more about it and PvP there, though.

  4. #4
    Originally posted by Wrob
    but I don't hope a nurse can be as good as a jedi there:\ would be kinda [/B]
    HEH, actually it can If that nurse used a weapon a lot then that skill is raised. its not like ao that you can choose a class, there are none. its training of skills.

    Vhir / 215 Doctor
    Nynke / 205 Agent
    Letah / 200 Doctor
    Firerose / 200 Soldier
    [eqp | imps | pics | sig]

    Yeah I'm back, no need to ask your ebay-check questions

  5. #5
    One night, in 2ho..everybody was there, I mean literally EVERYONE you know that pvps...

    It lasted for hours, all night over here.

    Mass roots 8|

  6. #6
    Originally posted by Letah

    HEH, actually it can If that nurse used a weapon a lot then that skill is raised. its not like ao that you can choose a class, there are none. its training of skills.
    I know I hate lvling system and can't wait for training my skills.
    but I said jedis.. not jedi apprentices and a nurse shouldn't be able to kill a jedi exept from poison or nuke or some other crazy ****... like "my little doctor set"

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